Samus' Turkey Journey
Release date: Dec 01, 2019
Author: Sapphron
Download: Version 1.0 (641 downloads)
Genre: Quick Play [?]
Game: MZM
Difficulty: Beginner [?]
Average runtime: 0:05
Average collection: 89%
Read Me: [None]
Forum Thread: Contest Release
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
  • Barbequonst Contest
This is a super short, 5-10 minute hack that I whipped up in ten hours on November 30, 2019 for the Barbequonst Contest.
I had no prior experience with MAGE before this, and had only played Zero Mission about 5-10 times including romhacks.
Regardless, I really hope you enjoy my first hacking experience. I'll make more hacks in the future...hopefully.
Absolutely NO advanced skills are required. This hack is beginner friendly.
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Ratings and Reviews
By Multi-Man on Dec 01, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
I was on the fence on if I should give this 2 or 3 orbs. I decided to give it two orbs, because although it is an interesting hack, it’s far too short to get any lasting impression, and the tiling is also pretty off as well.
By ptoil on Dec 01, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Although I was able to stuff my enemies FULL, this hack was too short to stuff me full.
By MetroidNerd#9001 on Dec 01, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
90% in 0:06
A short hack that is kind of fun, but also quite lacking. Given how quickly it was created, it's hard to expect more. There are some neat things, and some decent designs, but there isn't enough to make the whole thing worth it. If a new version is released that fixes the main bugs and graphical issues, I may give it 3 orbs.
By Syphon on Dec 01, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
90% in 0:04
I liked the funny item names and descriptions. Enjoyable but too short and lacks the polish for 3-orbs though. Still, I enjoyed it.
By alexman25 on Dec 01, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
90% in 0:07
For a first attempt at a ZM hack and something only made in 10 hours, it could have been way worse.

Nothing was too hard to figure out, and everything at least made sense. A great start, and three orbs for effort.

(Completion in minutes:seconds)
By Contendo on Dec 01, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
90% in 0:06
Could have been worse but also could have been better.

I know that this is his first hacking experience but some things could have been improved even without special hacking knowledge. For example the tiling, even though the hack has custom tilese they are not really good. There should also have been some hints for breakable blocks and secret passages because thats really not a hard thing to do and it's just frustrating to search for some stupid invisible walls.

The save station is bugged because theres solid clipdata infront of it.

Overall not the worst hack, also pretty playable but also not great.

Wish you luck on your next hack!
By Spedimus on Dec 01, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
90% in 0:06
It's not awful, and it's also playable. Good contest hack
And if it means anything, I thought the bugged save station was funny
By Cpt.Glitch on Dec 29, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
70% in 0:07
Made to get an EZ win for a failed contest. It Saph's first hack. Not much to say about it. It's playable and short.
By LetsPlayNintendoITA on Sep 13, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 0:07
Quick nice funny turkey hack. Gravy destroyed. let's try the other hack now :D
found the hidden etank in the kraid room thanks to The Brothers Crafters. really hidden. nice
By RX-78-2 on Jan 23, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
90% in 0:03
pretty cool short mini hack, I like it. nice work sapphron

Would recommend
90% is max percent btw

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