Metroid: The Blue Plague
Release date: Jun 07, 2019
Author: Nodever2
Download: v1.1.2, Unheadered (2668 downloads)
Genre: Exploration [?]
Game: SM
Difficulty: Vanilla [?]
Average runtime: 0:48
Average collection: 89%
Read Me: [None]
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
  • Deep Blue Contest
  • Top Hacks 2019: Best Quick Play
Explore an asteroid on a crash course with Earth, and find a way to destroy it.
This asteroid has a dark past, however, and you will soon find that you are not alone... can you survive on it long enough to find its weak point and save our precious blue planet?


The Blue Plague returns in all of it's 1.1 glory! If you've never played this hack, your experience will be even better with this patch, as the 1.1 version focuses on refining the experience that was already present in the 1.0 version. I hope you all enjoy, and if you have any bugs to report, I'll do my best to fix them!

See the Release Thread (linked above) for changelog, credits, and known bugs!
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Ratings and Reviews
By MetroidNerd#9001 on Jun 07, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
50% in 0:28
This was the best hack from the Deep Blue Contest. The blue is done very well and fits in with the rest of the graphics, which look good as well. The progression is also fun, and so are some of the puzzles. A well-made contest hack.
By Ri2nOneRok on Oct 10, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
This hack was tight homie.
By Syphon on Nov 27, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
96% in 0:32
Great hack.

Graphics were very nice to look at. Earth in the background was cool.

Exploration was very enjoyable and I liked the use of chainblocks.

By Freyhia on Apr 25, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
91% in 1:01
Great hack.
One of the best of the deep blue contest. The graphics are very good, exploration is cool. If you want one hour of fun, play it.
By RT-55J on May 05, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
93% in 0:46
Very nice contest hack.

Good escape sequence.
By Daniel94Gomes on May 10, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
96% in 0:29
I Play The Version 1.11
By metasamus on May 19, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Nice background, but the hack felt a bit short and too much blue!
By SeanCass on Sep 26, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
87% in 0:42
fun hack, recommend
By DramaticMarquinh0svi on Oct 04, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
96% in 1:10
Good hack,way too short. The end had so many glichy sprites.
By DeviousB on Oct 09, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
80% in 1:05
short and sweet, must play.
By Kremit44 on Oct 16, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Solid for what it is but the scope makes this just ok.
By Pixel_Tiger on May 24, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Short but good hack. Room's are a bit empty. Interesting concept.
By Boyfreda on Jun 23, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
96% in 0:56
Fun to play through. Nothing too convoluted. Great ending. A bit too short.
By LetsPlayNintendoITA on Aug 02, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 1:09
[Watch Video]  
quick and fun. one part was sore tho, the paralyzer climb. but the rest was very neat.
played it before thanksgiving hack. so. much. blue. 100%ed of course!
By Sapphron on Feb 13, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 0:45
[Watch Video]  
Pretty good contest hack. The warehouse area was a great palette although it did feel quite long. The blue theme of it was executed well, but the ending was a little buggy and you could actually stop the escape timer if you wanted to. Overall, a nicely themed quick contest hack with some good graphics and exploration.

note: This is retroactively reviewed, from April 3, 2019
By Exister on Apr 02, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
87% in 0:59
This is a very fun hack, short and sweet stuff with steller design all around. The aesthetics are unique if not mind blowing, but it all still looks nice. Overall just a hack I had a really good time with and I can't think of a better reason to give 5 orbs.
By masterofeggery on Apr 17, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
77% in 0:47
Time is IGT. This is my favorite quick-play SM hack that I've played. The progression was at a good pace, all of the items were used well, the reskinned Ice Beam pretty much being the ZM stun-gun made for a fun Ripper climb challenge, and the theming was absolutely excellent. My only real complaint is that Kraid was slow, but that was only because I went to the right near the beginning instead of left where Charge and regular bombs ended up being. I hope to see more hacks as good as this soon!
By Zincoshine on Jul 15, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
I approach every mod I review as if it were its own standalone metroidvania game and judge it accordingly:

