MrOrangePony's Ratings and Reviews
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Super Metroid - Revamp by The Brothers Crafters [MZM Exploration], rated by MrOrangePony on Dec 13, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
83% in 2:35
I loved this. Had a great time and honestly the experience was really good. The only issue I had was just the music not transitioning correctly sometimes. 2.0 download also seems to be down? So I'm playing the older version but it's fine to me. Love this so much thank you everyone who contributed towards this!
Metroid: Scrolls 6 by Conner, OneOf99, CaptGlitch, JRP [MZM Exploration], rated by MrOrangePony on Oct 04, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
91% in 2:51
I'm late, but I am SO glad I decided to give this rom hack a try! My my some of the music was just MWAH. BEAUTIFUL. The level design was completely unique, and the tileset felt fresh. This hack also is a little bit more challenging, especially some of the bosses. The water place completely felt like fusion too and the boss there took me back! Absolutely loved this hack, thanks for making it, and I'm glad to have played.
Super Metroid: Ascent by Benox50 [SM Exploration], rated by MrOrangePony on Aug 10, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
87% in 7:52
[Watch Video]  
This is the best rom hack I actually ever played, unfortunately I havent played too many rom hacks but.... wow! This is seriously an experience any one can pick up on if you are kinda a new player... the only sucky part is not being able to back after the zone, BUT it WAS in the read me file, so that is sort of my fault haha! I dont want to spoil anything but seriously.... check this hack out, it is definitely worth your while and very unique....
Super Duper Metroid by Metaquarius, Daltone [SM Exploration], rated by MrOrangePony on Dec 07, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
70% in 5:15
Soooo, I have quite a bit of complaints here. I've gotten 70% of all items total, but I did enjoy the experience.

So, I've beaten the game with 70% items right. Uh. Why is it that I only had ice beam and charge beam? I've seen here that many found the beams to be a bit difficult to get. Everything felt like a bullet sponge because of this. Missiles did it's job though, but I had to grind a lot due to it. Tourain had no indication at all of where you were supposed to go, I guess you had to guess you were supposed to bomb your way to a secret spot. I've gotten gravity suit first, which immediately made the entire game incredibly easy as I was not dying. The golden statue boss I don't know if health was increased, or because I was stuck with ice beam, but man I shot 200+ regular missiles to kill him and I couldn't even use half my super missiles since he's not able to do the throwing thing. Had to play a game of shoot the floating circles to get resupplies. I spent an extra hour confused as I didn't know you had to be gravity suit less in the water ( this I feel is a bit on my fault. ), and I managed to kill bosses basically in reverse order lol. Kraid I assumed was supposed to be the last boss since I couldn't go through the brown doors, but turns out it was also hidden to find and it was a little confusing because of that. ( again, most likely my fault lol. Though I did try going there twice and took my final third time to get it. ) I was disappointed mother brain just proofed from existence on death, but I understand WHY. I wish you could swing more faster under water, it felt slow and a bit annoying to control.

Pros: since it's project base, the movement is just AMAZING. Oh man, I love being able to wall jump under water, do funny back flips, nice bomb jumps, faster bombs, faster power bombs, speed was just pumping even when falling and jumping. SMOOTH. The pallete is BEAUTIFUL, the tilesets used were just MWAH. AWESOME. LOVE IT. Items were hidden well, and I loved it all. Man each area was so well put together and I loved it so much. It was challenging the half I played it because I had low energy tanks in the beginning and only a power suit, but honestly I'm a casual gamer and it wasn't insanely difficult or anything.

The hack is great overall, just some small issues I have. But the experience is absolutely worth it. I would absolutely recommend you try this, I had a good time! You may get a little lost, but just keep at it and you'll be fine.
Metroid: Return to Zebes by alexman25 [MZM Exploration], rated by MrOrangePony on Jul 02, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
This hack was very interesting. It was creative and really made me feel i was in a metroid game. The atmosphere, the layout was brilliant. I pretty much liked everything, though I got stuck quite a lot, but I believe that was my fault to begin with. I didn't quite understand the unbreakable animated tile, but I still could appreciate it and I actually did like it a bit. I'm looking forward to more good hacks, and I hope more people could not only witness this hack, but rather play and enjoy the experience I had aswell...