Megabrainz 357's Ratings and Reviews
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Test by Jathys [SM Unknown], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 21, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Huh. It was... not very much of anything. Green Samus was kind of cool. There were some changes made, but not very good ones. The door to the first Missiles room is green, but you can open it with your beam. Like Sapphron mentioned, I too was taken to Mother Brain with 10 Missiles and one E-Tank because I searched around. Other than that, I got stuck in a slope trying to get out of an area via Morph Ball. There was a weird room with a fake save station, fake Missiles, a real Missile tank, fake Super Missiles, fake Power Bombs, a fake E-Tank, and maybe fake spikes. I didn't want to find out. Other than that, nothing is changed that's really memorable. Don't play this one.
Arena 1 by Jathys [SM Quick Play], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 21, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
8% in 0:09
The first room is weird as I thought you had to get under the ship, duck, and then jump in the right position to fall through the ground and go around that first Morph tunnel. I didn't know until after that you could shoot the wall. After that, there's nothing notable until you reach Blue Brinstar from the room with the green space pirates, using the door that leads to Terminator. (The door where you first enter the room in regular Super Metroid. In this, you enter the green space pirate room from the gauntlet entrance.) That's when I first noticed that Missile tanks only give you three Missiles each. After that, the door at the right of the first Blue Brinstar room put me in Bomb Torizo's room. Going up the elevator, everything's the same until you can't leave the old Mother Brain room because it's blocked by a wall. I went back down and was greeted by some Giant Sidehoppers. It's very easy to die there as you only have one E-Tank, and this can result in a two hit kill. I used the left door at the bottom of the green space pirate room, and it's a loop! I went right and ended up in Kraid's room. Nine Missiles, one E-Tank Kraid was pretty rough. That was the best part. All in all, not very good. Hack ends at Varia.
Landing Site Abuse by Spoo [SM Unknown], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 21, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
19% in 1:27
This one was actually pretty neat! It was fun having just one room to explore. There were a couple of lame puzzles (no spoilers), but it was rather enjoyable overall. The hidden grapple blocks were weird. There is some mockballing, but that's it for not taught in game techniques. Having to take the morph ball route over and over again is a little tedious. The progression was fun. I've always enjoyed puzzles like this though, so I probably am being nicer to it than some others would be. I thought it was fun finding the items, going to the next spot, and moving forward. This was one I enjoyed, but don't play it if this isn't your type of hack.
Yonpi ks One Room - TR by Yonpi [SM Unknown], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 21, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Gravity was a lifesaver. It's exactly what it's setting out to be. Precision wall jumping, precision Grapple Beaming, precision mockballing, and so on and so forth. Unfortunately, as I can't short charge for the life of me, I had to stop right after getting Speed Booster. but in what I did play, I discovered that if you can crumble block jump (jump off of crumble blocks as they're breaking), then you can save yourself a lot of struggling with the Grapple segments. Not one I would recommend.
Super Metroid: Expert Edition by Dark Knight Kain [SM Vanilla+], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 21, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Really boring. Basically, enemies have more health and do more damage, you’re less likely to get refills. Other than that, nothing is changed. Not worth playing. And… that’s it.
Enemy Scroll Concept by Jathys [SM Incomplete], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 21, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
4% in 0:03
It’s a mess. The hack goes crazy if you leave the screen. Samus stays onscreen, like she looped, but she really is forward. So you can’t see where you are. Bomb Torizo is blocked off, so you can’t progress further than that. That’s really the only description of it I can give. You have to play it to really understand why it’s so bizarre and bad. It’s something that’s hard to describe. Enjoy, should you choose to see for yourself.
Tubes by Jathys [SM Unknown], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 21, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Um. It’s… neat to see the tubes? I don’t know. It’s short.
Phantom by Zzanitari [SM Incomplete], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 21, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
60 damage spikes. Fake walls. Fake floors. Two hit kills. One hit kills. This hack has it all. Personally, I think Syphon’s review sums it up perfectly, and I’m not going to try and top that, so, yeah. Garbage.

Oh, did I tell you about the part where I fell through a fake floor into some 60 damage spikes? Or the part where Supers didn’t load and I was softlocked? Or the part where Morph didn’t load and I was softlocked? This is a terrible hack. Stay away. Get a 3 planet restraining order.
