Kremit44's Ratings and Reviews
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Super Metroid: Axiom by Metaquarius [SM Quick Play], rated by Kremit44 on Aug 15, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
97% in 1:21
Its a really cool hack to put it mildly. I will forever be haunted by the missing etank. Took me longer than I care to admit to figure out the password system but that's on me not the hack, it's pretty obvious if you aren't dumb. Thanks for another incredible hack.
Super Metroid: Eleven by Metaquarius [SM Quick Play], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 23, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 2:03
One of the best puzzle hacks I've ever played. Traversal could be maybe a tiny bit tedious but nothing I'd complain about as it fits the concept.
V E R T I C A L I T Y by Tundain [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Jun 02, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 4:32
Really cool hack with great custom features. Bosses, items, and presentation all saw major changes and additions that made this a great hack to play. The concept is solid enough but always going up and down does make exploration a little more tedious but this hack managed the design well enough that I wouldn't call it a major flaw. The elevator stations were great for such the design and helped out a lot with traversal. The hack was a little too linear for my liking but not completely so or in any way that would have me qualify it as a major flaw either. Given the aforementioned level design being about verticality it was likely a good decision not to make it too open ended and backtrack heavy. Some of the secrets are pretty tough but all are doable and none needed any high end abilities to get, but you do need to be a veteran of the game to likely get 100. Bosses were cool but perhaps a little on the easy side, although I have to admit phantoon took me a little longer than I'd care to admit to figure out. The jetpack item was a really cool feature that added a lot. Charge missiles were a great addition, especially for supers. I loved the shinespark reflector puzzles, neat idea and fun. Overall a great hack and although for me not a top 10 hack a really strong game easily worth playing for any fan of the original. Lastly I always appreciate when the animals are savable and I was pretty stoked to find and save them myself. Thanks for the hack.
Orphan Moon by Doc Remedy [M1 Improvement], rated by Kremit44 on Apr 17, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Not an improvement hack but rather a new full game.

Great graphics and presentation as well as some quality level design make this an easy recommendation. It’s a great hack. There are some soft locks present, early in the game just outside of the bombs and if you get trapped in blocks without bombs, but it’s not a big issue. The one with the health upgrade outside the bombs really is inexcusable though. The only one i found that was really troublesome after that was in the temple containing Ridley, there’s a crumbled Chozo statue in a room with missiles that one can roll behind but after going in the pit the player has no way up. Also the odd unfair enemy or terrain can be encountered, especially in Kraid’s lair, but nothing game breaking. It’s Nestroid so unfortunately farming for health and missiles, early on, can be annoying but with the some decent spawn points its a far better experience than the original. I never did find Varia but it was more than doable without it. Great job and a contender for consideration as a top 5 Nestroid hack, certainly top 10.
Super Junkoid by P. Yoshi [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Aug 26, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 4:20
It's exceptional. The only issue I noticed is some familiarity with areas from the original game. Great graphics, interesting new mechanics, and greatly changed power ups make this a stand out experience. If the level design was a little less derivative of the source material I'd be tempted to call this more of an original game using the SM engine than a hack. A fantastic sequel to a great Nestroid hack i now have to wonder if we ever get sequels in the ZM/Fusion engine or even Metroid 2. My favourite game keeps giving because of these wonderful efforts and it can't say thanks enough for it. Every Metroid fan should play this.
Metroid: Desolation by jasinchen [MZM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on May 04, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
90% in 4:58
I think it might be my new favourite GBA hack. It's well paced and large but doesn't have significant tedium nor do you find yourself aimlessly lost. Bosses were usually very well done with some interesting mechanics. This hack is harder than the base game for sure but not crazy. Thanks for the great hack.
Super Metroid: Subversion by TestRunner and AmoebaOfDoom [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Oct 02, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
It's one of the true great showcases for what the Metroid community is capable of.
Metroid Super Speed Zero Mission by advancedpillow, SBniconico [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Aug 09, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
A new difficulty option for an excellent hack that could use an easier version. I think Normal is fine to play still but this is far easier to get items in. I think the review above is excellent so I'm just going to say ditto. Thanks for the hack, I'm sure many will appreciate it in time.
Junkoid by P. Yoshi, Mindflower [M1 Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Jun 21, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
The best NEStroid hack I've played. It's up there with Rogue Dawn, couldn't ask for more. Great graphics, great level design, and just an overall fun game. Thanks to the creators for the great hack.

Item count: 130 missiles and 5 etanks, no varia.
Over the Moon by TestZero [M1 Quick Play], rated by Kremit44 on Jun 18, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 2:30
Really great and creative hack with excellent graphics. Exploration is pretty solid, although a little heavy handed on the backtracking IMO, but the worlds are sensibly connected so it's not much of a criticism to be honest given this is a Metroidvania. The graphics in each were very distinct so it made the lack of a map a non factor as each area was purposeful and memorable by look and design. Tourian was questionable, neat idea but tedious at times overall it was unique enough for me to enjoy it. The final boss wasn't great though. 2 Metroids and at least a small platform may have been a better way to go for that final fight. It almost dropped my score to a 4. I'd put it behind Rogue Dawn and Incursion but not by a ton and i'd say this is the nicest looking of the 3. My stats are approximate. I don't know how many collectibles there is but with 84 Missiles from 21 expansions of 4 I think I may have got them all as there are 21 expansions of 5 in NEStroid but idk. I did get everything else and a ton of etanks, far mare than I can carry so I'm going with 100%. Thanks for the great hack.
Metroid Incursion by Grimlock [M1 Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Jun 05, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
% in 1:40
Can't ask for more out of a NEStroid hack than this. It's solid. Felt like I found everything but Wave beam. Oh well. It's a great hack. Completion time is approximate. If you like NEStroid this is an obvious play.
Tallon IV Tours: Phendrana Frolics by dewhi100 [SM Quick Play], rated by Kremit44 on Jan 02, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
27% in 0:52
Really cool mini hack. I'm not the biggest fan of sub hour hacks but this one was so cool I'm giving it a 5 anyway. My biggest complaint would be that the game teases the player with progression that they can't actually find. Also the HUD item counter is broken as I got 108%. Great hack, thanks to all who helped.
Super Metroid: Hotlands by MetroidNerd#9001 [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Jan 02, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
84% in 1:24
Excellent short hack that I wish had more. I hope the author goes back to this and adds because their is still a ton of room for a full sized hack to come of this. I beat it originally in 52 minutes but realizing I had missed a ton I went back and reloaded my save. Lots of hidden content. Great hack, thanks to all who helped.
Super Metroid Biohazard by Mentlegen, SMILEuser96 [SM Speedrun/Race], rated by Kremit44 on Jan 02, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
61% in 2:32
Excellent aesthetics, interesting and unique music, cool mechanics, and a well designed world. I had a lot of fun. I liked how open it was and enjoyed the numerous design elements that allow it to stand out. I wish secret hunting was a little more robust, traversal less straight forward, and more emphasis around the unique mechanics in the game. The place to go use the Chozo keys could also be more clear IMO. The relative symmetry of the map had pro's, ease of exploration, and cons, lack of surprise, but was well done and unique enough to be welcome. Thanks to all who helped, this is a great hack.
Super Duper Metroid by Metaquarius, Daltone [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Dec 08, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
87% in 4:15
It's Super Duper alright. It's a very fast paced and open hack. Project Base 0.8.1 is pretty unreal and it's an excellent first hack to have utilized it's features. I was really happy to see this completed because after playing through the incomplete hack I could see the potential was clearly there for something excellent. Metaquarius really polished it up and added some cool features to make this one of the best hacks available and a great addition to the Project Base legacy. Clearly this is meant to be enjoyed by speedrunners, which isn't surprising given PB's purpose and Dalton's other hacks Super Metroid Grand Prix 1/2, but it's still a fun playthrough as an exploration hack. My biggest complaints would be I think it's a little too open for my liking given the progression still really hangs on finding a suit, or at least for me it did. Perhaps it's also a little too easy. All in all though it's outstanding. Thanks for the great hack to all responsible, it was impressive to say the least.
Spooky Mission 2: The Nightmare Before Christmas by Spooky Team [MZM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Dec 06, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
92% in 5:15
Easily the best and most complete Zero Mission hack. Phenomenal. Doesn't take itself seriously but it manages to be funny instead which is all good with me. This is the first Zero Mission hack I've played that gives the best Super Metroid hacks a run for their money. Thanks to the creators for a great hack.
Metroid Fusion: Special Edition by Lostglaceon [MF Vanilla+], rated by Kremit44 on Oct 09, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Very open and fun way to play Fusion.
Reimagined by SavageWizzrobe [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Aug 13, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
75% in 6:06
I think this hack is very underrated I hummed between a 4 and a 5 but settled on the 5 as it's underappreciated IMO. It's tougher than vanilla but not by a whole lot. It does nothing special but it does mostly everything right and it's a large experience. Larger than the vast majority of hacks which makes it scope more impressive than what it is on first blush. It's a complete "reimagining" of the world which is always the most important thing a hack can do.

