Super Metroid - Revamp
Release date: Jul 28, 2022
Download: Italian translation 2.0 (489 downloads)
Download: Italian translation (1497 downloads)
Download: 2.0 (2007 downloads)
Download: 1.2 (4825 downloads)
(401 downloads of previous versions)
Genre: Exploration [?]
Game: MZM
Difficulty: Vanilla [?]
Average runtime: 2:14
Average collection: 80%
Read Me: [None]
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
This is basically a remake of Super Metroid and it's better then GBA Edition: most of the tilesets have been improved as well as seaquence breaking, glitches have been fixed, the map has been revamped.
Version 1.2 fixes a glitch that happened when shooting up or down with wave beam.
Version 2.0 adds the recently released Crocomire.
-Cpt. Glitch;
-ThAt GuY sTrAtToN;
Hex tweakes:
-Cpt. Glitch;
-Meinos Belfort
-Metroid Violinist
And as always with my hacks 101% is possible.
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Ratings and Reviews
By Meinos Belfort on Jul 28, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
78% in 1:35
[Review 1.0]

A really neat "port" of super metroid in the GBATroid engine , the running animation is coherent with the original game , most of the area are almost the same as the original one with some arrangement and sequence breaking is possible IF the player found the way by themselve , mostly early powerbombs who was really harsh.

Sadly there is some flaw i noticed like the walljump who is still the same as zero mission (6 frame "lag") instead of the super metroid one who's near 0 , some music got cuted (like green brinstar who don't play unless you take a door) or don't loop (Lower norfair) , Crocmire is kinda ... off but you need to die on purpose to die crushed on the wall against him. unlike the GBA edition.

There is some missed opportinity to use the super metroid beam or fusion for ice GFX (Spazer and wave) and colors.

there is a soft lock i encountered on "purpose" the marindia glass tunnel is breakable right at the start if the early power bombs are aquired , but don't do this because it will just soft lock you if you fall down and don't have gravity or hight jump , which was my case with both items.

even with this little flaws , this port is truly well made and i didn't had major issue with collision , knock back etc. i just hope the newer version will edit at least most of these little flaws , graphical or not. as always keep it up the good work.
By SnakeLancer on Jul 28, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
37% in 1:33
A nice effort, but I can't say it's a revamp more a reimagination. Balance the music volume level, they were super loud at some areas. I did enjoy my time but when you said Revamp I did expect a 1 on 1 copy + extension and this hack did not feel that way.

Nevertheless, an alright hack.
By KPF on Jul 29, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
79% in 0:00
This is so cool dude. I really like how you did this. This makes SM Fun to play and rediscover.
[WHAT ESLE YOU GUYS GOT]. Can't wait to see.
By Cosmic on Jul 29, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
87% in 2:17
[Watch Video]  
Compared to the original SM GBA edition I liked this a lot more. A lot of the smaller issues are fixed like making noob bridge a little challenge again, and the custom music is excellent as well. Vertical doors are OUT, replaced with horizontal doors and some changes in routing. The world is more interconnected than vanilla SM with a couple extra connections and the main route is also a little different in that you get ice beam before you fight spospo.

There's still a couple minor nitpicks like a broken crocomire or the music not always looping but for the most part it's a much more polished version of SM GBA.

All in all a great hack, if you're looking to experience what SM would be like with GBAtroid engine, or you just want to play a good MZM hack, this is the hack for you!

By LetsPlayNintendoITA on Aug 07, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
101% in 2:53
[Watch Video]  
I have seen this hack since it was in the womb basicly.
A modified, revised and special edition of GBA edition, but in its own rights.
Better, faster, refined and with all the qol you may want from it.
New secrets, new graphics, technically better, and in Italian too!
Something else is coming that I can't wait to play more and more.
Thanks for another great adventures that lasted for two months!
By RX-78-2 on Jan 06, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
101% in 1:47
pretty good remake of super metroid for zero mission (much better than GBA Edition tbh), I approve..

By FANXINGPRIME on Apr 15, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Amazing!I love Super Metroid very much.It has better musics and graphics than the GBA Edition.Thanks a lot,The Brothers Crafters!
By Kriken Empire on May 06, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
69% in 1:54
This is less "Super Metroid but in Zero Mission", and more "What if Super Metroid was Zero Mission instead". Items are moved around, progression is changed in some areas, and the map is warped to match ZM's controls. There's even shinespark puzzle rooms.

This plays both for and against the hack. For example (and not accounting for any sequence breaks), super missiles are blocked off until after you defeat Kraid and get ice beam, and I think that's because ZM Kraid is balanced around not having supers. However, this essentially creates a lot more backtracking than SM had. There are more examples, but most are fairly interesting.

There was also one missile tank placed in forgotten highway, which is almost a joke location for where an item shouldn't be in SM. It wasn't frustrating or anything, just weird.

