Super Metroid: Hidden
Release date: Jan 21, 2018
Author: TN
Download: Super Metroid Hidden FINAL (1988 downloads)
Genre: Unknown [?]
Game: SM
Difficulty: Unknown [?]
Average runtime: 5:10
Average collection: 91%
Read Me: [None]
Forum Thread: Forum Thread
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
This was a hack found on the Japanese Super Metroid wiki.
Hidden is a full hack posted on 21st Jan, 2018, by the same guy who created Falling. The final version contains some changes/fixes by Sapphron.

Translated text reads:

I will post a hack after a long time.

This time, basically, it is only change of the terrain and item arrangement that can be done with Smile, and there is no change of behavior or program.
If it is about killing time.

You don't need to use a technique such as clearing a wall.
I think round dashes are required for 100% items.

The resistance and endurance of some enemies and bosses have changed, but
As I did for my first film, I stopped doing it.
After all it will be just work ...

I'm careful not to be addicted, but if there are any, I would like to correct it if I can post it in a comment.
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Ratings and Reviews
By Sapphron on May 04, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
97% in 4:52
This was pretty good. The progression paths will confuse you plenty at some parts and most of the tiling is atrocious (mostly fixed in my patch), but it has some really nice ideas and good gameplay.
By caauyjdp on May 11, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
96% in 8:40
Good hack. Found two oob, and map doesn't save properly, but it didn't bother me too much. Fixed in final.
Liked what this hack does with torizo and ridley fights, and that enemy vulnerabilities were tweaked.
By Webber1900 on Jul 08, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
90% in 4:45
This was a hack I really enjoyed. It's also vanilla which I absolutely don't have a problem with, as it gives me that feeling
like I'm playing back in 2007 when I discovered Rom Hacks. It also reminds me of Super Metroid Legacy which once again isn't a bad thing.

It does have some problems like tiling errors and square level design, the map doesn't show where you are sometimes due to
how big the maps are, and forcing you to fight Draygon with those turrets constantly shooting you is always a huge pain.

I can recommend this hack to those who have already played a few hacks here as it does have a slightly higher difficulty
than the original. All in all, I really had fun with this one. I say if your like me who enjoys Vanilla hacks like this, go for it, you won't regret it!
By JamieWebb16 on Jul 08, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
89% in 4:48
I didn't think I was gonna like this hack all that much, but after beating it I actually really like this one. Reminds me of the time when I first started playing SM hacks, however it isn't perfect though, there were a few things I felt that could've been better like some rooms in wrecked ship could've have better tiling, unable to view the whole norfair map when I needed to. Can definitely recommend this one, but only to those who like slightly harder hacks.
By hayen on Oct 24, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
99% in 1:20
[Watch Video]  
i enjoyed your hack i had alot of fun also animals saved :D
By Syphon on Nov 05, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
91% in 4:53
Solid vanilla-style hack with interesting item and path progression. Things are well hidden (hence the name of the hack) and often not where you expect them to be.
Like another user mentioned, it feels very old-school and reminds you of old-school hacks like Super Metroid Legacy.

Space Jump and Plasma Beam are missable items which is odd as usually major items are displayed on the map. I never found them. I saw unexplored parts on Tourian's map but never got there. I guess there were some secrets.

For some reason what I guess was supposed to be the acid-lowering Chozo statue in Lower Norfair didn't work for me unless I missed something. Edit: Found out it's because I didn't have Space Jump. Had to take an acid bath.

Lower Norfair's map not being viewable was slightly annoying.

Missile doors taking 10 missiles to open for some reason is a bit annoying at the start but the game throws missile expansions at you so it becomes a non-issue very fast.

Difficulty is a bit higher than vanilla.

All in all this is definitely a well-made hack. It isn't groundbreaking but if you're in the mood for a vanilla-style hack this is worth playing.
By PHOSPHOTiDYL on Jan 07, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
82% in 4:15
This one's really good. I missed spore spawn & hi-jump boots early on. You'll need them in Maridia & it's a long way back.

Thankz for the hack!!
By Kremit44 on Mar 30, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
96% in 5:20
Solid and accessible this is a cohesive and quality hack. It's not the most imaginative or incredibly well designed but it's fun and fair. Progression is hidden throughout, hence the name i'd imagine lol, but tells are fair and items are fun to collect. Backtracking doesn't ever feel too inconvenient. Crateria and Wrecked Ship are straight forward but fun. Brinstar is convenient to travel within and provides a quick connection between all areas. Norfair is a sprawling map that you venture deeper and deeper into, so deep it's off the map. lol. Tourian was tweaked in a fun and reasonable manner. This hack did nothing spectacular but everything right, thanks to the author and all who helped.
By therealsusan on May 06, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
83% in 6:03
I spent maybe 20 minutes (including using fast forward) watching geemers traverse walls, looking for notches in the wall while hunting bombs... Did lead me to a few missiles, but I ultimately had to look up where to find bombs.

