Release date: Jun 18, 2020
Author: Golden Warrior
Download: Mintroid 1.01 (3146 downloads)
Genre: Quick Play [?]
Game: MZM
Difficulty: Vanilla [?]
Average runtime: 0:24
Average collection: 96%
Read Me: [None]
Forum Thread: Development Thread
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
This was a hack I felt like making to both practice and test my overall design skills. I challenged myself to try and making something short and fun while limited to a 10x10 minimap space. The minty theme put on top is just for some extra fun. This hack is, as said, very short and even within that shortness has a couple intentional sequence breaks. It isn't anything wildly impressive, but I hope you enjoy this short, compact hack!

- Biospark for MAGE, without which this would not have been done
- Cosmic and all others involved in making the incredibly useful ZMHT
- caauyjdp for the patch to fix Mother Brain's tank not working visually, and helping with other polish fixes.
- My friends for playesting and making theming suggestions
- The MAGConst server for having a wealth of resources and helpful people.

- caauyjdp
- Conner
- Lavama
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Ratings and Reviews
By Contendo on Jun 18, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 0:00
Very good short hack.

The amount of possible routes is really nice.
The size of the map being 10x10 makes item search nice and fluent. No need for random bombing.
First I thought Ridley would be a tough fight witht the equipment I got but It seems like he got nerfed quite a bit. So the difficulty should be doable for Vanilla players and easy for Advanced players.
Hard mode is actually hard

If you have about 30 to 60 minutes to spare definetly try this.

By Syphon on Jun 20, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
92% in 0:20
I rarely play Zero Mission but this was a very fun hack. I enjoyed it a lot.
Loved how there was a nice amount of secrets despite the map being fairly small.

5 orbs. I have no complaints.
By alexman25 on Jun 20, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 0:30
Nice hack. Good layouts, stuff was fun to find. Only complaints I suppose were a few meh room designs and ugly-ish palettes.
By croissant bug on Jun 21, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
88% in 0:32
Ridley on Menthol hurts.
By Metroid Violinist on Jun 23, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
92% in 0:20
I just completed Mintroid, I thought it was a pretty good hack, although ZM blue oddity during transitons, and as Alexman25 said above, some ugly palettes, but good job nevertheless.
By Miker3.0 on Jun 25, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 0:59
Muy buen truco, se los recomiendo si quieren pasar unos 30 o 60 minutos entretenidos, algunos jefes pueden llegar a ser muy tediosos pero supongo que es parte del desafío, les recomiendo poner el modo difícil o mejor dicho "Mentol" si quieren un desafío más grande, en cuanto el diseño debo admitir que me encanto, al igual que su temática, para ser un mapa 10x10 esta muy entretenido, yo lo llamo diversión comprimida, mi única queja seria el final, es simplemente que los créditos aparecen de golpe, hubiera deseado ver aunque sea una escena, pero de ahi todo lo demas esta bueno.

Les recomiendo Mintroid, y felicidades a su creador Golden Warrior, te quedo bueno el Hack!
By SN_Ivan on Jul 23, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Definitely a good hack. I really liked the theming of it, nice gameplay, intuitive and fun. What else do you want? Recommend
By Oi27 on Aug 28, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
96% in 0:21
Great hack! It was very clear where to go and what to do. Theming was fun and it wasn't too difficult either. 10/10
By ZeroSuitSammy on Sep 24, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
85% in 0:30
This hack is the top Zero Mission Quick Play for a reason. I'll say as much as I can without spoiling it for you.
The theming in this hack has the life and personality that all fan-made projects should have. It is lighthearted and humorous--perfect for such short, sweet hack. It even comes with a surprise on the map screen. Collect items. That's all I'll say. It's the best way to get the most out of this hack. Also, the mint tint? Genius. What's the one thing Metroid could use more of? Bright, cool colors (as opposed to its usual dark theme and warm colors). Hit the nail on the head with this one. The enemies are all easy and that includes the bosses (except Ridley. Ridley was average once you have about 20 missiles.) Recommend playing on Menthol.
Best short Zero Mission hack. Takes less than half an hour. Wonderful.
By RT-55J on Nov 05, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 0:25
Nice little minihack. Quite polished.

There are a good number of different routing options, one of which involves doing a really, really early hell run. I, uh, chose to do that for my first playthrough, and without spoiling anything I'll just say that I felt a bit stupid for doing it.
By TypoThePotato on Feb 22, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 0:11
i have completed this hack maybe a dozen times and its enjoyable. its a simple hack with a small map. its a somewhat short hack so its easily replayable.

the time i have here is my average time of beating the game
By LetsPlayNintendoITA on Jun 26, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 0:29
A quick hack but very well done.
10x10 map with some secrets. A very nice surprise I've to say.
Very enjoyable.
Also has different paths to take.

One quick note: for an expansion you seem to need to do walljumps, but really easy to do.
I've also done a map and will post it soon in the forum!
By Sapphron on Dec 04, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
92% in 0:17
Pretty short hack, and it's pretty good too. The mint theme doesn't exactly hurt your eyes which is a good thing, and the theming is rather clever. Not much else to say that anyone else hasn't!
By Ikkeys1 on Jun 13, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 0:32
Very good short hack
By Cpt.Glitch on Jul 06, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
92% in 0:19
Very enjoyable small hack.
The thing I enjoyed the most was subtle use of spriteset events. Very few hacks utilize this feature very much or very well. It was very nice to see.
Only complaint is that you get locked into MB's rooms when you find it so you can't turn around if you want to get more items.
By Zincoshine on Aug 06, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
96% in 0:24
As of August 2022 this is the highest rated mini metroidvania zero mission hack on metroidconstruct. It's good but it's not the best one available. Subzero and extraction are better. Nonetheless I wholeheartedly recommend this. The only issue with this is that it is somewhat unpolished compared to other good mini metroidvanias, especially in the map menu.

edit: the score has been revised to be 5/5 orbs because I realised that giving this a lower score than SR387 is just absurd.
By RX-78-2 on Jan 22, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 0:17
best short mini hack for ZM (and Metroid in general) that I've ever played, I love the theme and palette changes and everything else about this hack, even level design, despite the hack being 10x10

Would recommend
By FANXINGPRIME on Apr 15, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 0:26
Though it's short,the map is made into a tiny square,I admire this design!
By Kriken Empire on Apr 19, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
92% in 0:20
This is a fun hack, and worth playing, but given its size I was expecting a more "perfected" experience. The flow of going from room to room was fine, but there always felt like a dozen "speed bumps" I had to jump or shoot through like blocks on the floor or enemies on ledges in tight corridors so I was just waiting for them to move or else damage through, which isn't very satisfying. I also found my self having to shoot or bomb every tile to find items which slowed the experience down. Just not the feel I was expecting from a tiny hack. Despite that, items were still satisfying to get, and I liked the trick done with enemy power creep.

I'm mixed on Ridley but maybe I'm just bad. The rest of the bosses were fantastic and rebalanced elegantly. Also, love the mint.
By Kremit44 on Oct 20, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
92% in 0:28

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