greenmetroid's Ratings and Reviews
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Super Metroid: Subversion by TestRunner and AmoebaOfDoom [SM Exploration], rated by greenmetroid on May 17, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 10:33
This is my first review ever although I have played a couple of hacks. I want to point out the good and bad aspects of this hack. I played version 1.2.

+ many creative new ideas (no spoilers here, but that is basically what kept me playing)
+ new items and different take on classic items
+ creative new areas, with custom music
+ I like the logbook feature. It's nice for background information but also mandatory for some bosses to get some hints on how to beat them.
+ There is an in-game feature to help find 100% of the items which I really appreciate.
+ The difficulty is just right for me, I played on normal.
- This is my biggest complaint: the world design is bad. Traversing the world is tedious, there are only few shortcuts for the late game. And you have to traverse the world a lot! Each newly found item requires to move to the opposite end of the world so often! So you navigate the same rooms time and again. That is really annoying! Also finding the right room is sometimes not enough, you miss a detail and walk out again. It's better to lock the player if he is in the right spot by blocking a door. If you explore, take notes! There are always lots of ways to explore, even if many lead to road blocks are a few rooms.
- This is rather subjective: The world is not atmospheric, e.g. compared to the vanilla game or the first 5 minutes of Vitality.
- Botwoon was just annoying with the crumbling blocks.

All in all a great hack from a technical point of view with lots of great ideas, but the world did not resonate with me at all. It's not the same level of quality as Hyper or Vitality for me. I wish I liked it more because the developers surely spend so much time with it. I really hope that SMART will make it easier for more devs to make new awesome mods.

See you next mission!