My biggest complaints would be the map could be a slog to traverse through with areas bottlenecked and not quick to get through if just passing by. Also the progression can be tough to figure out but the game tends to give you a hint if you're going the wrong way and leaving an area too soon. If you're damage boosting off spikes or running through acid to leave an area it means you need to look better. It was largely very fair if you're paying attention as the player. I think suitless Maridia went on a little too long.

Overall an excellent and underappreciated hack that I was happy to play. It's not perfect and it's vanilla but it's large and well designed overall for a very impressive experience. Thanks to the creator and all who may have helped.
Hallow Eve by Grime [SM Quick Play], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 22, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
24% in 0:07
It's very short and challenging but very impressive. It only took me probably 30 mins so I thought about a 4 but I'm giving it a 5 because it's just so unique and impressive. I really wish there was more. This is an outstanding mini hack and it's one of the very best very quick play hacks on the site. Great job, thanks to the author for a really interesting hack.
Metroid: Return to Zebes by alexman25 [MZM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 18, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
88% in 1:30
The 2nd best ZM hack in my opinion. I got stuck for awhile and it kinda killed my desire to go for 100% but it was on me. I found the transparent gate in front of the Kagos hive confusing and thought I couldn't pass through it not realizing the top wasn't solid. I think it's confusing but I blame myself more than anything. I beat Ridley first and then couldn't access the screw attack area so that sucked, i'm not sure if the way I went from the top of Norfair is supposed to be possible. Thanks to the creator for a great hack.
Metroid mOTHER by dACE [M1 Vanilla+], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 10, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
My first Nestroid hack and an awesome way to relive the classic. I'd say Metroid HD has made this obsolete at this point as it's this plus better graphics but this is still a great hack.
Metroid + Saving by snarfblam [M1 Improvement], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 09, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
A massive addition to the NES classic. I suggest playing it as part of Metroid HD.
Super Made In Metroid 3: Geemers Are The Mighty by pontarou [SM Quick Play], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 09, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 0:52
Really cool little hack. Had to play it with SNES9x instead of BSNES because of a weird issue with controls but whatever. It's got a really cool custom powerup and a neat concept. It's a short hack in theory but dying and hunting for items can make it a lot longer than you'd expect. I tend to not be big on short hacks but when they're this creative it's hard not to like it. Easy 5 orbs. Thanks to the creator for yet another cool and unique small hack.
Super Metroid: Y-Faster 2 Furious by Metaquarius [SM Speedrun/Race], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 05, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
83% in 1:40
This is amazing I don't know what else to say. I'm no speedrunner and the timer is fair. I'll be going back for 100% for sure. Thanks for the incredible hack.
Project Base 0.8.1 by begrimed [SM Improvement], rated by Kremit44 on Jan 03, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 2:00
I played 0.8. It's available at the authors website It's amazing what this hack means to the future of Super Metroid. It's layout is largely vanilla but it's additions to the Super Metroid engine and the possibilities for other hacks, like Hyper Metroid, means this is likely the most important Super Metroid Hack there is. Thanks for the amazing work to all involved.
SM Redesign: Axeil Edition by Drewseph [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Dec 12, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
86% in 12:03
Traveled 279,17km
Energy lost 34,023
Enemies killed 2,208
Shots fired 28,796
Doors 1,926

A definitive Top 10 Super Metroid Hack. I never played earlier versions but this game was outstanding and immensely impressive in scope. I don't like some of the design choices but they don't ruin the game either. I however don't think one should dwell on that when this is a unique and fun Metroid experience on it's own merit. This isn't Super Metroid anymore, it's something else and that's all right. It's not insane hard but it is for veteran Super Metroid players. This was incredible, thanks to the creator and all who helped.
Cliffhanger Redux by Digital_Mantra [SM Challenge], rated by Kremit44 on Dec 03, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 11:43
This game is exceptional. I never thought i'd be able to enjoy a game that required such precise knowledge and execution of advanced techniques but the way the game is designed it makes learning and executing these moves fun and rewarding. Many challenge hacks forego the exploration aspect but in this game it's an essential part of the experience. It's a work of art graphically and it's ambitious in telling a story.

I do have some VERY minor criticisms. I think the map should tell you where the exits and entrances lead as it would make navigation better and also make the new names more memorable. The hint for space jump makes no sense (at least to me) and it's too random to find without said hint. The hint is presented in a clever manner but being so cryptic I was compelled to look it up. The exit from the water in the Spazer area was janky. There's some jank on the map in Brinstar after doing a shinespark, going back reveals an unused room from the original game (the mochball early Supers room) and this is a surprisingly unpolished detail for such an impeccable game. The big issue with this is it's confusing on the map making the player think there must be a way to access that area despite there being none. These are incredibly minor complaints and the word jank is perhaps even a bit harsh, this is a very polished game.

If you're good at SM and want to see if you can get great this is an outstanding game to play. I still can't believe I beat it, let alone got 100%, but more surprisingly to me was how much I enjoyed it. I did use save states to help with cutting down the time some stuff took to learn/execute but they aren't essential. This game's difficulty will make it inaccessible to many but for those it's accessible to it really couldn't be a better game. I genuinely think it's one of my favorite games ever and even though all 3 are brilliant it's the one I'd place atop the outstanding Digital Mantra trilogy of Vitality-Eris-Cliffhanger Redux (I'd suggest one play them in that order btw). Thank you very much Digital Mantra and all who may have helped, it's an outstanding game.
Super Metroid: Escape II by Hiroishi [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Nov 27, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
83% in 7:02
It's awesome. Great layout, fun visuals (I like the blue), funny, some interesting mechanics around speed booster, and an insane Tourian. I was really surprised at how fun this hack was. I don't want to spoil it but the scene after Ceres made me laugh pretty hard as did Maridia's new name. It's a must play IMO.
V I T A L I T Y by Digital_Mantra [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Oct 19, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
86% in 6:03
This game is exceptional. It's not my favourite hack nor even my favourite hack from this author but it's none the less great. It's unique and unlike Digital Mantras other two phenomenal hacks it should be accessible to all. His hacks are works of art and impeccably designed to be fun and fresh. The promo materials and the included poster were also top notch. Thanks for the terrific hack.

For those new to Super Metroid hacking I would suggest playing through the Digital Mantra trilogy in this order Vitality-Eris-Cliffhanger Redux. Vitality is comparable to Super Metroid in difficulty and provides a whole new experience like very few hacks have. Cliffhanger is for experts only and is VERY hard and likely won't appeal to some but I think it's incredible. Eris is kinda right in between and arguably the sweet spot but for some will be too difficult.
Eris by Digital_Mantra [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Oct 11, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
82% in 5:48
It's really not THAT hard. If you figure you've gotten pretty good at Super Metroid then give this a go. It's an outstanding hack with terrific graphics and challenging gameplay. Digital Mantra hacks always have a tremendous flair in terms of overall presentation and this hack like his other 2 masterpieces is no different. It's certainly made for good players but I would also argue it makes good players. By playing through and beating this I became a better player and I had fun doing it, that's outstanding game design IMO.

For those new to Super Metroid hacking I would suggest playing through the Digital Mantra trilogy in this order Vitality-Eris-Cliffhanger Redux. Vitality is comparable to Super Metroid in difficulty and provides a whole new experience like very few hacks have. Cliffhanger is for experts only and is VERY hard and likely won't appeal to some but I think it's incredible. Eris is kinda right in between and arguably the sweet spot but for some will be too difficult.
Metroid II EJRTQ Colorization 1.3 by Quantam [M2 Improvement], rated by Kremit44 on Oct 04, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Metroid 2 in colour is a really nice improvement.
Metroid - Rogue Dawn by Grimlock, Optomon, snarfblam [M1 Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Oct 04, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
77% in 2:55
Terrific Metroid game. It's impressive in every aspect. It was laid out well and had some new and interesting gameplay elements that really differentiate it from Nestroid and allow it to stand apart. It's one of the few hacks I've played that I would consider essential to play for any Metroid fan. The sound was terrific for an NES game. And although I have one big criticism of the graphics they were apart from that IMO outstanding.