Super Metroid: Battle by Banana Oyaji [SM Boss Rush], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 21, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
35% in 0:40
Battle is a neat boss rush hack with as central hub you can explore more of as you gain items. It was a pretty average difficulty (average meaning about Super difficulty) with some very interesting bosses that resulted, including: 0 E Tank Kraid but you have Supers, so not too bad. 4 E Tank Draygon, but you have Grapple, so not too bad again. That 6 E tank Ridley was rough. Got it by the skin of my teeth. Not much else worth mentioning except that the Screw Attack room was awful. It was Worst Room In The Game but with rising lava. Golden Torizo had a divot where you could stand a pummel him with shots and not get hit. The next room was Ridley, and after that was the Tourian eye before Mother Brain. Instead of a save room the recharge room was there. I thought the Zebetites would be lame because I only had 60 missiles, but it wasn’t too bad. I was able to leave and refill before Mother Brain, and had another skin of my teeth victory on the glass. Got it on the last missile. Parts 2 and 3 of Mother Brain wasn’t too bad. The escape was changed, which was cool. There was a mini boss that wasn’t that hard (just some Mini Kraids with more health) and upon leaving (using the same door), I was in a different room, and got to the ship. It was a pretty neat hack.
Super Metroid: Ultimate Challenge 1 by Popple_Waffles [SM Unknown], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 21, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
14% in 0:15
The screenshots are for Ultimate Challenge 2. There are some neat ideas here, but a couple of bad ones can really punish you if you're not careful, and due to how the hack functions, the punishment lasts. It's a real eyesore too, especially in the areas with the fake tube things and Wrecked Ship blocks. It's not a cakewalk, just like the title says. I guess it's fun in its own right, just be careful.
Ceres by Jathys [SM Unknown], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 21, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
It’s Ceres, but as an area. The second room gives you morph. The third gives you X-Ray. It reveals a passage above the area where the door is (no door) that takes you to the next room. It’s the same, except there’s a wall at the end and you have to find the fake block. The last room is a morph tunnel with Metroids beneath it and in the bottom left of the room is Etecoons. Ridley is the same. You get 10 seconds to escape. Escape is not Etecoons. They’re Power bombs. You inevitably die from metroids on your way out of the Etecoon area, and when you restart, the first room acts as though you’re escaping, and when you try to move, it counts as having escaped. After that, you end up in the regular game. The idea is very neat, but it needs some work to achieve that potential, particularly on the escape.
Vacation by Jathys [SM Spoof], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 21, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
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Yeah, it was pretty bad. it's just the first screen of Landing Site until you decide to exit it. The idea was funny, but it’s a waste of time I think to download it when the screenshots say it all. Don't bother.
Super Metroid: Marathon by BoostGuardian [SM Unknown], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 21, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
13% in 0:12
It is still fun I think.
Nope! Big nope! It's running - and running faster - and speed boosting - and oh my god! A shinespark! No way, I have to turn now! The tiling isn't good, and the hack is very boring. I got softlocked in a couple of places - right after the wave gate, and by messing up a shinespark (you go through two sets of speed blocks, and the second is narrower than the first. I was off, and hit the ceiling before getting through). Really stupid and boring.
Super T-Metroid by kokoakki2 [SM Unknown], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 21, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Ceres. Spikes. Crumble blocks. Spikes. Crumble blocks. Spikes. Spikes. Breather in Blue Brinstar. Spikes. Spikes. Spikes. Spikes. Bomb Torizo, where every other floor tile is a spike. Crashed game attempting to leave Bomb Torizo's room. Spikes. Crumble blocks. It's awful. Really awful.
Zebes Returns by Crocomire [SM Unknown], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 21, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
99% in 1:55
Zebes Returns was interesting. It was the same map, but major items were in different spots. I got to play an interesting boss order thanks to these changes: Phantoon, Kraid, Ridley, Draygon. You to go through the lava without Gravity to get to Ridley’s Lair, that was intense. There were blocks that were used. New Samus graphics were interesting. It was fun seeing these changes, and it made for an enjoyable time. Also, I got 99% because I forgot to go back and grab the E-Tank in Pink Brinstar in the room with the sidehoppers and the wave gate. I couldn’t figure it out either, but I was playing another hack, and I went to get that E-Tank, and that’s when I realized. Overall, one I would recommend if you’re looking for a new experience that’s stays within Super Metroid.
Super Metroid: Magma by BoostGuardian [SM Unknown], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 26, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
34% in 1:20
Meh. It had its ups and downs. I liked the small map, it made the hack feel not too overwhelming, especially with the changed physics, which I wasn’t a fan of. The water section was interesting, particularly the room with the rising water. The forced lava was intense, but not too bad. I recommend this one if you’re looking for a quick hack that takes about an hour and a half. Don’t go in expecting a masterpiece though.
