Orphan Moon
Release date: Mar 01, 2024
Author: Doc Remedy
Download: Version 1.0, Unheadered (194 downloads)
Genre: Improvement [?]
Game: M1
Difficulty: Vanilla [?]
Average runtime: 0:00
Average collection: 0%
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Forum Thread: Release Thread
Rating: Pending
This ROM hack is mainly a graphic hack of the original Metroid for NES.

Orphan Moon: A Metroid Story
Galactic lifeform scans have discovered potential Metroid existence in a very unusual place. Sometime after the complete destruction of Zebes, it's large moon was found adrift, now in orbit around the host star FS-176. A genetics lab has been detected beneath the surface, along with Chozo technologies. This off-site moon base was used by someone to enhance the DNA of various species of life, active to Zebes, in attempts to find a perfect hybrid formula for fusing beings with Metroid DNA. Find this lab and destroy it.

The Game in game soundtrack has also been recomposed and released to most music streaming platforms under Doc Remedy - Orphan Moon (Recomposed Game Soundtrack).

What you'll find:
-All new sprites and graphics to just about every tile in the game
-All new music for each stage
-Save Game states (no passwords)
-Wave Beam & Ice Beam can be combined
-New respawn points for each stage (not just the areas elevator)
-Since most of the original ROM build is still intact, majority of Game Genie cheats still work for this game!

Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Ratings and Reviews
By Kremit44 on Apr 17, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Not an improvement hack but rather a new full game.

Great graphics and presentation as well as some quality level design make this an easy recommendation. It’s a great hack. There are some soft locks present, early in the game just outside of the bombs and if you get trapped in blocks without bombs, but it’s not a big issue. The one with the health upgrade outside the bombs really is inexcusable though. The only one i found that was really troublesome after that was in the temple containing Ridley, there’s a crumbled Chozo statue in a room with missiles that one can roll behind but after going in the pit the player has no way up. Also the odd unfair enemy or terrain can be encountered, especially in Kraid’s lair, but nothing game breaking. It’s Nestroid so unfortunately farming for health and missiles, early on, can be annoying but with the some decent spawn points its a far better experience than the original. I never did find Varia but it was more than doable without it. Great job and a contender for consideration as a top 5 Nestroid hack, certainly top 10.

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