GRAVITY - Sylux's Crusade
Release date: Jul 01, 2024
Author: Roebloz
Download: v1.00 (218 downloads)
Genre: Exploration [?]
Game: MZM
Difficulty: Vanilla [?]
Average runtime: 1:38
Average collection: 100%
Read Me: [None]
Forum Thread: Contest Thread
Rating: Pending
GRAVITY - Sylux's Crusade is Roebloz's third serious Metroid Zero Mission ROM hack and fifth overall, this time acting as a prequel to Metroid Prime 4, starring Sylux going through a
Space Pirate research station fallen under the control of one of the many weapons onboard, an experimental Nightmare model stolen from the Galactic Federation, having gone rogue and now
generating a black hole, which Sylux will attempt to stop from growing any bigger by destroying Nightmare as he runs through the station's corridors, picking up various Chozo artifacts
along the way.

Much like its predecessor, Crocomire's Last Stand, GRAVITY attempts to provide a more open kind of exploration to the player, though it is much more experimental than the former, having
been made for the MetroidConstruction Star Base contest hosted by MetroidMst, which included many restrictions, such as a maximum of 60 rooms overall. (Which Roebloz cleverly gets around by abusing
the clause for elevator rooms being excluded, and by packing as many rooms as possible within one) It is truly open progression this time around however; The hack is playable in almost
any order that the player chooses, as long as their skills are good enough to handle the tougher lower areas. It is rather short in length depending on how you play (At around 2 hours for a 100% playthrough), though of course if you decide to try and go for all of the ending
images, it will last much longer, and thanks to all the different paths you can choose, there is near-endless replay value! Do you go for the strongest upgrades first, or do you stock up
on Energy Tanks right away? The choice is yours!

Rather than the boring Zero Mission bosses, many of Fusion's bosses have been ported in thanks to the excellent work of the MetroidConstruction community. The aforementioned Nightmare
appears as the final boss of course, but many others show up with new looks and improved difficulty, such as Yakuza NEO, F.R.I.D.G.E., Serris and Arach
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Ratings and Reviews
By justanothermetroid on Jul 04, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 1:38
I really enjoyed this hack, though I did find it sort of awkward. Sylux himself just looks and moves strangely, and you will recognize many assets if you are a fan of Mega Man. I do find it admittedly charming though, I remember when romhacks appealed to me just because of that sort of referential element.

Other than the presentation, I found the game really fun. It is definitely apparent how many ways you can tackle this game even just from my single 100% run on hard mode. Upgrades feel especially well designed, there are plenty of moments that made me want to come back later. I found some parts a bit frustrating with damage output, but hard mode likely contributed to that with the lack of health comparatively. This is a hack that might be worth playing more than once to get more out of the open design.

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