The Cereth Invasion
Release date: Jul 23, 2024
Author: OmegaDragnet9
Download: Version 1.1, Unheadered (177 downloads)
Download: Version 1.0, Unheadered (25 downloads)
(425 downloads of previous versions)
Genre: Quick Play [?]
Game: SM
Difficulty: Unknown [?]
Average runtime: 0:50
Average collection: 89%
Read Me: [None]
Forum Thread: Release Thread
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
Set after the events of Metroid Dread. Many years after her campaigns on Zebeth, Samus is assisting scientists on the Ceres B Station when Chairman Keaton informs her of a distress call from the Cereth Station.

When she arrives, the Adam AI on her ship is strangely silent, (likely from the chewed wires from the Little Birdie specimen she found on Ceres B.)

All is not well on Cereth, as it is infiltrated by surviving Zebesian forces and infested by the specimens that have gotten loose.

Try to clear the infestation without blowing stuff up this time.

Version 1.1

Ceres B is a brief, but playable area.

Map has legend for new icons.

Ammo system balanced now.


I tried to take the feedback I received from the various folks who played and streamed the contest version and correct glaring design issues.

That being said, though there is a little bit of linearity baked into the hack, it is in many ways a "choose your adventure" game with routing.

Hellruns are not mandatory. If you find the difficulty is extreme you should probably return to previous areas to see if you missed anything.

Physics are overhauled, generated by a combination of site resources as well as custom tweaks. Special thanks to the Subversion Repo as well as the Project Base Engine and the Axeil Edition code.

Thanks to everybody that streamed or provided feedback.

Thanks to these streamers:


(Contact me if I missed a stream of yours please.)


somerando cauuy

Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Ratings and Reviews
By Zhs2 on Jul 25, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
89% in 0:43
Short, sweet, and perfect. Its biggest failing perhaps is that it is way too short and way too easy, granting you three major items at a time with a minimum search radius after beating each boss. The easiest item to miss is plasma, and you don't really need it when most bosses have low enough health that you can blast them to bits in three seconds. As a casual but stylish experience though, this one is a winner. Easy 5 orbs from me if it was fleshed out into something longer and more balanced.
By Voltekka on Jul 29, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
89% in 0:46
By justanothermetroid on Aug 01, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
97% in 0:45
Pretty easygoing and fun hack. I like the music and the progression is fun, but it is a little quick at times where you will get so many powers all at once like after beating Spore Spawn. I do not know how close I was to 100%, I took a look and could not find any more pickups since the hack cuts Grapple Beam and X-Ray Scope. Not like you need them though, you will find plenty of items at a good clip if you put in the effort.

The only bug I had was being able to walk back to my ship which triggered the ending of the game. I only found this after beating the game for the first time so I do not know what allowed this glitch to happen. I do find the plot sort of interesting though, I am definitely on board for the next hack.
By Cosmic on Aug 03, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
78% in 0:45
Fun short and sweet hack, runs like butter, looks and sounds great. Some minor issues but not what you wouldn't see in other hacks, fixing them would simply further polish.
By thedopefish on Aug 11, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
81% in 0:28
[Watch Video]  
Solid, straightforward hack. Particularly liked the way spore spawn was handled.
By Kremit44 on Aug 18, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
94% in 0:40
Excellent graphics, music, design, and just about everything else. The only thing holding it back from a 5 is length and scope. Short and no ground breaking features means for me it's not exceptional but just great. Nothing wrong with that of course. It's a short hack but an exceptional quick play, strongly recommended. Thanks for the great hack.
By Zincoshine on Sep 29, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
94% in 1:19
WOW. This community has really changed since 2022. Back in 2022 the thanksgiving quick hack was the only decent quickhack available for super metroid. Now you have things like this that would go viral on steam and sell for a lot of money. Excellent custom biomes, custom music, custom everything. Even a custom escape sequence that changes a biome instead of ending the game. Fun from start to finish. It really feels like an entirely separate game. The only faults are that you drop into a pit of spikes in the Ridley battle room and that some minibiomes become completely superfluous if you do things in a different order than intended. There is no super metroid quickhack that even comes close to this level of quality... but then again, there are a lot of quickplay hacks released since 2022 so who knows, maybe there is something among that bunch that is even better. OmegaDragnet9, you have outdone yourself, I'm excited to see you make a normal sized hack of this quality!
By KPF on Feb 04, 2025 (Star Star Star Star Star )
86% in 1:14
This hack is really fun to play.
This what Metroid is supposed to be.
I would like to see MORE from you.

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