Super Metroid: Magma
Release date: Apr 02, 2005
Author: Boostguardian
Download: Version 1.1 [UH] (732 downloads)
Download: Version 1.1 [H] (493 downloads)
Genre: Unknown [?]
Game: SM
Difficulty: Unknown [?]
Average runtime: 1:17
Average collection: 32%
Read Me: [None]
Forum Thread: [None]
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
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Ratings and Reviews
By Aran;Jaeger on Dec 08, 2016 (Star Star Star Star Star )
36% in 1:11
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No animals to be saved.

Quick Summary of the meaning of my SM hack ratings:
5 orbs: SM hacks within the 80% to 100% (90% ± 10%) range of perceived perfection; SM hacks for outstanding wholesome playing experiences and at most minor inconveniences.
4 orbs: SM hacks within the 60% to 80% (70% ± 10%) range of perceived perfection; Well done SM hacks with noticeable design problems.
3 orbs: SM hacks within the 40% to 60% (50% ± 10%) range of perceived perfection; Normal decent average SM hacks.
2 orbs: SM hacks within the 20% to 40% (30% ± 10%) range of perceived perfection; Overall messy, confusing, or punishing SM hacks with some upsides.
1 orb : SM hacks within the 00% to 20% (10% ± 10%) range of perceived perfection; Ruthlessly unplayable, broken, or barely from the original game changed SM hacks.

Judgement parameters summary:
° Creative ideas and features, polished design, how enjoyable and fun the hack can be, lack of hard to find or cryptic required game elements, the difficulty, and if the hack can be finished without major guides or tools.
° Note that the length of a SM hack will not necessarily contribute to my rating of the SM hack, since instead the averaged out experience over the whole hack will be taken into account to get a relative comparison between SM hacks.
° Besides this, lack of impactful changes from the original SM game also went into the evaluation of SM hacks (otherwise one may consider them among the 3 stars hacks) as follows: Ultimately, for my ratings I consider a situation in which an SM enthusiast that already has, knows about and is familiar with the original game and its prominent mechanics could only choose 1 new SM hack to play and thus would really want to make sure he/she will get a fresh and fantastic experience or journey out of his/her 1 choice.

The goal of all these SM hack ratings is so that rather new players have an overview of the whole spectrum of SM hacks and how to sort them in, in relation to each other, where SM hacks that are rated lower might still be enjoyable for more experienced players.

Finally, sometimes for SM hacks it can be relevant that they may be significantly more enjoyable from a player standpoint at which the player is well practiced and familiarized with Super Metroid's game mechanics in general, and that in particular some of the best SM hacks may not be the outright best first SM hack choices to play otherwise because of this, and for beginner SM hack players this typically steers the best first SM hack choices towards some of the SM hacks that I rated with 4 orbs instead of 5.

Rating for some hacks may be off by 1 Star, but arguably not more, and ratings are not attempted to be provided within the precision of ''half orbs''.
By nodever2 on Aug 03, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
28% in 1:31
For a halfhack, it's actually not terrible overall. My favorite thing about this is the tiling, as most of it actually looks pretty good.
However, it also has many problems. It is a halfhack and the layout of the world is extremely similar to vanilla. There is TONS of suitless underwater; the first like 20 minutes is pretty much all underwater. Also, there are physics changes which feel really frustrating; your jump is much shorter, and you cannot IBJ. The world design has some big flaws, the worst one being where you have to go across the entire world after getting super missiles to get grapple and then go back across the world again so you can use the grapple to unlock a room that is like 3 rooms away from supers. That was frustrating. Also, some tiles are inconsistent whether they are solid or not which creates some moments where you might miss a required path, so watch out for that. Tourian was also completely vanilla which sucks.

However, the design of individual rooms was mostly not bad and it was fun to explore during the times where you had a sense of direction.
By Syphon on Dec 25, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
27% in 1:11
Not a terrible halfhack but has some flaws.

Worst thing about this hack is the back and forth across the map and that you have to tank some forced lava damage until you get Gravity. The underwater part at the beginning wasn't all that bad to me.
Physics changes were meh. Never a fan of that. Also enemy placement is bad at times.

You can go to Tourian without enough E-Tanks and ammo so watch out or you'll be stuck. Also the author is the first person besides MetroidMST who calls it "Tourain".

Other than that it was mostly ok. I liked the graphics in the old Tourian shaft.

I don't really recommend this unless you're really bored and played the good hacks already.
By Sapphron on Dec 27, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
34% in 1:00
Pretty mediocre overall but good for how old it is. Kind of a minihack in the sense that a few areas aren't there, but I really don't like the amount of backtracking that is expected of you, like how nodever said. Bomb timer sucks, and you can get into Tourian early and softlock if you don't have the right stuff. The escape gave me a lot of trouble, I ended up finishing with only 0.83 seconds left. Wild.
Do not recommend.
By Megabrainz 357 on Apr 26, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
34% in 1:20
Meh. It had its ups and downs. I liked the small map, it made the hack feel not too overwhelming, especially with the changed physics, which I wasn’t a fan of. The water section was interesting, particularly the room with the rising water. The forced lava was intense, but not too bad. I recommend this one if you’re looking for a quick hack that takes about an hour and a half. Don’t go in expecting a masterpiece though.
By ClaireDiviner on Feb 19, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
33% in 1:29
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The idea behind the hack is pretty neat. The planet is basically a volcano. There isn't a lot that is done with the idea, but what is done is still neat all the same. Some of the color palettes were pretty cool, with the color of the Gravity being my personal favorite custom color. Progression forward can be a bit confusing, and by the point, the hidden Grapple blocks that progresses through the game become more obvious for those who have dealt with them in other hacks before (still sucks that they're still a thing in this hack, though).

All in all, I enjoyed this more than I thought I would have; probably more than I should have. Regardless, it gets a 4/5 from me.

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