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Most Creative Gameplay 2018

Winner: SM:Decision by JoshShoeWah
SM:Decision is a quirky little hack. Though it's not the greatest or most memorable, in my mind it's certainly unique in forcing the player to make choices throughout the hack that change your playthrough. It's worth a vote for most creative, and certainly two playthroughs in my mind, just for that.
- Miranda Gemini
- Miranda Gemini
SM:Decision by JoshShoeWah is a hack that lets you decide the path you take, being the second hack of its kind after Limit in 2005. You have the option between 1 of 2 items after a boss, and the item you take can vastly alter your gameplay sequence. Screw or Plasma? You decide. The paths are incorporated well into the game and although feeling a bit amateur it has some really nice exploration.
- Sapphron
- Sapphron
Its a tie, but at the end, Decision made around a simple yet effective idea takes the cake.
- benox50
- benox50
Decision gets my vote. Having to pick and choose what items and abilities you want is something not many hacks do, and offers extensive replayability.
- Cosmic
- Cosmic
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