That big criticism would be that I think the terrain could have been more interesting in regards to the main planet area. The graphics here felt subpar compared to the other areas which looked great. I get the idea of trying to make it more organic and surface like but the execution fell short with it coming across as somewhat sloppy. The Chozo area pulled off a similar idea much better. As the first area it for me was at first a little off putting and made areas feel a little bland and indistinct.

I always feel bad criticizing such impressive hacks but I think hard work deserves an honest opinion. I really enjoyed this game and think it stands on it's own as a top tier game on the NES. Thanks to everyone who put hard work into making this happen, i really appreciated it.
Ancient Chozo by Albert V. [SM Vanilla+], rated by Kremit44 on Aug 10, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
94% in 3:40
Beautiful game that's distinct enough to be worth playing. I'm docking an orb simply because it's largely a vanilla/PB layout and I think the hacks with a greater scope deserve 5's like Super Zero Mission and Hyper Metroid. I feel like a jerk not giving it a 5 though as it really is perfect just the way it is. I'd love to see a sequel to it with the same graphics but a new map. I'd give it a 4.5 if I could tbh.

Edit: Changed my mind. It's a 5. It's possibly the best version of Super Metroid out there and the widescreen patch is another feather in it's cap. Thanks to all the folks who keep making this great game better.
Control Freak by Kejardon [SM Improvement], rated by Kremit44 on Aug 09, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
I tried a play through of Super Metroid with this and found it interesting. I prefer the original controls but these certainly work and was an interesting attempt to change some things up. I liked X-ray being a different button and although I didn't use Autorun I suspect it could be useful for those with controller or personal limitations. It's interesting and well executed in the very least.
Hyper Metroid by RealRed [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 31, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
89% in 9:33
This is my favourite Super Metroid hack I think. The only thing I don't like is the ridiculous story that sees Samus use people as bait. lol. Anyone can play this and it's a must play for any true Metroid fan. Thanks to the creator and everyone involved in making such an incredible game.
Super Metroid: Ascent by Benox50 [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 31, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
95% in 6:04
This hack is outstanding save for one issue. The massive size of each zone makes getting 100% in each zone too tedious IMO. I think the ability to return to each area would have been very welcome, as to make backtracking and secret hunting a little more fun and carefree, as opposed to searching all over for the one/two items missing before proceeding. After exploring subsequent areas I believe going back to previous ones, now enhanced, would not have felt so time consuming and possibly even refreshing. However it's an interesting and unique concept and given the vast amount of more traditional experiences I find it hard to be overly critical given just how exceptional this game is in every way. I loved the shinespark mechanic, the puzzles/challenges, graphics, music, and the overall presentation. Thanks to the creator and all who helped bring such a wonderful game to life, I certainly appreciated it.
Super Zero Mission by SBniconico [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 31, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
55% in 9:43
This hack is unreal. It may be a little too difficult at times but the scope of it means it's far better than many of the hacks above it in rating. I did use the occasional save state, as I didn't want to sink too much time into it, but it is certainly beatable without it. I'm good not great at Metroid so I wouldn't say the difficulty is as bad as it seems to be made out to be by others but perhaps it comes down to the version I played (2.3 Normal). Space Pirate Ship and Chozodia are not Kaizo by any means once you realize morph ball is essential when trying to sneak. The first escape sequence was a bit brutal IMO and a couple of bosses a little unreasonable but nothing practice couldn't overcome with the advantage of quick restarts via save states.

Sometimes traversal was a bit confusing and there was too many gotcha moments but nothing obscene. I feel like some of the items are too hard to figure out how to get, let alone execute getting them, but there is still a ton to collect and many of them are reasonable to get. I may even go back and get more as I never did go back through the world after getting Gravity, and I'm confident I could get many more with my upgrades.

If you can 100% all the 2D Metroids (including AM2R) and Hyper then I think this is a great next hack to try. I felt I got a lot better at Metroid without being frustrated. Don't be scared off by the difficulty as it really isn't that bad as much of the very hard stuff is optional and occasional save states can really help out without ruining the game. Play this hack, it's top tier.

To the creator and anyone who has helped, Thank You, it was terrific and much appreciated. I do think an "easy" version that would put the difficulty in and around Super, or just a bit harder, could honestly make this my favourite Metroid game. It has that much potential.
Metroid: HD Custom Edition 2.1 by Aclectico [M1 Improvement], rated by Kremit44 on Apr 12, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 0:00
This was awesome. The base patch mOTHER+99 is great and then you add on terrific graphics and an improved map and your left with the definitive Nestroid experience. I really appreciate the effort to make such a great hack, thanks to all the various people who helped.
Super Metroid Redux by ShadowOne3333 [SM Improvement], rated by Kremit44 on Aug 19, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
It's been a long time since I beat this but it's a very well made hack that for many will be the definitive way to play the game. I prefer the classic controls but this does modernize the game for those who aren't interested in the nuance and complexity of classic Super Metroid.
The Cereth Invasion by OmegaDragnet9 [SM Quick Play], rated by Kremit44 on Aug 18, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
94% in 0:40
Excellent graphics, music, design, and just about everything else. The only thing holding it back from a 5 is length and scope. Short and no ground breaking features means for me it's not exceptional but just great. Nothing wrong with that of course. It's a short hack but an exceptional quick play, strongly recommended. Thanks for the great hack.
Super Asteroid by Ob [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Aug 15, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
96% in 1:13
Really solid hack. Good graphics and some fun new mechanics to play with. My only gripes are some occasionally uninspired level design and it's shortness. It was close to a 5 but i felt it was just a little too linear, short, and oddly designed for me to go that high. Thanks for the great hack.
SM: Search and Destroy by lenorator [SM Quick Play], rated by Kremit44 on Aug 05, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
93% in 0:34
Really fun Grapple heavy hack that i really wish there was more of. Outstanding music and quality graphics. Got the hard grapple missile, yay! Great job.
Samus Wants Robot by Croakomire [SM Speedrun/Race], rated by Kremit44 on Aug 04, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
97% in 29:52
What a great idea and well made hack. I think the positive reviews do a great job explaining the positives and giving a run down of the mechanics. Fast restarts are a huge add, I can't even imagine playing it without them. However it has a couple extreme flaws that will make it unplayable for most and tedious for all but the most elite players.

I have no problem with hell runs but is it really necessary to make it so difficult? The homing saucer robots hit way too hard. In the cool areas they are justifiable but in the hot areas they shouldn't be there or if they must be they shouldn't hit nearly so hard. It would be very easy to make a far more accessible version just by removing/lessening the damage of this one enemy. It's such a great idea and well executed but it really isn't helped by being so brutal hard. It's a Kaizo hack only because of how hard this one type of robot hits. It's going to be hard even without them in the hell run parts. Later in the game some upgrades make traversal much easier but some of the ship fuses are still insanely challenging. I have no idea how to get the one in the block maze that seems to be only doable in the heat.

The last boss is also ridiculous, it would be acceptable if there was a checkpoint but as of now it's insane. The first section is by far the hardest and once you figure it out it's not as bad to beat the rest and it's certainly repeatable but one mistake and you're toast. This is especially tough to deal with if you try to get all the fuses, the one in the lava requires near perfection. That's a full on Kaizo boss. I really think there's no problem with having a version like this but it would take so little to make this a far more enjoyable hack for a much larger audience and it deserves to be appreciated by many. I actually loved the boss fight but feel like 1 etank per hit would have been a much more enjoyable experience for me or as i suggested earlier a checkpoint after the first part.