Searching for Items by Terimakasih [SM Exploration], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 26, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
82% in 1:55
A neat, easy hack. It was a new map with all new spots for the items. Didn’t get them all, but I got 82%. There was a mini boss during the escape. It was Spore Spawn, who was taken out by one Hyper Beam shot. The last two boss fights were weird. Draygon had platforms in various places, and the grapple things were blocked by power bomb blocks. Ridley had three blocks you could stand on instead of a platform, and there were spikes. It was not my favorite Ridley fight. The main thing holding it back though is that saves were broken. You die, and it puts you in a spot you can’t get out of. I had to resort to save states. Could have a higher rating but the Ridley fight in particular (as opposed to the Draygon fight) and the saves thing hold it back.
Super Metroid: Full Run by BoostGuardian [SM Unknown], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 27, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
It’s bad and boring, two things that don’t go together. Bosses have very little health, there’s no enemies, and items are thrown at you. The baby Metroid noise broke the game and caused it to crash. What Aran;Jaeger did to get past the baby Metroid was cycle through the weapons while the noise was happening from what I could tell. But it doesn’t matter because it’s not a hack that should be played anyway. Getting to Ridley’s pretty stupid. There’s not much to recommend in this one. Don’t play.
Super Metroid: Ultimate Challenge 2 by Popple_Waffles [SM Unknown], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 28, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Acid and spikes. How can it possibly get worse? Oh, blocks that blend in with the background is how.
I liked the first one more. The first one had some interesting ideas, whereas like I already said, this one is spikes and acid. The background was bad in 1, but at least you could tell what was ground and what wasn't (for the most part, which is still ahead of this). Not good.
Super Metroid: Resurrection by BoostGuardian [SM Unknown], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 28, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Ugh. Samus looks really bad, like Sapphron said, but what Sapphron didn’t say is that Gravity Suit is much worse than Varia Suit. Regular suit is purple and black, Varia Suit is red and black, Gravity Suit is dark gray and black, meaning you can’t see it on a dark background. Not only is that bad, but there’s fake walls in almost every room, along with spikes and crumble blocks. This makes for some really not fun challenges. The enemies also look weird. The Zeelas got an NES update, Kihunters (some of them at least) look weird, and Spore Spawn looks like he got covered in cheese. These are just some examples. I really hope you stay away.
Super Metroid: The Darkness Spreads 1 by BoostGuardian [SM Unknown], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 28, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
It feels too much like Zebes Returns, which I actually enjoyed. I played these two close together, so maybe that’s why I didn’t like it more, but the challenges were worse in this one I thought. Item replacements weren’t as clever, and it ended being the same boss order I used in Zebes Returns. It got bland. It could have been better, but it could have been worse.
Super Easy Metroid by Crocomire [SM Vanilla+], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 28, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
It’s an interesting idea to make an easier Super Metroid. Everything else is described in the description of it. Worth playing once.
Super Metroid: Grapple by Crocomire [SM Vanilla+], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 28, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
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Like Vismund Cygnus said, the idea is neat but uses it terribly by allowing for wall jumping. It honestly made it easier as I could walk jump instead of having to shinespark or bomb jump or whatever. It’s basically Super Metroid with some items removed. There isn’t anything else to say.
Super Hard Metroid by Crocomire [SM Challenge], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 28, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
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Everything there is to say has already been said. It’s spikes and crumble blocks and softlocks. No.
Maridia by Kyodo [SM Incomplete], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 28, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
4% in 0:05
I hope a finished and more polished version of this comes out, what was there was pretty cool, except that there are multiple softlocks. Unfortunately, it’s not done, but a finished version could easily be really good. The room before Bomb Torizo is very strange. The game crashes when you try to enter Bomb Torizo’s room.
Impossible by Saturn [SM Challenge], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 28, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Very difficult. Lots of spikes, but they’re not thrown around all crazy like. It’s a little much for my liking.
Super Metroid: Mission Bicho by don gato pato [SM Unknown], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 28, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
It’s awful. It’s like I Wanna Be The Metroid and Phantom mixed together into a hideous mess. There is nothing worthwhile in this hack. Avoid.
Deathtroid by Shadowtroid [SM Vanilla+], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 28, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
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Read my review for Expert Edition. They’re the same, and this one would have a 2/5 like that one, except that Ridley is way buffed. Not recommended. If you’re looking to play a hack like this, Expert Edition is better.
