Super Metroid: Y-Faster
Release date: Aug 25, 2016
Author: Metaquarius
Download: Version 1.0 [UH] (4286 downloads)
Genre: Speedrun/Race [?]
Game: SM
Difficulty: Unknown [?]
Average runtime: 0:46
Average collection: 69%
Read Me: Readme
Forum Thread: [None]
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
Other Links: Teaser
  • Race To The Finish
  • Top Hacks 2016: Best Quick Play, Best Overall
Entry for MetConst Summer Contest "Race to the Finish"

Plot : A flying brain from another dimension is wrecking the galaxy, Samus has decided to put an end to this.
She has less than one hour to complete her task otherwise she'll die from heavy brain damage.

Goal : Defeat 4 main bosses in 4 distinct areas then head to the final area as fast as possible.
Each area can be completed in one run and in any order (no need to go back and forth between areas to progress).
There's a bit of exploration thrown in for good measure but for the most part, the main path is quite straightforward (I think?)
In case you're confused, look at the map - all area maps are available from the start.
Backtracking is usually needed when you're exiting an area to go the next one.
Most enemies has altered vulnerabilities, health and damage so you should be able to deal with them underequipped.
That includes bosses & zebetites weak to uncharged shots, etc.
Yet, as a general rule of thumb, bumping into everything (ie enemies, spikes) isn't the best way to progress.
Ratings and Reviews
By RT-55J on Sep 03, 2016 (Star Star Star Star Star )
70% in 0:56
It's like somebody spiked my Metroid with just the right amount of Mega Man.
By Steel Sparkle on Sep 03, 2016 (Star Star Star Star Star )
75% in 0:38
By foosda on Sep 08, 2016 (Star Star Star Star Star )
57% in 0:48
This is the best speedrun-able hack to date, routing options are pretty extensive.
By Dynastyx on Sep 13, 2016 (Star Star Star Star Star )
72% in 0:49
First time in, tried to explore, find some stuff. Then realized there is timer and died because of time up. Made it so much better to speed up instead of trying to find items like in most hacks. Good change of pace!
By Vismund Cygnus on Sep 29, 2016 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
By SacredHooves on Oct 09, 2016 (Star Star Star Star Star )
65% in 0:47
For a quickie contest hack: Y-Faster is a brain child. It hits all the right cords when it comes to going fast: and the added incentive that you WILL need to rush is awesome. You will find a lot of stuff easy and you can find people attempting to cap a WR speed run on it. 5/5 would recommend to family and friends
By passarbye on Dec 07, 2016 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
One of the best Super Metroid hacks ever, it will keep you on your toes! Your time management and item finding must be top-notch to complete this, but it isn't anywhere near impossible.
Would totally recommend in a top 5 or top 10 list to anyone interested in SM hacks.
By Jefe962 on Jan 01, 2017 (Star Star Star Star Star )
69% in 0:52
First of all, seizure warning. Second of all, jumping into this way after the contest, it wasn't really what I expected from Metaquarius. I understand it's a contest hack, but... there was some nice design and music... but it felt so wrong. Making a vanilla SM hack made me rather... disgusted... by a hack that does it so wrong in my opinion. Beating a boss did not feel rewarding, it just felt required for the ending, which I might add was a huge letdown. Furthermore, some items are just way too out of the way, especially in "Orangestar", which I found some of the items just before heading to "Finalstar". I even hardlocked on one of the gates, which was pretty absurd because I had to defeat Draygon again. Not fun. This hack definitely needs a polish to push its rating up.
By kojakt on Feb 11, 2017 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
I love this hack! As of writing this, I've played roughly 30-40 hacks, give or take, and, for me, this is one of the two or three best. I'm sure it has its flaws, but I had way too much fun to give a damn. Possibly the most rewarding ending of any hack I've played. Not a major time investment at all. Go play this hack! 10/10
By Aran;Jaeger on Aug 25, 2017 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 0:33
[Watch Video]  
No animals to be saved.

Quick Summary of the meaning of my SM hack ratings:
5 orbs: SM hacks within the 80% to 100% (90% ± 10%) range of perceived perfection; SM hacks for outstanding wholesome playing experiences and at most minor inconveniences.
4 orbs: SM hacks within the 60% to 80% (70% ± 10%) range of perceived perfection; Well done SM hacks with noticeable design problems.
3 orbs: SM hacks within the 40% to 60% (50% ± 10%) range of perceived perfection; Normal decent average SM hacks.
2 orbs: SM hacks within the 20% to 40% (30% ± 10%) range of perceived perfection; Overall messy, confusing, or punishing SM hacks with some upsides.
1 orb : SM hacks within the 00% to 20% (10% ± 10%) range of perceived perfection; Ruthlessly unplayable, broken, or barely from the original game changed SM hacks.

Judgement parameters summary:
° Creative ideas and features, polished design, how enjoyable and fun the hack can be, lack of hard to find or cryptic required game elements, the difficulty, and if the hack can be finished without major guides or tools.
° Note that the length of a SM hack will not necessarily contribute to my rating of the SM hack, since instead the averaged out experience over the whole hack will be taken into account to get a relative comparison between SM hacks.
° Besides this, lack of impactful changes from the original SM game also went into the evaluation of SM hacks (otherwise one may consider them among the 3 stars hacks) as follows: Ultimately, for my ratings I consider a situation in which an SM enthusiast that already has, knows about and is familiar with the original game and its prominent mechanics could only choose 1 new SM hack to play and thus would really want to make sure he/she will get a fresh and fantastic experience or journey out of his/her 1 choice.