This should be an all time great hack but it's just too much of a slog to be enjoyed by very many IMO and that's a shame. This is a hack that would be immeasurably helped by having a normal and hard version. Regardless it's a great hack still and other than the difficulty it has exceptional execution in regards to it's mechanics. And i would be remiss not to suggest that perhaps there are some who would prefer this difficulty, I just think it's a very small number. It was still enjoyable for me and after going back for near 100% I almost decided for a 5 but it's still just too hard in areas. Thanks for the great hack, and carpal tunnel, I need to rest my hands for awhile now. LOL
Super Metroid Alliance by Mentlegen, Tundain, Dewhi100 [SM Quick Play], rated by Kremit44 on Nov 01, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
91% in 1:42
Got stuck early not realizing i needed some help. Seemed like a dead end everywhere. I liked the idea but would have loved it if they had a tutorial type area where you were taught how your new friends could help, especially since they don't always do so right away. I do wonder if the entrance to Stagnithyros was meant to function that way but i didn't notice anything happen. Some map tiles didn't register on the mini-map but that's minor. Level design was solid but nothing great and although it had many custom elements nothing was truly groundbreaking. Some secrets seemed beyond my comprehension, the matching rooms with the conveyor like physics (that had grapple and another with a circle on the map), and a crumble exit and a speedbooster area in lower Pyroxias. Overall a quality experience and an easy recommendation despite some cryptic elements and no real standout features or design. Thanks for the hack.
Mintroid by Golden Warrior [MZM Quick Play], rated by Kremit44 on Oct 20, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
92% in 0:28
Super Ethical Metroid by dewhi100 [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 30, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
91% in 2:28
Fun full sized hack that does nothing incredible but most things right. The only real complaint I have is trying to figure out the lost woods style puzzle. I think the numbers reveal a path but I'm not sure i was doing it right and with no positive feedback I found it too tedious to continue. It's clearly optional, I assume its Screw Attack, but it was disappointing as i thought it was a neat idea. The tiny maps weren't the clearest or perhaps i'm dull. I must admit I didn't spend a ton of time trying to figure it out but if it's not as obvious as I hoped I didn't see the point in trying more. I'm not sure i love the effect on the xray visor, it was a little much on the eyes. I found a softlock, i think, at the starting area. Using a PB to enter the Norfair shortcut leads you to another area requiring another PB, going back the same. Basically if you enter with your last PB you're stuck. I thankfully had two. All in all the vast majority of the hack was well laid out with fun challenges and exploration. It does reuse a lot of vanilla screens in new ways but it's well done and not too pervasive. It's a solid play. Thanks to the author and all who helped.
Metroid FreezeFlame 2: Twisted Dimensions by Conner [MZM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Jun 20, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
97% in 1:03
Fun short hack with callbacks to many of the most prolific ZM hacks. It's a solid but unspectacular affair. Areas are rather short and the game is straight forward. The unique graphics would get more love but they're all recycled from other hacks as far as i can tell. It's scope is what holds it back from a 5. Thanks for the hack.
Metroid FreezeFlame by Conner [MZM Challenge], rated by Kremit44 on Jun 18, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
97% in 0:36
It's really well done. Pushes you but it's fair. It's a short simple concept and game. Not a huge wow factor here it's just a well done gimmick that doesn't overstay it's welcome. Thanks for the hack.
Harvest by Oi27 [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Jun 05, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
57% in 2:38
It's a solid and unique hack. It has an excellent custom boss mechanics and interactions with some neat features that make it stand out. The roll is amusing but broken as pressing shoot for me on both bsnes and SNES9x would lock the game. It seems I only had the issue in reading the reviews so I don't want to knock the game too much for it. I've had issues with XBOX controllers and another rom hack so maybe that's it. I thought about a 3 due to some jank and it being a short linear adventure but I feel it's unique and well done enough to deserve a 4. A really fun playthrough that stands out for it's unique features.
SM - Cryogenesis by Onnyks [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Jan 18, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Super Metroid: Federation Force by Metaquarius [SM Spoof], rated by Kremit44 on Jan 04, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 0:45
It's pretty great. I wasn't sure what to think going in and i'm still not sure what to think having finished. lol. It's got it's hook and it's enjoyable the entire time because of it. Time and percentage is approximate. Thanks for the great hack.
Unhundred % by ClockwiseUK [SM Unknown], rated by Kremit44 on Sep 22, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Super Metroid: Hydellius by TROM [SM Unknown], rated by Kremit44 on Aug 07, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
66% in 9:36
This is a hack that finds itself struggling to find balance. The description says it's for all but it's for very well seasoned players only I'd suggest, it's not a challenge hack but it requires extensive knowledge of the game in order to have fun. The map is largely based off Vanilla but is very diverse and knowledge of SM's map only helps marginally for progress. I played the ultimate edition available at the forum link posted at the top of the page.

Early on the game is very boring and linear while you traverse long empty rooms to get from point A to point B with very little in the way of player choice. However after you get supers and speed it becomes open and really fun for a large chunk of the hack with many interesting mechanics being utilized for secret hunting. This was where this hack shined. Although I do believe one secret in Sand Pit is either inaccessible or requires Moon dance, I suspect the latter which I think is a little much. The gates are largely fun to hunt and collect although in the end game some gates become more annoying than fun with them padding out the experience. Once you beat Kraid and Draygon progress becomes frustratingly linear with the last 3 items requiring many gate checks and constant back tracking between areas to progress. Finding each of the last 3 items requires finding one each at a time and even once you get them the game forces you to back track multiple times from LN to progress. It would have been great if the playr could find either Screw or Plasma to progress instead of needing to find them in a particular order. The Ridley guards in Tourian are possibly the dumbest thing I've ever encountered in a hack that wants to be a legitimate game. What a waste of time for something completely unfun nor necessary. I didn't mind the different end myself and thought escape was done well enough to be considered a solid part of the hack. The music glitches out when saving the animals and the tension of the escape is lost but it functions just fine apart from that.

All in all this is a good hack but with some real pacing issues and a few moments of jank. At first I thought for sure it was going to be a 3, then in the middle I was having a lot of fun and even thought I could see why one would even give it a 5 but then I hit the brick wall at the end and felt it hurt the experience a lot. By the end I though of even giving it a 3 again but with custom sprites and unique graphical designs in every area to go with a great middle portion I felt a 4 was the best choice. I'd recommend this but only to expert players. Thanks for the creator and all involved for a largely solid hack that despite some annoyances was on the whole rather impressive.
Subpar Metroid by WompaStompa [SM Spoof], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 18, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 1:19
Subpar Metroid isn't the best description of this IMO. I think Bite sized Metroid would be a more accurate title myself. This does exactly what it sets out to do and although there's a lack of originality in retaining the general layout i just thought it was so well done it deserved a 4. It also would have been a lot of work so I even thought about a 5 for quality of execution. I do think Ceres skip and short fanfare would be a great addition to this hack though. Great job, thanks to the creator for a well executed hack.
Metroid: Spooky Mission by Magconst [MZM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 17, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
91% in 1:27
It's a really solid and fun hack but I will complain that it's easy to wander in the beginning looking for progression as the area one needs to go is not clear as it lacks any hints despite being hidden. Still it's a quality short hack despite this one annoying flaw. Thanks to the creator and all who helped for an amusing and fun hack.
Metroid: Scrolls 6 by Conner, OneOf99, CaptGlitch, JRP [MZM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 17, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
95% in 1:46
It's a really solid and fun hack that's very open and stylistically unique. My only gripe would be it feels pretty straight forward without a ton of unique concepts or puzzles throughout. It's a really strong 4 orbs for me. It does nothing wrong even if it never wowed me gameplay wise. Thanks for the really solid hack to all involved.
Super Metroid - GBA Edition by The Brothers Crafters [MZM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 12, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
97% in 2:07
Laughably I missed an item or two somewhere although I suspect it was an item that's location was slightly altered. It was also really weird to have to get stuff in the intended order. I tried to explore most of the hack other than lost highway out of curiosity and I thought he did a great job making it as close to the original as he could.