Titanic Ceres Arena by Jathys [SM Unknown], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 29, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
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It’s okay. The idea is neat as I’ve said before, but again it fails to live up to its true potential. In any way, shape, or form. It starts out neat, with some searching around (I thought it’d be more than one room though) and a changed Ceres is always somewhat enjoyable due to the new experience. But, every room was filled with lava upon my escape. That I wasn’t fond of. I died, and got that glitch where it starts you on the escape, so if you move you leave. I lost all my items, so I couldn’t progress. I made it through again with my items and still couldn’t progress. Really a bad hack.
Hard by Ir0n_BeasT [SM Challenge], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Apr 29, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
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Not much to say here. It’s like Expert Edition but not as good and with a bad landing site. There’s harder enemies/bosses (in terms of health and how much damage they deal) and less drops. Play Expert Edition instead of you’re looking for something like this. It least it works reliably.
Arena 2 by Jathys [SM Boss Rush], rated by Megabrainz 357 on May 03, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Works fine until both Spore Spawn and Bomb Torizo are down, and then you can’t go anywhere.
Arena 7 by Jathys [SM Boss Rush], rated by Megabrainz 357 on May 03, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
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I could not get this hack to function properly. This saddens me, as it seems like it's probably the only Jathys hack worth playing. But, what are you going to do?
Super Metroid: Confinement by Bolognab [SM Unknown], rated by Megabrainz 357 on May 05, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
It's a landing site hack. Spikes and crumble blocks are the name of the game here. Precise single walljumps yes - you get to practice your gauntlet walljumping skills at the beginning of the hack. You'll know when. Other than that, you have your regular landing site hack array of challenges. Not really worth playing.
Super Metroid: Arrival by Jefe962 [SM Exploration], rated by Megabrainz 357 on Aug 04, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
93% in 4:32
Before I begin, SPOILERS AHEAD! Stop reading this review if you don't want spoilers.

Okay, I really liked this hack, and was ready to give it 5/5 most of the way through, but as it progressed I found a couple things I didn't like, and they were enough to knock it down to 4/5.

For starters, There was too much back and forth across the entire map. It felt a lot like, "pick up an item, go across the map, get the next item, go back to the other side, etc. Probably about an hour of my run was traveling across the map like this. Kraid was hidden too well. I couldn't find that bomb block, and ultimately had to look up a playthrough of the hack to figure out where it was. There was also a square that claimed to have an item that had no item? In Kolpruz, in the room with the backwards super gate that you have to use a Power Bomb to get underneath, there is another Chozo Statue one map square down with one of the orb enemy things. Maybe I missed it but I repeatedly scoured that room with X-Ray scope and found no sign of anything. It didn't help that this was during my struggle to find Kraid/progession, and I found that aggravating. Also, Space Jump was really janky. I struggled to use it for quite a while and found myself flying everywhere I didn't want to go. One last con: Golden Torizo fight sucks. Skip Golden Torizo and the rising/lowering acid on the ground.

Onto what I DID enjoy: I liked the idea of Wall Jump as an item. It added an interesting twist to the physics of the game, which were already altered. The aesthetics - fantastic. I play on mute sometimes, so I didn't get the music but I'm sure it was great. The atmosphere of the hack felt like a Metroid game should - ominous, like there is always something hiding in the next room. And the graphics were incredible. I liked the looseness of the bosses, and being able to go after them in any order. Sure, options within those areas are limited if you don't have certain items, but you can always make it to the boss. I ended up beating Draygon first, then Ridley, and Kraid last. The Chozo Keys were a fun mechanic to add to the game, also interesting that they were Reserve Tanks. I enjoyed seeing the new areas and taking in the scenery. Machine gun Samus was kind of cool too, I found that it helped in some circumstances but hindered me in others. The exploration was fantastic too, except for the aforementioned back-and-forth across the map for so long. And the ending didn't bug me like it did a lot of people. I actually rather liked it. The Metroids being impervious to Ice Beam was surprising, but I was able to work around it easier than I thought I would. Also, it was intense that the Metroids were marked as bosses! The first one that I tried to freeze but failed grabbed me, and I didn't know what to do, so I died, and when the map for Prometheus X loaded I was shown four bosses throughout, followed by a room with another four bosses in it! I wasn't too surprised that Phantoon was the final boss because he was the only one left heading into Prometheus X, and that fight wasn't too bad (microwave!). The escape was intense for a second, but very doable.

All in all, I had a lot of fun with this hack. I recommend it.