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Best Challenge 2009
Winner: Eris by Digital_Mantra
Eris is not an easy game - it is the very contrary of this. However, unlike most Super Metroid hacks that attempt difficulty, Eris does not rely of death traps made of spikes and acid, nor does it take moves like mockballing, ibj, and short charging to make it a challenge. Eris is all about tough opponents and exploration, which takes us back to the roots of what a Metroid game's difficulty is really about. A true and tried strategy of Metroid fans is to just ignore and run past most enemies that pop up. They usually do little damage to the powerhouse that is Samus Aran, and usually take more time than most want to waste on them. This ideal does not work in Eris. Try and damage boost your away around Eris, and you'll quickly be in a world of hurt. Your best bet to survive is to either attempt your best to kill them, or time your dodges very carefully, the latter of which becomes an important strategy later in the game due to a certain item that can be obtained. Samus' power beam does little to repel the onslaught of creatures that await her. As you explore the depths of this planet, you will see more and more paths open up to you. With Eris, exploration is a tough task on its own - with so many paths to explore and good influence of nonlinearity in the planet's design, it can be difficult at times to know which way to go next. In many other hacks, difficulties like these can be enough to make them stop for a time - Eris' bountiful beauty and unique gameplay aim to keep the challenge high and the fun factor through the roof, making it difficult for any rookie Metroid gamers to just put it down and forget it existed. To any of you out there that haven't beaten Eris, I wish you luck. You're gonna need it!
- squishy_ichigo
- squishy_ichigo
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