Metroid Fusion: Special Edition
Release date: Aug 29, 2021
Author: Lostglaceon
Download: Release v4.2 (12400 downloads)
(258 downloads of previous versions)
Genre: Vanilla+ [?]
Game: MF
Difficulty: Vanilla [?]
Average runtime: 2:02
Average collection: 48%
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Metroid Fusion: Special Edition is a hack using “Sequence Breaking Fusion” as its base that focuses on giving a facelift to the visuals, alongside many gameplay tweaks and room changes
created by me and other people to create the “definitive” edition of the game. It contains the following:

-Much of the game recolored to give it a less overly-saturated (but still colorful) look.
-Better map screen and HUD graphics.
-More compact font (with text tweaks to center better with the width of said font).
-Bomb-jumping and single-wall wall-jumping reimplemented.
-Many new sequence breaks added (early Power Bombs are the most important step).
-Faster door transitions and elevators.
-Optional (and slightly customized) hard mode.
-Many small level design tweaks.
-Some old/unused content restored.
-You can stand on most of the computers (yes, really).

Lostglaceon - Most of the graphical and level editing work, reimplementing some cut content, and putting this hack together.
Wildfire - Helped me test it so many times that I lost count, and gave me many fantastic ideas and suggestions!
Raygun and Cpt. Glitch - A few (very awesome) .asm patches.
Jumzhu - Sped-up room transitions.
Cosmic - The original font and map tiles that I used before tweaking them a bit.
Kazuto - The hack this was built on!
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Ratings and Reviews
By shaktool7 on Aug 08, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
53% in 3:15
(Review for v1 below)
Achieves what it wants to rather nicely, Isn't really feature heavy at this point and has some bugs, so I'd rate it 'Ok' as of now.
(As of v4.20)
It's nice.
By Jordo24 on Aug 30, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
71% in 1:57
This is a really ambitious hack that delivers very well, and im looking forward to seeing more of the authors work
By LackedL on Oct 04, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
50% in 1:39
This hack was awesome throughout. I loved all the reworked and added things such as the re-added hangar room and the sequence breaking aspect of the game as well. Going off of that, I wasn't entirely a giant fan of the original sequence breaking fusion since you could only do truly 2 sequence breaks and that's it, but this game allows for different paths and I even got wide beam early via hell run which I never thought I'd do in this game. Anyway, this hack was awesome and I will be playing it again. Hell, it may even be my favorite recreation of the game. I'll probably even play this version over the original on before Dread too! 10/10 hack. Would recommend.
By Catherine on Oct 07, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
17% in 1:23
[Watch Video]  

Really solid hack, some small minor preference differences but overall 9.8/10.
Not a huge fan of the HUD colors nor the palette choices such as sector 6. I loved the boss room changes and the lack of landing lag. 9.8/10, best fusion hack out there.
By Kremit44 on Oct 09, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Very open and fun way to play Fusion.
By Douugr on Nov 21, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
48% in 2:26
Just loved it, I managed to get early power bombs and plasma beam, so imagine my suffering to get it. I thought I soft locked the game when I fought the security robot the second time way earlier than expected, but the game puts a destroyable block above the red door before the metroids. all that (and killing ridley) I did before getting the freeze missiles, so I guess you can play any way you like it.
By MetroidNerd#9001 on Feb 24, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
98% in 1:39
I like the way the game accommodates your sequence breaking into the story, allowing you to skip certain sequences if you did them early. This can lock you out of 100% if you're not careful though. Overall, the other tweaks are quite nice, especially the Hard Mode changes to the boss arenas, but I think too little is changed for it to warrant a 5 orb rating. It's still pretty fun overall though, and a fresh Fusion experience for those who haven't played in a while.
By Zincoshine on Jan 17, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
54% in 4:08
This is THE definitive experience for metroid fusion. The original game should be avoided as it has a lot of problems that this resolves. This is something I couldn't say for the primary improvement hack for zero mission (the removal of the unknown item blocks cause the player to get stuck) nor project base 0.8 (tourian's plot aspects are butchered). Don't ever play Metroid fusion, play this instead.
By H A M on Jan 23, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
the map stations spoiled boss icons if you didn't sequence break
By FANXINGPRIME on Apr 14, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
I would call it the best hack of Fusion.Therefore,I have recommended it to my friend.
By nulldriver on Dec 19, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Poor. Text size and font is changed but only half of the text box is used because the script wasn't edited to fit more words in. Color changes are unnecessary. Samus' movement feels off because you always run at max speed rather than accelerate. Bomb jumping seens extremely strict compared to the sequence break hack.

All of that wouldn't warrant a 1Star except I and many others on v4.2 have encountered softlocks that occur from regular gameplay. My softlock was collecting the Gravity Suit and becoming forever stuck running in place. I can't post a collection or finish time because I didn't save and I'm not going to spend an hour risking that happening again.
By shmayd on May 29, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
11% in 0:41
might be the worst possible way to play this game. turns the game into a complete mechanical mess. momentum is completely inconsistent jank, walljumping/air momentum is drastically slower and horrible making most rooms now awful to navigate, really weird sliding on landing that makes movement far too slippery and extremely awkward to control while theres no sound at all when landing so you cant tell if you have or not, especially for climbing with shot cancels it makes the otherwise satisfying movement horrible to try doing. ground momentum itself is just very inconsistent and jumping to get the instant acceleration everytime i need to move seems best, but that cant be done in a lot of instances. you also cant hold buffered spring ball while moving in morph so even some cool tricks cant be done anymore, or you have to manually press each time. you cant do OOB clips either anymore so you cant even do the games vanilla means of sequence breaking. speed booster carrying on was probably the only thing i didnt mind but i also found more annoyance's with it.

the visual changes feel a bit weird and ugly too, the outline removal does not look good imo and the map and text was kinda ugly, didnt feel like a necessary change at all.

hack annoyed me so much its why i made an account to begin with lol, cant emphasise enough how much i recommend to avoid this hack i'd give half if possible
By Meinos Belfort on Feb 05, 2025 (Star Star Star Star Star )
30% in 1:10
The hack who made RE:Fusion v1.00 Possible but with some pointless change , and still some other could have been wellcome. Room wise it's mostly like vanilla (exception including sector 3 unavoidable missile tank to be moved as an example), As much as i liked to run at full speed right away it actually make some shinespark puzzle trickier (sector 6).

I know we don't know much of Fusion like how the event work
but as randomizer can change turn the event to items check for end-game it would be a away
better alternative if we talk about sequence breaking (Making only charge, plasma, missile and lv 4 necessary for end-game)

even tho the game is supposed to be the definitive way to play MF , the lack of integrated hard / easy mode from the japanese version ,also not being able to skip bosses and obselete mechanic (wall-jump momentum being outdated , smooth-landing being terrible, bomb jump being even more tedious than super metroid one)

Recoolor wise it feel , bland / Minimal and still feel cartony. too bright as MF was supposed to be an "horror" metroidvania / platformer when it got released. a darker / deeper palette could have been wellcome , as well as effort of recoloring most of the in game sprite as well for the occasion.

Still i recommend it only if you wan't to see what's possible or fighting boss in the order you want (Ridley exclued because fighting him without plasma result in a near hard lock expérience , or even a total one if you skip space jump and plasma beam , which isn't so great)

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