I think it's very well done but I do have a couple complaints. 1st one is I'm not sure I like the inclusion of Beta Crock as he feels too janky. 2nd is the big one and that's the main concept. This is basically a worse Super Metroid. The enviromental elements and enemy's were clearly lacking compared to Super. I really liked when the author got creative, like Gauntlet and X-Ray, and really think as a base this could be a very cool hack if it did for Super what ZM did for Metroid which is reimagine it and utilize ZM's strengths because as is I think it shows it's flaws more than anything. I wish the author took a lot more liberties with item locations and layout as he/they are very capable as indicated by the few times they did. Thanks for the well done hack, I'd love to see this as a base for a "Super Mission" in the future as it could certainly provide a great start.
Super Metroid: space Junk (Not Contest Ver.) by Crystal Knight [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 10, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
93% in 1:04
Quality short hack but a full enough experience to be worth playing. I don't know if I have an old version but i did experience a couple glitches. In the area with the first supers it doesn't scroll proper. On escape if you go up from where the ship is you go out of bounds to glitchy rooms. Missile refill before Croc is broken. Getting to Draygon early and having no escape is annoying but with the save right there and an almost certain death it's not too big an issue. Overall it was a fun short hack that felt full enough and well paced enough that it wasn't just a hack that one goes through the motions playing. Thanks to the creator for the good hack.
Super Made In Metroid 2: The Rinkas Came Back by pontarou [SM Quick Play], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 09, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
90% in 0:05
It's alright and kinda neat. Some stuff is a little silly and GT is kind of annoying if you don't realize what you need to do but it's interesting and quick so I'd recommend it for good players looking for something quick.
So Little Collab by MetroidMst/Vismund [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 09, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
90% in 1:05
It's pretty good. Early on I felt I wandered a bit long looking for Supers and the graphics are cool but a little redundant. Some sections, especially at the end, could be a little annoying but overall the game was designed fairly well and it was never too annoying. I feel like this is a hack that could have easily been expanded to include more areas. Thanks to the creators for a well made and interesting hack.
Grand Prix by Daltone [SM Speedrun/Race], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 08, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Cool idea.
B2-TW by Grime [SM Quick Play], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 08, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Unique but far too short.
Super Made In Metroid - Attack Of The Rinkas by pontarou [SM Unknown], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 08, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Neat but I have to wonder who in the world can play hard Easy is tough as it is.
Super Metroid Containment Chamber by Lioran [SM Challenge], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 08, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Useful but frustrating.
Super Metroid: Pit of 100 Trials by MetroidNerd#9001 [SM Challenge], rated by Kremit44 on May 10, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
88% in 2:11
It's alright. It's a fun playthrough and well executed but the gimmick isn't as good as a traditional Metroid experience. It's very well executed for what it is. Kudos to the author on a well designed and realized experience.
UpTroidDown by BuggMann [SM Vanilla+], rated by Kremit44 on Apr 24, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
93% in 2:29
Pulled off really well and the concept is self explanatory. It's biggest downside is the same as Rotation's, it's just not as fun as it is novel. Still it's really well done and a step up in terms of polish from Buggman's previous hack Super Mirrortroid which like this just flips the world, except horizontally. Slight graphical error when picking up items and a couple odd work arounds are the only flaws in execution and they're VERY minor. Really great work, thanks Buggman.
Polarity by Oi27, Moehr [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Apr 06, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
68% in 1:17
Really interesting little hack. I wish there was more but it's got a lot of creativity and it's a well polished hack. I thought the music and graphics were interesting but they weren't great either. The music is rather odd but i didn't find it irritating either. The magnet concept is neat and largely optional. It's neat and a great quick play. Thanks for the cool hack.
GR2 Halfhack2 by GR2 [SM Unknown], rated by Kremit44 on Apr 04, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
78% in 5:20
This is a challenge half hack for experts only, think Kaizo difficulty but for Super Metroid. You won't necessarily die a crazy amount but many platforming and exploratory challenges will test even the best Metroid players. For what it is it's pulled off rather well and has some cool features that are distinct from vanilla. There are a few tricks that are just absurd but most aren't needed. Some stuff is more annoying than hard but nothing too crazy. Gravity isn't as bad as it seems, if you can get the short charge it's actually a pretty easy mockball. I did think I was stuck getting into Tourian but there is another route that I thankfully had enough pickups to take. Boss fights are plentiful and difficult with some hilarious but also depressing surprises. When at the end of the game you get the ultimate power, lol, and you can even take it back through the hack. I didn't do it other than to check if you can but one could certainly buff their collection rate this way. It was fun to escape and save the animals like a boss.

I had fun overall and although this is a half hack it managed to do enough impressive stuff to set it apart aside from just it's difficulty. Although it will appeal to very few I do believe that for the few who are capable of playing such hacks it manages to be a reasonably well designed game. I used save states to save time on restarts when pulling off some difficult tricks and I'd imagine save state-less is a feat best reserved for only the very best SM players. If you're new to challenge hacks I'd suggest Cliffhanger Redux over this for a challenge hack but this is pretty decent for what it is. Time is in game timer but was certainly much higher in terms of real life time.
Opposition by mccad [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Apr 02, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
This hack could have been unreal. Some areas lack polish like Maridia but overall it's fun and generally well designed. I'm surprised the author didn't just finish this, it's so close to the finish line. Regardless this was a pleasant experience. Thanks to the creator for sharing even just this portion of his hard work as it was well worth my time playing what was here.
Super Metroid: Hidden by TN [SM Unknown], rated by Kremit44 on Mar 30, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
96% in 5:20
Solid and accessible this is a cohesive and quality hack. It's not the most imaginative or incredibly well designed but it's fun and fair. Progression is hidden throughout, hence the name i'd imagine lol, but tells are fair and items are fun to collect. Backtracking doesn't ever feel too inconvenient. Crateria and Wrecked Ship are straight forward but fun. Brinstar is convenient to travel within and provides a quick connection between all areas. Norfair is a sprawling map that you venture deeper and deeper into, so deep it's off the map. lol. Tourian was tweaked in a fun and reasonable manner. This hack did nothing spectacular but everything right, thanks to the author and all who helped.
Super Metroid YPX by YP [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Mar 28, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
96% in 7:01
Pro Tip: Jumping off walls witth the speedbooster is very hard but doable without Space Jump but is VERY easy with it. I wasted a ton of time trying to get items the hard way.

This is an excellent but difficult hack that becomes much more manageable once you get gravity. It has a unique and distinctive graphical style that I appreciated very much. The physics in the beginning are unique but honestly a little too cumbersome. In the beginning it feels very linear, and it is fairly linear throughout, but it begins to feel like an exploration hack soon enough. There's a door that becomes unlocked with 100% in Tourian so perhaps i'll have to go back and try and see inside but the 4 items I missed I suspect are very well hidden. There's some odd decisions here and there that make some moments a little too harsh IMO but it's a strong hack overall that will challenge almost any well seasoned player. Thanks to the author and all who contributed.
Super Metroid: Recovery by MetroidNerd#9001 [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Dec 28, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
85% in 3:44
Excellent Vanilla hack. It can be a little TOO vanilla, hence a 4, but it's a worthy playthrough.
Ice Metal Uninstall by Crys [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Dec 21, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
78% in 4:00
Solid and fun hack. It's not amazing but it avoids any fatal flaws. I think the maps could be better with exits marked and the beams were too weak for my liking with wave being awful. Grapple beam is honestly the best weapon other than missiles for most of the enemies. I never found Ice or Screw Attack, I assume they exist but I don't know for sure. The escape was odd but I didn't mind it. I liked the attempt at a story, it's a nice touch. Quality hack, well done.
Rotation by SMILEuser96 [SM Spoof], rated by Kremit44 on Dec 19, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
86% in 2:40
It's ridiculous but it's certainly interesting. It's fun enough and a cool experience despite the game not being designed for it. I'm docking an orb simply because the concept itself isn't exactly based around having fun as much as it is novel so it's not an experience I'd recommend unconditionally. It's VERY well executed from a purity of concept standpoint so it's pretty much perfect for what it is. Thanks to the creator and all who may have helped.
Super Metroid: Y-Faster by Metaquarius [SM Speedrun/Race], rated by Kremit44 on Dec 09, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
82% in 0:46
It's cool. It's got it's own flare and style and that makes it unique. It has some impressive technical tricks that I haven't seen in other hacks. The main gimmick of having a time limit isn't my favourite concept ever but it's certainly reasonable for it to appeal to others more strongly. It's obviously quite short and not really centered around exploration, as the time limit doesn't permit it, and those are flaws as far as my enjoyment goes. I personally always favour hacks that force the player to consistently make exploratory choices and discoveries. The beginning is very open but it's really all about choosing an area and trying to clear it out, very little interconnection in terms of progress. In saying that it really is what it's intended to be, a fun world to quickly explore as you race against the clock. This is a quality hack to play, especially if you're looking for something shorter, just keep in mind for better or worse this isn't a traditional Metroid experience.
New Wet Dream by TROM [SM Unknown], rated by Kremit44 on Dec 02, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
150% in 7:54
This is a hack that largely feels like a whole new game with only a few hints of what was in the original Super Metroid. It's impressive in scope and it's fun but it's also riddled with small flaws that prevent it from being a top hack. I think it's worth playing and I found it to be comparable to Phazon in terms of quality. I've never played Life but I do believe the graphics in this hack really help to give it some personality and set it apart and although not essential I think this is a real boon to this hack given the sheer amount of Vanilla experiences. I'm giving it a 4 because I think it's underrated and impressive in scope but a 3 was strongly considered.