Overall this is most similar to space junk in both feel, theme, length and quality. However this is the better mod out of the two. It is the first mod I've encountered so far that has an actual plot as well as the first mod I've found that has a map with clearly shown doors. Unfortunately, the ice gun has been severely nerfed. While this by itself wouldn't normally be a problem, there is a very difficult mandatory section involving freezing enemies (rippers as JustMarbles, the guy below, calls them) and jumping on top of them to reach the super missiles. This section is just flat out impossible to do with the ice gun nerf and as such the mod cannot be completed by your average metroidvania player or even an advanced one. It is not known why the maker of this made made such an idiotic mod-breaking design decision at the end of an otherwise good mod but it is what it is. Not recommended.

Edit: after consideration, I have decided to drop the review score to 2/5 to match JustMarbles's score, in part because the author refuses to fix the hack but also because this has a lot of glitchy sprites and after reviewing many more mods I've realised that glitchy sprites are actually a really rare occurrence in mods. In fact, the only 3 with serious sprite problems are this, alliance, and ice metal uninstall.
By JustMarbles on Aug 23, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Loved the atmosphere, design is fantastic, and it's a lot of fun. But the mandatory ripper climb for supers is absolute nonsense. I can't in good conscience recommend this hack, despite having had a lot of fun with it.
By Webber1900 on Aug 28, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
96% in 0:43
While not a perfect hack, it was a nice short hack that you can pick up and play. What I really like about this hack is you don't need glitches to complete.

Also the ripper climb is not that bad, yes it took a little bit but it was a nice challenge. Zincoshine is just greatly exaggerating how bad it actually is, which it isn't.

Overall, it was fun despite the glitches of some of the sprites. I also chuckled at the item names.
By OmegaDragnet9 on Dec 11, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
83% in 1:05
This is my second playthrough of The Blue Plague, and it is a really enjoyable hack.

What really jumps out at me is the GFX work. The Earth looming in the distance really sells how high the stakes are. I saw a user comment in MST's playthrough video that said one area reminded him of Phazon Hack, and I had to agree. Subtle changes in the environment from gameplay really add to the experience.

Respin is always welcome in my book. I can't be certain, but high jump feels like it got the Hyper Metroid treatment.

Much respect to the customized map tiles and HUD palette changes.

It came up before, but the most significant difficulty spike is chaining a certain sequence of enemies with a certain freezing beam. It's definitely hard, but not undoable. It is comparable to the respawning shot blocks in Kraid's Lair in Nestroid. In both cases it's a skill and patience issue. (Not everything can be easy all the time.)

All that said, this hack has some serious replay value as I had more fun this time around than when I played it 2 years ago, (even after having forgotten a good part of the route.)
By ironrusty on Mar 01, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Good visuals and I loved some of the wide-open rooms and areas that kept looping back together. There is some distinct work in honoring the player choices in this hack, which is good. The later progression felt heavy-handed by comparison. Good for a small (contest) hack, and I just wish there was more of it!
By RX-78-2 on Aug 07, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 0:25
short, sweet, simple, and straight to the point. this is a very well done hack despite how short it is. blue just happens to be one of my favorite colors and I like how the author used blue for one whole area of the hack. the colors for varia and gravity was also a nice touch. this hack has amazing visuals and I love the fact that Ice beam functions like a certain beam from Zero Mission and even has the same name from that game. that was my favorite part of the hack tbh and even though the beam wasn't used that often, I still liked how it's used in this hack. I like everything about this hack, ranging from the atmosphere to the design to the visuals, it's all very well done and I would most certainly recommend this hack due to the difficulty not being too high that it's unplayable or too low that it's not a challenge because it's too easy. to me, the difficulty is just right and I had a fun time playing through this hack, it's a 8 out of 10 for me :)

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