justanothermetroid's Ratings and Reviews
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GRAVITY - Sylux's Crusade by Roebloz [MZM Exploration], rated by justanothermetroid on Jul 04, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 1:38
I really enjoyed this hack, though I did find it sort of awkward. Sylux himself just looks and moves strangely, and you will recognize many assets if you are a fan of Mega Man. I do find it admittedly charming though, I remember when romhacks appealed to me just because of that sort of referential element.

Other than the presentation, I found the game really fun. It is definitely apparent how many ways you can tackle this game even just from my single 100% run on hard mode. Upgrades feel especially well designed, there are plenty of moments that made me want to come back later. I found some parts a bit frustrating with damage output, but hard mode likely contributed to that with the lack of health comparatively. This is a hack that might be worth playing more than once to get more out of the open design.