Super Metroid: Axiom
Release date: Aug 09, 2024
Author: Metaquarius
Download: Version 1.1, Unheadered (816 downloads)
(1428 downloads of previous versions)
Genre: Quick Play [?]
Game: SM
Difficulty: Veteran [?]
Average runtime: 1:23
Average collection: 94%
Read Me: [None]
Forum Thread: [None]
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
Goal : Escape from Eribu
Difficulty : Veteran (ie. not for casual players)
Credits : Tom Happ (Axiom Verge), Jathys (SMILE 2.5), PB team (Project Base 0.8.1)

- Dash Ball item is bundled with Spring Ball item and is required to progress
- Wall Jump is a collectable item
- Super Missiles can be used to rocket jump/hover while airbone
- Getting Super Missiles before Bombs unlocks a special event

Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Ratings and Reviews
By RT-55J on Aug 10, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
97% in 0:47
Very nice little crossover thing. Everything here has been imported, combined, and/or reinterpreted quite expertly.

By FRMSH on Aug 10, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
94% in 1:07
By benox50 on Aug 10, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
88% in 1:04
Had more fun than OG Axiom :> mostly due to PB SM being fast and smooth,
Expertly crafted reimagining of the first area of Axiom to SM engine.
Minus the enemies, mostly all was ported around the limitations which put snes techs to great uses.
While imaginative, the only big downside being the password thing, in both implementation and polishing. Its also really short, but it might be one of the best quickplay that offers such amount of customisation.
By Frydi on Aug 10, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 1:37
I haven't played Axiom Verge before beating this hack so I can't say anything about any Axiom Verge references... Playing Axiom Verge before the hack will probably let you enjoy it a lot more, but the hack is perfectly beatable without playing it.

Very polished Quick Play hack. Features such as speedkeep/audio/whatever can be turned off in the ingame options menu (a lot of options!), so anyone can play the way they want. There were like 2 sections that slowed down a lot, but they didn't impact the fun too much. Despite seeing the passwords (kinda) I didn't realize what I had until I found the item so backtracking was required to 100%.
Veteran difficulty is probably too much for the hack, I never had any issues after finding a beam (but had a lot of issues due to being dumb with only missiles).

Finding the last item took me forever, but I just forgot to actually check a wall that always looked sus to me... Time in IGT.
By albert v. on Aug 12, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
85% in 1:39
This was incredible! amazing skills as always and quality hacks, thanks for the effort!
By Kremit44 on Aug 15, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
97% in 1:21
Its a really cool hack to put it mildly. I will forever be haunted by the missing etank. Took me longer than I care to admit to figure out the password system but that's on me not the hack, it's pretty obvious if you aren't dumb. Thanks for another incredible hack.
By brized on Aug 16, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
97% in 1:11
Really well done. I just wish there was more than one boss.
By Tundain on Aug 16, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 1:21
Having really enjoyed axiom verge, I definitely enjoyed this as well.

Except for the enemies, I really like how everything was made to work from axiom verge into super metroid.
The very beginning is a bit annoying with resource management, but fortunately it's not too long.
The rest of the hack is very fun, and I loved to see how one of my favorite features from axiom verge was also incorporated (I won't spoil what it is tho).
I kind of wish there had been a bit more of an actual interaction with Trace tho.

Since I enjoyed it I went for 100%, but that final etank definitely cost me some time searching for it.

On the downside, I did encounter quite a few scrolling issues throughout the hack (where a single scroll column/row of the room is suddenly misplaced, looked a bit ugly), and hearing the final boss music (of axiom verge) throughout the entire hack did get pretty samey after a while. There's also a few softlocks here and there (although fortunately not too easy to fall into).

All in all, definitely play this one!
By jamablues on Aug 16, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
97% in 1:30
Love this hack so much! I guess I must have missed the whole code thing :D maybe I wasn't paying enough attention. Thanks youtube lol
By H A M on Aug 18, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
There are inconsistancies with Axiom Verge (wrong music playing, boss not changing color as it takes damage), after the boss is killed, the game becomes a chore...

Update 8/21/2024: The boss is more annoying than the source game's counterpart. Since I don't have Axiom Verge on my PC, but played a bit of Axiom Verge on my switch doing everything except the final boss, I instead got the soundtrack from Soulseek, and I actually enjoyed the OG (not the romhack's) soundtrack more than the romhack itself.
By KaptenR on Aug 19, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
91% in 1:04
[Watch Video]  
Axiom was a interesting hack for sure! I did enjoy playing it a lot! But it was kinda short and I think it was too easy. Not really a challenge at all. You get so overpowered without any challenge, you are just handed items left and right. There was even some new mechanics with the new item, but it felt like a missed opportunity to utilize these, you are just handed it to you undeserved it felt like. The new boss was interesting! Always so nice to see completely new bosses with new mechanics, so big plus for that. The Graphics looks all good!
Nice with some sort of story.
Overall good hack, recommended!
By OmegaDragnet9 on Aug 19, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 3:01
I don't want to spoil too much so I'll keep this fairly brief.

I love how Metaquarius really took advantage of the Project Base physics and then cranked it up to Eleven (no pun intended.) Smooth as butter.

Starts pretty difficult but opens up pretty quickly. I got frustrated in the end game until something suddenly clicked for me.

The graphics are spectacular. Given the time frame of the last two hacks, this really blows me away that this is what Metaquarius makes when he's just messing around with side projects.
By Kirarin on Aug 25, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
85% in 1:15
I wanted to enjoy this one, for real. The ported backgrounds, some sound effects and the boss fight are magnificent. The early part of the hack is interesting with resource management. However, quickly enough the hack's difficulty is gone since you get a plethora of e-tanks and a beam (with almost no reach). I guess if this was a full project and you went against some dangerous sections or bosses, you'd have to pick between the beam with almost no range or lose health by firing ammo.

But if it was only that, I'd go with a solid 4 stars. I found odd people praising the polish of this hack when I encountered two softlocks (and the game barely has savestations, so screw you if you don't play with savestates). One I could get out of it by IBJ, which was miserable since the timing of the bombs was changed. Adding that with you not starting with wall jump, the hack, while quite fun at the beginning, can be a chore to travel due to lack of WJ. And lategame, no more bosses left and you get op as fuck.

I also went out of bounds furthest down in the map, where on the room on the left there's a secret and an e-tank (I think), while on the right there's another upgrade and the door on the right loops you around. I had screw + SJ at the time, didn't even have speed yet and triggered and out of bounds. I didn't expect to go out of bounds on a 2024 hack, even by a good romhack creator/not a joke romhack.

The password system is a bit underwhelming too. Cryptic to understand, and when I realized how it worked, that what was required to beat the game. Bummer.

The creator is very skilled, so if the hack was more polished/betatested it would've been a much better experience. Also I found odd how the creator made a bunch of dope sprites for enemies on his last hack and here most of the enemies (aside the OG Axiom ones, who look dope af) are just vanilla. The music got very repetitive, too.

I'm sure if this project gets extended on the future and extra care is given polishing it, having more customized sprites and a variety of songs this will be a banger. With the password system being reworked too.
By Dynarec on Sep 12, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
97% in 1:07
There is...

...power hidden on Eribu that ascends Samus beyond all previous heights that she has ever reached.


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