As for the issues. It has numerous sections where platforming can be a chore with spikes and cramped spaces being a constant annoyance. Spikes can also be difficult to notice with some being identical to foreground items (Brinstar) and some being very hard to see (Maridia). Some rooms seem nearly impossible to traverse without being hurt due to unfair layout, getting hit by an unavoidable enemy when entering a room is not uncommon. A lack of enemy drops, especially while dealing with ammo constraints was an annoying issue at times. Parts of this game suffer from being too large and areas can become needlessly tedious to traverse at times with one ways forcing the player to traverse the over bloated Crateria too many times early while hunting for items. Getting lost or having to backtrack an obscenely long way was a major issue until I got Varia and was able to do Norfair. Major upgrades are sometimes in seemingly random places, like Gravity, and could be easily missed when trying to progress. The underwater physics do have some charm but ultimately the fall speed makes traversing through water annoying, thankfully very little suitless water exploration is required. The escape was executed poorly and glitchy. Although not pervasive glitches and softlocks are in this hack and as such I'd recommend having rewind enabled.

This is a hack that IMO snatched mediocrity out from the jaws of excellence as it's numerous small, and fixable mistakes, really hold it back from being what it could be. In saying that it's an impressive accomplishment and a hack I'm glad exists. Thanks to the creator(s) for all the hard work.
Oxide by Cyclamen32 [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Nov 28, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
168% in 2:08
It's a really solid full hack. It's not amazing with some boring sections and it can be a little monotonus with the combat. The kill doors don't bother me too much since early on the point is to use the insane amount of missiles you got to go crazy on enemies. Afterwards you get pretty powerful to deal with most of the enemies quickly. It gives the hack a little bit of a distinctness. I could do with less of them but it's far from being a bad issue IMO. Saving the animals was a bit jank but it's always a nice bonus when they're included. It's well worth a playthrough IMO.
Retroid by ProjectXVIII [SM Unknown], rated by Kremit44 on Nov 28, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
34% in 1:34
It's very well done and it stays rather faithful but with a couple twists. There's some minor gripes to be had but overall it was a great experience. Some platforming felt cramped, a Kraid statue is used instead of a Ridley one in a couple places, the old ice beam location is annoying, the ending should be tweaked, and there was a couple graphical issues, and the Crateria map reset on me after going to Kraid. These were all very minor issues all in all for a hack that was very well done. A 5 is a little generous but there's no option for a 4.5 and I feel this hack is underrated.
Mirrortroid by BuggMann [SM Vanilla+], rated by Kremit44 on Nov 28, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 2:10
It's a very odd thing to play. I beat it and I'm still confused. lol. There's a couple of janky moments with Crocomire in particular being quite jarring, and IMO should be changed, but most of the other issues were too minor to care about. At the end of the day despite the concept seemingly being very simple I'm sure it was a ton of work. A Mirror mode for Super Metroid, albeit imperfect, is a great Vanilla hack and one I was happy to play.
So Little Garden by MetroidMst [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Oct 16, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Love the aesthetics from music, tiling, to custom enemy sprites this is a very charming hack. It also has some impressive custom features, like how some powerups and bosses work, that make me wish there was more. Things are very well hidden and platforming is rarely stale with most rooms requiring the use of interesting techniques to progress. However the lag and annoying nature of some bosses/rooms near the end almost makes this a 3 for me as it was quite annoying and tedious to deal with at times. This is a hack that shows a lot of potential but unfortunately begins going off the rails a bit at the end and then ends. Still I'd easily recommend it to veteran SM players. Thanks to the creator and all who may have helped make this awesome hack... except for Monstool Mash, I'm still salty about that. lol
Super Metroid Arcade : Endless mode by Lioran, Tewtal [SM Quick Play], rated by Kremit44 on Oct 16, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
It can be more frustrating than fun at times but I can't deny how cool and interesting it is. It's very well done and it's certainly a great addition to the collection of wonderful Randomizers available for the base game. With the original Randomizer, Varia, SMxATTP, and this it's incredible how much additional replay value their is in just this one game. This does a little bit more than just be a randomizer and it's pulled off quite wonderfully with a score and discoverable bonuses being added to the game. I do think a couple modifications to the map to make some areas more reasonable to traverse when underpowered would have been helpful as would some logic to help alleviate the issue of some bosses being encountered too early. Perhaps the bosses should be encountered in some kind of loose ordering, say Ridley only being encounterable after beating 2 of the first 3 bosses, ect... Although perhaps that would deviate too far from the purpose of the experience. Regardless it's an amazing accomplishment and very cool. Thanks to the creators for the wonderful and impressive experience. It's not my favourite Randomizer but it's certainly worth playing.
Temple of the Winds by Moehr and Albert V. [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Oct 16, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
It's really cool but it's quite short and some odd design decisions hold it back from it's true potential IMO. It's very cool but I found it a little less fun than ideal in some places. Given it's scope a 5 would have been hard for me to give it and then in conjunction with it's design flaws I felt like a 3.5 was the most appropriate score. I rounded up to a 4 since it manages to be so unique. I don't consider this an essential experience but I would call it one of the more interesting ones and I was certainly happy to have played it. Thanks to the creators for the cool hack.
Phazon Hack by A_red_monk_called_Key [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Aug 17, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 11:39
It's a great hack and worth your time but only if you've played the best full hacks already. The graphics are completely redone and that's pretty cool even if they aren't spectacular. The scope of this hack makes it a 4 for me even though I feel it's perhaps being generous. It's just that not many hacks manage to feel like a whole new game, and that to me is worth a whole lot.

I appreciate the effort that went into it but it suffers from a couple very annoying issues. The enemies are tedious to kill at times and hit too hard, especially the Pirates and Golden Torizo reskin bosses, the last of which I spent a good amount of time trying to kill only to realize there was a "twist". Thankfully they can be cheesed, but the first one I feel would have been next to impossible otherwise. I dealt with a few glitches and was glad I had rewind enabled, which I strongly recommend given this hacks other big issue. The room sizes and tedium inflicted if you make a mistake in navigation/platforming. It's very easy to get lost, and I shamefully admit to looking up a video once on where to go as I didn't want to waste any more of my time trying to figure it out. The scope is great at times but when you're looking for the ONE door to advance it can be irritating. Also the map was broken for the largest area of the game and I felt it was necessary to use a map I found on the internet for the last part of it, as it was getting too frustrating without a working map. This spoiled a couple secrets but honestly at that point I didn't mind saving some time. The phazon particles aren't too bad to find most of the time but a few lacked reasonable tell's that they may be there. The last area was very tedious to play through and I wish the grey pirates didn't exist as they were just annoying to kill. The Ridley boss glitched out my first time through the ending sequence and knowing something must be wrong I used rewind to go back and spawn him in as the game just skipped his room for me. Having the Phazon beam it was an easy fight but at that point I felt it was nice to experience the full game. I actually wish the Phazon Beam could be toggled off as it may of been nice to experience some challenge with the last few boss fights.

