nulldriver's Ratings and Reviews
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Metroid Fusion: Special Edition by Lostglaceon [MF Vanilla+], rated by nulldriver on Dec 19, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Poor. Text size and font is changed but only half of the text box is used because the script wasn't edited to fit more words in. Color changes are unnecessary. Samus' movement feels off because you always run at max speed rather than accelerate. Bomb jumping seens extremely strict compared to the sequence break hack.

All of that wouldn't warrant a 1Star except I and many others on v4.2 have encountered softlocks that occur from regular gameplay. My softlock was collecting the Gravity Suit and becoming forever stuck running in place. I can't post a collection or finish time because I didn't save and I'm not going to spend an hour risking that happening again.