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Best Challenge 2011
Winner: Super Zero Mission by SBniconico
For those who get their thrills from extreme death-defying challenge, this probably wasn't the best year. However, Super Zero Mission does provide plenty of challenge in exploration. Being a combination of both Zero Mission and Super there are elements of both thrown in that look and feel familiar, and yet are done differently enough that being lost is the norm. There is always a hint for where you need to go, but if you miss seeing it, say hello to mass confusion as to where to go. Trying to find out where to head to next was difficult to say the least, because you knew where you needed to go, just finding out how to get there however was another story completely.

On top of that there are some difficult enemies and bosses, but this was never taken to an extreme. Enemies felt like a threat, but not too much of one. However, Super Zero Mission also has a "hard mode" patch as well. That takes the niceness out of it and once again we are offered a hack with death around every corner. If challenge is your thing, go for the hard mode, as none were better this past year.
- MetroidMst

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