Afterwards, I felt a little dumb & from there on I had a better understanding of the author's style... Ultimately I can't fault a hack called Hidden for hiding things really well.
By Pixel_Tiger on Jun 14, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
97% in 5:47
Very nice hack with very interesting room layout. Can recommend even to less-experienced players as no techs are required to beat this hack other than what the base game taught you.
By DramaticMarquinh0svi on Feb 08, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
95% in 5:30
Pretty good,there are some glichy sprites sometimes but other than that,the hacks pretty fun to search for items,never too hidden or hintless items and the item order is pretty fun,i missed 4 items sadly,also i beat ridley before i got space jump,there were some parts that felt unfair like kraid for example,over all pretty good and reccomended to play even for begginers 5/5
By Zhs2 on Mar 10, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
89% in 5:29
Decent 2/3rds hack plagued with backtracking fun and a couple of lost caves sequences where you must find the correct exit or start over at the beginning door. Heavy Legacy inspiration here, along with heavy incentive to bomb every tile you come across. This becomes more important the longer you play, as there are some unfair dumps into rooms you've already been and you need to wind through the full routes of Maridia and Lower Norfair in order to reach Draygon and Ridley, respectively. Compared to that, Tourian is completely unchanged (there are subtle changes to the escape to fit the hack's theme), including the point of no return. Basically it feels like a 2008 hack that got recommended for 2018 top hacks.
By Zincoshine on Aug 27, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
This is a half hack that isn't worth any metroidvania player's time. Perhaps some super metroid addicts might enjoy it? I don't know. I don't know why anyone would want to play a worse super metroid. I found it to be comparable to other mods that have gotten a 2/5 so that's the score I am going to use here. I was rolling the dice here when I decided to check this out as the "unknown" tag could mean anything and the description did seem to indicate it might be a metroidvania (known in this community as "exploration" hack).
By RX-78-2 on Dec 20, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 5:13
it's a pretty good hack for the most part. I love hacks that are heavy on exploration and this hack is one of them, with the other being the prequel to this, Falling.. both this hack and Falling are heavy on exploration and that's what I like about them the most. I also love the way item/path progression has been changed, it's a fun way to explore the planet while acquiring powerups.. but I only have two problems with this hack; one of them are the bosses. they have been buffed so much that they're honestly a chore now and it'll take almost all of your missiles and supers to defeat them, Kraid & Ridley were the most difficult to me but I still managed to defeat them . I honestly never use murder beam but I had to when I got to Ridley because he had a MASSIVE HP buff and it took me a while to defeat him.. it took all my supers and nearly all my missiles to defeat Kraid... Spo Spo, Croc, Botwoon, Phantoon & Draygon were, more or less, the same as their vanilla counterparts imo.. but other than that, it's a cool hack that is definitely deserving of a playthrough if you love exploration-heavy hacks but beware of the bosses and don't enter their lair underpowered

Would NOT Recommend
By neen on Jan 23, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
83% in 5:18
"hey i found a thing. oh, it's a crumble block". progression is fairly obfuscated. only slight discontiguous door maze nonsense.
By HillMessiah on Jul 11, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
80% in 5:29
Very fun hack! Heavy emphasis on exploration, which I really like. Upgrades felt very rewarding, either by exploring and figuring out hidden exits/entrances to said upgrades or after long exploration/boss fights.

Hack is very vanilla, but goes above the expectations based on vanilla, where you would expect to get upgrade X, or item progression being very different than vanilla. Quite interesting item order, in fact. Quite some suitless Maridia, but nothing too difficult. You get upgrades in a nice pace, so you don't spend a lot of time without new major items.

Bosses are a bit stronger than vanilla, except Kraid that hits for 1 e-tank and it's much sturdier, and Ridley that also hits hard and takes lots of hits. Difficulty felt above vanilla cuz of that, but no hard tricks aside 1 speedball for 100% are required. Wave and X-Ray are available quite early, which helps a lot exploration. Plasma is quite hidden since you don't have too much of a reason to go back in the room before its entrance, but available quite early, too.

Pirates reskin were dope. Lots of them in different areas, and you get the upgrades to kill the harder ones not long as you met then, different than some other hacks. Backtracking is frequent in the hack, but the world is very interconnected, with all major areas very close to Crateria.

Overall, fun hack and very recommended if you enjoy vanilla hacks with focus on exploration. Doesn't get full stars because it doesn't have more custom content, like different areas, story, etc.

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