The goal of all these SM hack ratings is so that rather new players have an overview of the whole spectrum of SM hacks and how to sort them in, in relation to each other, where SM hacks that are rated lower might still be enjoyable for more experienced players.

Finally, sometimes for SM hacks it can be relevant that they may be significantly more enjoyable from a player standpoint at which the player is well practiced and familiarized with Super Metroid's game mechanics in general, and that in particular some of the best SM hacks may not be the outright best first SM hack choices to play otherwise because of this, and for beginner SM hack players this typically steers the best first SM hack choices towards some of the SM hacks that I rated with 4 orbs instead of 5.

Rating for some hacks may be off by 1 Star, but arguably not more, and ratings are not attempted to be provided within the precision of ''half orbs''.
By advancedpillow on Nov 28, 2017 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
By sanojes on May 09, 2018 (Star Star Star Star Star )
46% in 0:45
There should be more games with that idea. Recommended
By Ri2nOneRok on May 31, 2018 (Star Star Star Star Star )
60% in 0:00
The re-instrumentation of the levels soundtracks along with a timer keeps you totally engaged. The visuals are also simple yet well done. Item grabbing is fun through out. The map is not too big, yet it is well done given the amount of time you have to finish it in. I keep playing this game over and over. One of top hacks out there.
By Croakomire on Dec 11, 2018 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Fun, quick, looks polished, some rooms may induce epileptic attacks, all the things to make a worthwhile hack
By SnakeLancer on Jan 01, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
56% in 0:51
NOT BAD! Definitly something to play once you know routes, but as a first it was kinda frustrating without save states :v nah all in all realy cool and well done!
By Nemesis on Jun 19, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 0:46
I didn't realize there was a timer... My first time playing I died after an hour and I realized all my saves were pointless and I'd have to go through the game multiple times to learn what I needed, where it was, and then kill the last boss... Maybe if I was younger I'd have loved the challenge and so remembering it would be more easy for me.

I ended up watching a speed runner beat the game and I just copied his youtube video every step of the way. I learned some new tricks and some of the things he did I did not understand how he did them.

Neat idea with cool map design though.
By Sapphron on Oct 06, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
92% in 0:51
Very nice speed-based hack. Palettes are good, level design is good, music is good, what more can you ask for? Walljumping is nice and Spring Ball is OP.
By Syphon on Oct 17, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
43% in 0:34
Gotta go fast.
By nodever2 on Apr 22, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
35% in 0:33
Completed this on my second attempt.
This was really fun! Really well made and I had a lot of fun, more than most others that I played.

I died to the timer once, but it wasn't that bad honestly, after I had explored for an hour I knew the layout of some of the areas a lot better and it was kind of an opportunity to go fast even on your first session of the hack.

Loved the bosses, the music, the level design. The only real thing preventing this from being 5 orbs is some bugs that I encountered, but they weren't even that major for the most part. 1 crash and some minor map things.
By DramaticMarquinh0svi on Dec 05, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
91% in 0:54
I liked this hack rom a lot,a cool new concept,new musics,etc. The hack rom is balanced and has speedrunning in mind that is nice because it's a race hack.
By Kremit44 on Dec 09, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
82% in 0:46
It's cool. It's got it's own flare and style and that makes it unique. It has some impressive technical tricks that I haven't seen in other hacks. The main gimmick of having a time limit isn't my favourite concept ever but it's certainly reasonable for it to appeal to others more strongly. It's obviously quite short and not really centered around exploration, as the time limit doesn't permit it, and those are flaws as far as my enjoyment goes. I personally always favour hacks that force the player to consistently make exploratory choices and discoveries. The beginning is very open but it's really all about choosing an area and trying to clear it out, very little interconnection in terms of progress. In saying that it really is what it's intended to be, a fun world to quickly explore as you race against the clock. This is a quality hack to play, especially if you're looking for something shorter, just keep in mind for better or worse this isn't a traditional Metroid experience.
By DeviousB on Mar 05, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
By Fercho on Apr 23, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
57% in 0:46
Este hack no es de mi tipo porque yo prefiero la exploración, aquí tienes que correr porque en una hora mueres, sin embargo hay muchas cosas que considero interesantes como las canciones modificadas que a mi parecer suenan muy bien y el diseño de nivel también es excelente. Lo recomiendo para las personas que quieran un giro en la manera que se juega Super Metroid.
By shaktool7 on May 28, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
73% in 0:58
lmao this hack thinks it's funny
Recommended.(Unless you are photosensitive)
By therealsusan on Oct 24, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
54% in 0:50
In a way I liked this better than the Y-Faster 2 Furious. Was hoping it had more of the meme format of that one, though.

A technical error or two I found:

1) the final door is marked as a PB door... Not having PBs I was about to quit.

2) There's a tunnel where you come out on top of a chozo statue head... Trying to get back through it, the floor isn't level & I had to glitch jump to get through. Might have been intentional on your part, but doesn't seem like it.

Off to play the sequel! Thanks for the hack meta!
By RX-78-2 on Mar 02, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 0:31
best speedrun hack I've ever played, it's a 10/10 in my book.. nice work meta, you did good :)

By OmegaDragnet9 on May 18, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
54% in 0:57
Finally got over my hangup with timers and just dove in. This one was a lot of fun.

Whereas the later entries of the Y-Faster series are parodies of notorious Metconst hacks, this one is more its own thing. It's like a Vanilla hack with some extra spice thrown in to keep things interesting. Most notably the music and palettes.

Best part of the game is the victory music at the end.

Stage design is fun. I did a fair bit of wall-jumping, but that was because it was more efficient in some instances, and one in particular it was a bit of a sequence break.

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