Metroid: HD Custom Edition 2.1
Release date: Aug 08, 2018
Author: Aclectico
Download: Main Pack V 2.1 (Zip 1 of 3) (938 downloads)
Download: Alternate HD Packs (Zip 2 of 3) (493 downloads)
Download: Alternate Art and Music (Zip 3 of 3) (387 downloads)
(13531 downloads of previous versions)
Genre: Improvement [?]
Game: M1
Difficulty: Vanilla [?]
Average runtime: 1:02
Average collection: 100%
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Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
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This pack replaces graphics, sound effects, and music for the original NES game, Metroid. It is a hack that builds upon many prior hacks and it uses Metroid mOTHER as a base. It should be used with the Mesen 2 emulator (available at:

A USA Metroid ROM must be used with the following SHA-1 checksum: ecf39ec5a33e6a6f832f03e8ffc61c5d53f4f90b

The pack includes, but it not limited to, features detailed below. Many of these features are carryover from prior hacks that have previously been developed for Metroid. Items denoted with an asterisk are brand new features that have been created exclusively for the Mesen pack.

• Increased resolution**
• Increased frame count for movement animations**
• Scrolling backgrounds and foregrounds**
• Updated sound effects and music**
• File resources for alternate sound and graphics**
• New title and ending screen**
• Automap**
• New secret area in Brinstar**
• Pause screen powerup status indicators**
• Animated environments
• Beam stacking
• Saving
• Full health on startup
• Enemies disappear during door transitions
• Improved bomb laying mechanic

Instructions detailing the installation process are included in a README file.

The README contains details the work performed by each author below that helped make the HD pack possible:
Aclectico, KYA, Sour, mkwong98, Omegachaino, dACE, snarfblam, Infinity's End, DemickXII, Psyklax, Maximum Potion, VariaZim, WIP, Exaelart, Riklaionel, elgwen, strugglepoo, Luminist, Jorge Fuentes, Patricio Herrera, kottpower, PikaXRichMixer, Rundas45, delta7890, P0ZN0, Spooniest, Norma2D, Kercy, Phill Gonzales, HaddianKey, Raidouzero, Chad, Hydorah, Miguel Blanco, JUD6MENT, VGmusic Revisited, Noble Demon, Cubear, and Physix. Note: While, TeamSCU did not have direct involvement in Metroid: HD, elements of the pause screen UI were taken and adjusted from Prime 2D.
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Ratings and Reviews
By albert v. on Aug 17, 2018 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Amazing! This is a very nice hack, it's just incredible!
By Steel Sparkle on Dec 25, 2018 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Fantastic Job.
By Sapphron on Aug 28, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
% in 0:50
Nicely done! Getting all the custom files to work was really annoying, but I partially did it in the end. The redone tiles look gorgeous, bosses have been given a makeover.
Definitely a good experience if you want to play M1 all over again.
Frustration along with incompatibility with lua script knocks this down to 4 stars, but if you're not looking to fully customize or use said script it's definitely 5 stars.
time is rta
By metalmight on Feb 22, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 1:15
This is the best looking and playing version of Metroid (NES) now (other than the fact that it is incompatible with the lua script)! Thank you to all who contributed!
By Kremit44 on Apr 12, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 0:00
This was awesome. The base patch mOTHER+99 is great and then you add on terrific graphics and an improved map and your left with the definitive Nestroid experience. I really appreciate the effort to make such a great hack, thanks to all the various people who helped.
By metasamus on May 19, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
This is awesome!
By zaphod77 on Mar 20, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Looks awesome. But i have some ideas on how to improve. :)

1) add the rng fix, to make the enemies behave correct to FDS original.
2) replace the music/sound routine with the FDS one, to reduce lag when screw attacking. This will make the game perform faster. there's no need to use precious CPU on the screw attack sound effect when its' being replaced by a sample. (has this effectively been done already?)
By Zincoshine on Jul 30, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
.....incredible. simply incredible.
By FANXINGPRIME on Apr 15, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Amazing,It makes the original Metroid better!

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