All that said it's few issues are only dampen, not ruin, an otherwise solid hack. I feel it could easily be better and I hope future revisions are able to alleviate some of these issues. Just rebalancing the damage given/taken would go a long way, although a more compact map in some area's really would be nice. Played Version 0.3, couldn't find the mentioned above 0.4 at first but I've got it now and am interested in giving it a try soon. I look forward to the future hacks this creator is working on as this really was an impressive experience despite it's flaws.
Walljumping Above It by Croakomire [SM Challenge], rated by Kremit44 on Aug 16, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
I liked the underwater section, it was hard but everything was doable. I have to admit the second section has a jump that i can't do and it seems to honestly require two frame perfect wall jumps. It's destroyed my hands. It's well made and I like the concept but this one jump is just too brutal for me. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. I've beaten some really hard hacks and I'll probably come back to this and try again but that last jump of the first section of part 2 is going to give me nightmares. I feel like this is probably doable consistently for such a small number of players that it's just too difficult for me to rate it as good.
Super Metroid Weekend V by dewhi100 [SM Quick Play], rated by Kremit44 on Aug 05, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 0:34
Small competent hack but nothing special. A solid quick play.
Metroid: Symphony of the Light by starlightintheriver [SM Incomplete], rated by Kremit44 on Aug 04, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
28% in 0:37
It could end up being a quality hack but as a demo it's nothing special.
T O U R O F I T A L Y by RT-55J [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Aug 04, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
88% in 1:25
An amusing hack with interesting mechanics but it's held back by a lack of challenge and some tedious exploration. It's worth a play through and a 4 was considered but I just think it's a little too unsubstantial to be considered a really strong hack. Still a great job and a hack I appreciated being able to play.
SM Weekend III by dewhi100 [SM Quick Play], rated by Kremit44 on Oct 17, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
85% in 0:28
For a mini hack its really good. I beat it much quicker initially but reloaded my save to explore a bit more. Its well designed, aesthetically pleasing, and has a neat hud. Really its only sin is being too short. Its not so groundbreaking that I could give it a 4 but it's a really strong 3 and well worth your time. This author has a lot of potential but always seems to stop short of doing something really impressive despite being seemingly capable of more. I'd love to see them do a full hack but I am plenty thankful for the quality hacks they do, even if they are generally too short for my sensibilities. Thanks for the hack.
Metroid Mario Bros by Gameringly [M1 Unknown], rated by Kremit44 on Aug 15, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
It's a bit janky and not built for fun and exploration. But it's done well enough and novel which makes it feel somewhat purposeful despite it's inherent flaws. Thanks for the hack.
Super Metroid CRE by Tundain [SM Quick Play], rated by Kremit44 on Aug 01, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
84% in 0:41
Simple short and fun. It's nothing special and the scope isn't impressive but it's certainly fun. Thanks for the hack.
Super Metroid Exertion by Mentlegen [SM Improvement], rated by Kremit44 on Jun 24, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
37% in 0:54
Really great small hack. It has a couple very minor janky things with the map and a broken elevator but it's well polished apart from that. The suits are a cool gimmick. It's big issue for me is that it's too short and the bosses were too tanky. I was split on going with a 3 or 4 but it's just too short for me to be an easy 4 so with the glitches and bosses I set it back another orb. In saying that it's very enjoyable and a great full albeit small hack. It fills a niche and I enjoyed it. Thanks for the great hack.
Suber Meptroid (DEMO) by Exister [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Jun 15, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
25% in 0:50
Outstanding demo. It's very polished and has some simple features that let it stand out despite it sticking to basics. It should be an outstanding hack if it's ever finished. It's a great demo, but demos are worth a lot less to me than complete games. For a demo it's a 5 but compared to the complete experiences also found on here it's limited scope lands it a 3 for me. Take that as you will. Great job, i'm really looking forward to the complete experience. I feel like the author has a the potential to push for a 5 star hack if he sticks with it.
Super Metroid Revolution EX by RealRed [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Dec 31, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
62% in 3:44
It's a strong 3 orbs but numerous soft locks, some annoying enemies/bosses, and no map hold it back. For it's size the lack of map isn't that big a deal but it's certainly an issue. I never did find Spazer or Plasma and I think I may of sequence broke into Maridia by using a damage boost and shinespark, but I thought it was just a broken reskin of the ice+speed shaft. I'm guessing I may of went an unintended route given my low collection percent, I know there was an area in Norfair I just never found access too. Overall though it was a neat mix up and had it's own charm. It's worth a play but it stands well back of the best hacks on here. Thanks to all who helped.
Super Metroid: Hermit Kingdom by Kojakt [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Dec 12, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
88% in 2:45
Half hack with some interesting mechanics and moments. Largely vanilla rooms rearranged with occasional modifications. It's fun and well made but it's certainly nothing special either. It's a fun casual playthrough with some optional puzzles that cater to experienced Metroid players.
Super Metroid: Super Kill Time by Stacy [SM Unknown], rated by Kremit44 on Aug 11, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
77% in 4:09
I hummed between a 3 and a 4 but settled on a 3. I think this hack has done a good job rearranging the vanilla game and modifying most rooms beyond recognition so despite not being overly ambitious it is a new experience. Beyond the lack of ambition I think it has a couple gameplay issues holding it back and thus the 3. The biggest is progress is often a pain to find and a lot of suitless trips through Maridia and Norfair will likely be had trying to find it. Hell runs are a big part of this hack. It's very open in terms of allowing you to explore but the map lacks connection points between many areas and thus you'll find yourself travelling from one side of Crateria to the next too often after a fruitless search in one of the games areas. Despite it's openness leaving the player with hope for places to keep looking often actual progress is too well hidden leading to tedious searches compounding the obvious issues of playing suitless in heat and water. In saying that it was mostly a fun challenge and it did the suitless stuff rather well apart from the aimlessness of it all. Because of the large expectation of suitless travel and the difficulty finding the next path I'd recommend this to experts only but it certainly has it's merits. Thanks to the author for a solid hack.
Super Hauntroid by Scyzer [SM Quick Play], rated by Kremit44 on Aug 03, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
34% in 0:08
Stupidly didn't realize where the last area was. It's neat but nothing special with a fairly boring area, it could have been a really cool idea had the game been bigger.
Super Metroid Ruin by personitis [SM Quick Play], rated by Kremit44 on Aug 03, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
60% in 0:16
It's too short with little in the way of a standout gimmick but whats here is well designed. I think the boss fights can be a little rough but the last one in particular isn't as bad as his body colour would make you think. The author shows good potential but simply not enough here to really recommend.
Super Metroid: MINI by Mr. Hiryu [SM Unknown], rated by Kremit44 on Aug 01, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
92% in 2:53
It's not bad but it's certainly not great. Some real jank is present throughout the hack and areas are fairly unimaginative with many being very similar in layout to vanilla. It's ugly in some areas and interesting in others. Get the secret pre Draygon before going into fight him as it's inaccessible after, I thought I'd get Space Jump to make it less of a pain with the sand pit and ended up SOL. It's not bad though, thanks to the author and those who helped it was decent enough to be worth a play but it's not something I'd consider even a top 50 hack or anything.
Metroid: Operation Save Thanksgiving v1.1.1 (No Longer Broken) by Nodever2 [SM Quick Play], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 31, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
70% in 0:20
It's a fun little hack with an amusing Phantoon. Ends abruptly, I should have known to save before the boss because I hadn't I couldn't collect more items since I hadn't saved anywhere.
So Little Items by MetroidMst [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 25, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
91% in 1:08
It's a well made hack with some cool features but it left me frequently puzzled by some of it's decisions. This is a hack for Metroid experts due to the bosses, hidden items, and grapple sections. I found the music annoying due to the metronome aspect of it, it was helpful for figuring out the 4 door room puzzle but it was more irritating than anything else. I liked the graphics and many exploration sections were fun even if they could be challenging. My biggest issue is that the bosses are very difficult and or laggy and as such require a high amount of patience. For shack-woon in particular I had to give up and go find some more items, a couple of which were very difficult to find. The shacktool bosses were just tedious and laggy but not bad to beat. Ridley was fun though even if it was a hard fight. At the end of the day it was the same thing with SLG and that's that I just don't get the rinka lag fest appeal. I struggled between a 3 and a 4 but due to the tedious nature of the bosses, which are a big part of the hack, I settled on a 3. Thanks to the creator for a well made hack, I just wish you'd stop with the excessive rinka lag.
Event Horizon Demo by DSO [SM Incomplete], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 25, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Interesting but not that fun. It's impressive for it's time but I found too many solutions cryptic and annoying to execute. It could have been something great with some more polish but it's really nothing special in 2021 IMO.
Metroid SR387 by OneOf99 and NathanTech [MZM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 18, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 1:27
Well made but fairly boring. Very open in terms of the world but not in terms of item progression and not a lot of secrets to find. Not a lot of puzzles or interesting exploration instead it was just going from room to room hoping to find the next item. Back tracking at the end for 100% was very straight forward and felt like padding. It's not bad but I'd only recommend it to those who are rather bored or who have played the other better unique ZM hacks like Return to Zebes, Scrolls or Spooky Mission. Still a well made game is something to be thankful for so thanks to the creators on a solid hack nonetheless.
The Adam Virus by Crystal_Knight [SM Unknown], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 10, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
93% in 0:25
Really solid short hack with an interesting mechanic. I'm not big into small hacks like this but it was fun enough and interesting enough to be considered decent in my books. It seems like Power Bombs must be in it somewhere but i'm not sure where they'd be as I couldn't find anything else. I'd have liked to see something like this into a bigger hack as it has a fair amount of potential. Thanks to the creator for a fun hack.
SMContention by SMILEuser96 [SM Spoof], rated by Kremit44 on Jul 08, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
76% in 0:18
Foxes are awesome. It's neat but kind of pointless. lol
SM:Decision by JoshShoeWah [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Apr 25, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
92% in 1:43
Neat concept and a fun little hack. I came close to giving it a 4. Draygon was a cool idea but it was more annoying than fun. I found it a little bit too basic with exploration and I didn't feel the decisions mattered that much, like by say altering progression. Thanks for the fun little hack, it's certainly unique.
Return of Justin by squishy_ichigo [SM Incomplete], rated by Kremit44 on Apr 05, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
It had great potential. I will say the desire to recreate Zero Mission but with a different item layout and graphical style to me is a bit odd. The creator had a great deal of talent and ability and something fresher would have been nice. The originality of the graphics makes me consider them an asset but it is a little much on the eyes at times. Finding progression can feel a little too tedious at times but it isn't a deal breaker. For what it is it's worth a playthrough and certainly showed potential for being a 5 star hack. Not sure why he didn't finish but thanks to the creator for the cool partial hack, it was a fun few hours.
Metroid: Wart's Invasion by AlexAR [M1 Unknown], rated by Kremit44 on Apr 01, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Metroid: Falling by TN [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Mar 31, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
98% in 4:59
This is a good hack but it has a couple issues holding it back. I hummed between a 3-4 but decided to go with a 3 as I felt it's flaws set it a notch below his other hack Super Metroid Hidden. Like Hidden it's not overly ambitious but it is well designed with a cohesive theme. The theme of "Falling" is matched with an appropriate and interesting item progression that is both unique and intuitive. It's fun to explore but you'll also likely get lost and have a few moments of confusion. Because of the bosses I'd consider this a difficult hack but it's still no challenge hack by any means as exploration isn't punishing. Even all/most of the secrets should be doable for nearly everyone.

