Super Metroid Weekend V
Release date: Apr 14, 2024
Author: dewhi100
Download: Version 1.4 (265 downloads)
(93 downloads of previous versions)
Genre: Quick Play [?]
Game: SM
Difficulty: Veteran [?]
Average runtime: 0:23
Average collection: 96%
Read Me: [None]
Forum Thread: Release Thread
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
The Story so Far: After traveling through Crateria, Brinstar, Norfair, and an alternate timeline where Pedro won the 2016 American election, Samus once again finds herself short on items, this time in Maridia. But where is the moisture?

It's Super Metroid Weekend: V!

Even though Maridia has gone mostly dry, Samus will definitely be missing her Gravity Suit, as the enemies here are aggressive and pack quite the wallop. You may find yourself short on ammo and/or health unless you take your time, and respect what the wildlife is capable of. They won't be PUYOing any punches!

The goal of the Weekend series is to show what can be done in only a short time thanks to the incredible resources available to our community. Weekend 5 does that well. It is easily the biggest and most polished hack to release after a two-day development time! Newer versions have some fixes but the original v1 weekend experience is still available. See the forum post for details and full credits.

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Ratings and Reviews
By Croakomire on Apr 15, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
87% in 0:16
Feels like the same room sideways, backwards, alphabetical, and chronologically over and over again, but it's ok.
3 orbs's more accurate for me, but the movement was smooth and escape was fun to clean up (2'27"59) so have 4. :thumbs_up_emoji:
By JaceTheBodySculptor on Apr 15, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
93% in 0:22
Weekend 5 gets 5 orbs. Time will tell if Weekend 6 overflows back to 1 orb.

But seriously, I loved the enemy placement in this short, fun hack. Crabs and puyos are placed in just the right spots with the right speed, while energy and ammo must be carefully managed. If you enjoy the combat side of SM, you'll like making quick decisions whether to engage enemies or to frantically evade them.

Criticism: I disliked the lack of a save after Botwoon. The first time I killed him, with very little ammo and no energy tanks, I soon fell into a Owtch that killed me in a single hit. I did not enjoy dying after being proud of killing Botwoon with all pea shots.
By Syphon on Apr 16, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 0:28
Big fan of the Weekend series hacks.

Quick fun hack.

By Metaquarius on Apr 17, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Dewhi may be trying to compete with Pedro123 (quantity over quality) but that won't work since Sir Homenag had sprouted more hacks than there are weeks in a year. That would not be so aggravating if Weekend V has some kind of redeeming aspect but here you basically wander back and forth in samey looking rooms, trying not to get hit by the same hard hitting enemies because health is scarce. I got permastucked once into the floor due to a bad downward slope, then a second time later after a door transition due to elevatorless door tiles. This is where I put the controller down... well, not exactly... dust off Snex9x to confirm that's an actual oversight, not a ZSNES only bug ^^
So as you might have guessed I was not able to find the moisture neither First Lady Cristina. Next weekend maybe ;)
By RT-55J on Apr 28, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 0:33
Very nice little hack. The rooms, taken in aggregate, are a little generic, but the enemy placement and general progression are very well thought out. I enjoy how the enemies force you to respect them.

There are definitely a lot worse ways to spend half an hour.

3.5/5 - Recommended (Review based on v1.4)
By MetroidNerd#9001 on May 12, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 0:18
This is a neat hack in concept and has okay execution, but it has a lot of glaring issues that hold it back severely. The difficulty is too heavy on the "cheap" side where enemies deal tons of damage, have lots of health, and are sometimes rather poorly placed. The map design is very wibbly wobbly without much sense of real direction, but it's still small and relatively navigable. The final boss just felt bizarre, dealing boatloads of damage while having almost no health, all while fighting in an exceptionally obnoxious arena. The escape also weird, and I wasn't too big of a fan of the music chosen for the hack, either. The short timespan the hack was made in really shows in the lack of polish, visually and design-wise, but I suppose that's excusable to an extent because of the gimmick.

Overall, an okay quick play experience, but nothing really to write home about.
By RX-78-2 on Jul 06, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
93% in 0:12
I love the Weekend hacks and this one is just as good as the others. this one is pretty good for a quick play hack tbh, I'd definitely recommend and I personally think it's worth your time
By Kremit44 on Aug 05, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 0:34
Small competent hack but nothing special. A solid quick play.

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