Top Hacks
Introduction -- Best Aesthetics -- Most Creative Gameplay -- Best Quick Play -- Best Challenge -- Best Exploration -- Best Overall -- Closure
Best Quick Play 2013
Winner: B2-TW by Grime
What do you get when you put together a small hack and throw in a mixture of creativity not seen in other hacks the past year? Obviously the Best Quick Play award! B2-TW is one of those hacks you can pick up, finish in under 10 minutes, and possibly feed your innate desire to fulfill your Metroid needs for a bit. Not to mention it can also prove deadly to those who don't want to cheese the Lettuce Leafs at the end. Sometimes, it makes you wonder why more tiny little hacks aren't made around just one or two ideas. It clearly works well, and it potentially leaves players really wanting to see it made into something bigger later on.
- MetroidMst

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