The author does a really good but fair job of hiding items and progression. Although because of this the dichotomy of Crateria can be a real annoyance if missing a key path. I got lost for awhile as I missed the areas containing both Varia and Gravity on first pass. Navigation in a game that thrives on hiding progression IMO should be a little more easily done.

The bosses are an issue at times. Kraid is ridiculous and a test of patience but he isn't mandatory to beat early, although I didn't know that. Draygon is made much easier with Space Jump but he's a test of patience and I found myself risking death just to try and get through the fight faster. Phantoon isn't too bad as long as he doesn't spawn on top of you. Ridley was tough but with Plasma he was arguably the most tolerable of the G4 for me.

The map was janky with Wrecked Ship's map losing progress and Norfair's map not being scrollable all the way to the right. It wasn't a terrible issue but it's certainly notable and annoying.

Other than that though I'd say this hack is largely really fun. It's well designed and although not spectacular it's a fun time. Thanks to the creator and all who helped, I certainly appreciated the effort.
Lost World by TROM [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Jan 07, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
SMConflict by SMILEuser96 [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Dec 28, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
85% in 0:33
Some neat stuff here with cool bosses and an interesting shop gimmick. It's ultimately too short and grindy when it comes to collecting money for me to strongly recommend.
Snowglobe by Scyzer [SM Quick Play], rated by Kremit44 on Dec 19, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
I played it with my wife at Christmas. It's ridiculous but that's the point. I played it many years ago when hacking hadn't brought us all these unreal games over the past 10 years and I recall being frustrated as a casual player. It's not for everyone but it's an amusing addition to any hack collection.
Super Metroid: Advent by Shadow96 [SM Quick Play], rated by Kremit44 on Dec 17, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
35% in 1:05
Beat Phantoon. It's great looking but it's also very short. It's one of the better short hacks out there but it's far from perfect. I was using BSNES and had the game crash 3 times, once saving in the ship, once at spore spawn, and another time traversing the world. It lacks some polish in places with some awkward/missing tiles but it's a rare issue. The beam doors are cool but it's inconvenient to swap beams. It's a nice hack and shows the author has great potential if they ever decide to make a bigger hack.
Digital Cube by Cloud12 [SM Challenge], rated by Kremit44 on Dec 11, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
44% in 0:38
It's interesting and it's exactly what it wants to be but it's also not that fun at times. My main gripe is that guessing the right door just doesn't feel very rewarding even when you are lucky enough to be right. This makes death feel cheap. I also found the solution to the infinite room extremely cryptic/random as I have no idea why the game let me past.

I wish the author would do something cool like give an accompanying quiz or puzzle one would have to correctly solve so that choosing the right room wouldn't come down to chance. I've done some corn mazes with my family as a kid and the way they made those fun was by rewarding you with the correct path by getting the answer right. I suspect I would have given this hack a 5 if I was given the chance to make informed decisions.

Some will like it a lot but I suspect many will also be like me, folks who respect the hack but found it more annoying to figure out than fun. It's so well put together I can see why one would could give it a 5 given the excellent presentation but I feel the fun factor could be much higher.
Thanks to the creator for a well put together hack, even if it wasn't completely my cup of tea.
Super Metroid: Arrival by Jefe962 [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Dec 08, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
96% in 2:25
I found this hack boring and very by the book. Finding items and exploring is very basic and the game has little in the way of environmental puzzles with items essentially just given to the player. It looks good and it's competent with interesting physics and item tweaks, it's just really boring IMO. I thought Nature was unimaginative too but this is a far greater issue here. I feel bad giving it a 3 because it's so impressive in some ways but I honestly don't get how anyone could be too impressed by the game design, it's just run and collect. At least it's quick to get around. It's worth a play but there are much better games rated worse, it's not something I'd rush to experience.
Super Metroid: Escape by Mr. Hiroishi [SM Unknown], rated by Kremit44 on Nov 29, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
53% in 2:43
It's decent but far from great. There's a lot of jank and suitless shenanigans. I wouldn't be in a rush to play it, there's a lot of better hacks. It's a pretty generous 3 orbs, 2.5 may have been more accurate.
Metroid: The Blue Plague by Nodever2 [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Oct 16, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Solid for what it is but the scope makes this just ok.
Super Metroid: Z-Factor by Metaquarius [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Oct 07, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
I played until I beat Wrecked Ship and then realized I just didn't care to finish it. It's alright in that it's a full hack and it isn't bad, but it isn't great either. Navigation felt like a chore and finding the next route was often far too tedious and annoying. There's much better hacks IMO but it's still a commendable effort and may be worth playing for some.

This guy below me is always a jerk. I may have sounded harsh but i'd have been proud to make this, it's not a bad hack in the slightest. In fact I plan on giving it another shot as I may have been a bit harsh on it as I was recovering from a bad concussion. It will appeal very much to some even if I found some aspects tedious. It's certainly not a waste of time.
Super Metroid Nature by Jefe962 [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Oct 06, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
84% in 3:33
Nature is basically a lesser but competent Super Metroid with a few twists. All new layout but still familiar. It's a great hack to play but IMO it stands well back of the more ambitious hacks on this site, many oddly rated lower. It's not difficult by any means but it's not so easy as to be numbing. Navigation was too simplistic for my liking with everything feeling very straight forward. For what it is it's really well executed but for me also felt a little boring because of it. I liked the challenge of saving the animals and the new powerup. I hummed between a 4 and a 3 but I honestly think it's lack of creativity, despite it being reasonably well executed, just makes it difficult for me to put on par with some other hacks i've given a 4. An option to rate 3.5 would be great. I'm glad this hack exists and the author should be proud of what he's accomplished,I certainly appreciated playing it.
Achelous DX by Exister [SM Exploration], rated by Kremit44 on Aug 18, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
11% in 0:20
Ugly and uninspired design I wouldn't recommend.
Super Metroid CRE 2 by Tundain [SM Quick Play], rated by Kremit44 on Oct 17, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
89% in 0:25
It has kinda cool bosses. Its really not ambitious nor is the level design interesting. Its not garbage but I can't justify a 3. It's something to play but I wouldn't really recommend it.
Rise by begrimed [SM Speedrun/Race], rated by Kremit44 on Apr 08, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Too cryptic given the tedious nature of traversal, I found it more frustrating than pleasant. It's interesting and rather unique though so I could see it appealing to others more.
SMChallenge by SMILEuser96 [SM Speedrun/Race], rated by Kremit44 on Dec 09, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
It's a tiny hack with a weird but cool custom boss. It's not ambitious enough for me to really recommend but it's worth playing if you're looking for something short.
Super Metroid: HISHE by Scyzer [SM Unknown], rated by Kremit44 on Apr 02, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Metroid Auto by anonymous [SM Spoof], rated by Kremit44 on Dec 28, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.