Aside from the graphical improvements, I don't see any point in comparing this to Super Metroid GBA edition in terms of actual quality. These two hacks have different philosophies behind how to adapt SM into ZM. GBA Edition cleverly emulates SM even if ZM isn't actually capable of copying it properly (and added a couple rooms but that was minor). Revamp feels like it was designed as if SM never existed on the SNES and was always a GBA title with ZM's gameplay.

I can't believe this hack missed the opportunity to replace Bomb Torizo with Kiru Giru just like GBA Edition though. That's twice a boss that is weak to bombs wasn't used in the place you get bombs. Ridiculous.
By Zhs2 on Jul 12, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
87% in 2:17
Pretty good. Errs on easy gameplay, but that's a given when Super Metroid is the same relative difficulty. Music is okay, tinkle Maridia is the most annoying song given the sharpness of the primary instrument but there were other great tracks (mostly subdued) to balance that out. I don't mind the backtracking, there are so many shortcuts and even express dumps to where you need to be in this hack that navigation is not a pain. I would not have minded if Kraid and Ridley were a smidge tougher than their original counterparts, this is practically the first romhack where I have not had so many missiles I kill Kraid before he can destroy the ledge but he's still simple with tractor beam and Ridley dies if you simply unload your supers. Vanilla difficulty, basically. Clever to use the ceiling rides as a substitute for grapple beam. If anything, I was confused that "Crocomire's" room had a boss icon but nothing in it. Definitely worth a play if you like ZM hacks.
By Azagroth on Dec 09, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
75% in 2:14
I absolutely loved this hack. Extremely well made recreation of SM in ZM. I thought it could not be better than Super GBA edition but The Brothers Crafters absolutely made it a spectacular upgrade which improves everything over the original. The only thing I can give as an idea is to put Arachnus in the bomb room so you have a boss there, if you are able to add him in.
By starlightintheriver on Jul 17, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
101% in 3:22
This review is going to be perhaps uncharacteristically harsh, but... look. I really enjoyed this hack. There's so much fun stuff about it, I loved seeing all of the new routes and easter eggs, I thought it was really cool and clever how content from Super was reinterpreted as content from Zero Mission. But all that love isn't enough to mask my true feelings about this hack.

If you check the forum thread, you can see Pethronos report a softlock with the glass tube that connects Maridia to Kraid's lair. I have to be honest and admit, I have no idea how you actually perform this softlock. But frankly I don't really care, and I found two other softlocks anyway: one if you speed boost through the boost wall near the entrance to Green Brinstar before getting Supers; and one if you enter Maridia without gravity, go down the elevator to the lowest floor, and jump in the sand. Both of these softlocks are easily fixable: The first by adding a bomb tunnel back towards the other side of the speed wall, and the second by adding a morph tunnel present in vanilla SM that allows you to bomb jump back up to the vertical tube.

Now here comes the problem. Again, in the forum thread, TBC responds to Pethronos' softlock report by saying that the softlock is a consequence of a speedrun strat, and is thus intentional. I don't know what this strat is, but I don't think it would change my judgement. Look, I don't think it's a good idea to allow people to get stuck and lose progress for the sake of speedrunning; the majority of players aren't going to speedrun, and there are ways to make it possible to do this anyway. For example, if you wanted to try and get through the Maridia tube without PBs, maybe you could make it possible to go backwards through the one-way passage connecting Main Street to Alpha PBs with a fancy trick or something? I dunno.

So, that explains my final judgement of the hack. I don't feel comfortable giving it one star, because it's ultimately a good hack, but I feel like I need to be harsh to make people understand that this otherwise good hack has some problems that are easily avoidable, I don't see any reason to leave them in. Ultimately I'm hoping to convince TBC to go back and fix the softlocks- once they do, I'll feel comfortable bumping this back up to a 5 star rating. But until then, do not try and subvert the Maridia tube, do not go in the sand without Varia, and get Supers as fast as you can once you get Speed Booster. There may be other softlocks, but those are the ones I found.

EDIT: So, yeah, this was a little harsh, lmao. Sorry about that. Ultimately, I do recommend this hack; it's not like the softlocks are easy to get stuck in (I'm pretty sure I had to do some UWJs to get into Maridia quicksand before Gravity, for example) and I also felt really bad saying the softlocks were "unacceptable" because that implies that TBC did a morally bad thing? Like it's just a hack dude. Bumped it back up to three stars just in case this is the final version because TBC just don't want to work on it anymore, which is understandable.
By OmegaDragnet9 on Sep 10, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
63% in 2:17
Wheras Super Metroid GBA Edition was more of a 1:1 recreation in ZM's engine, Revamp does a better job making the route work in a ZM context.


Instead of straight doors down you'll see more extra connecting rooms. There are a few places where the translation to ZM was a bit more anti-climactic than its Super Metroid counterpart (mainly the big lava rising room in Lower Norfair and the big hall leading to Draygon.) Even still, that is a small price to pay to gain the streamlined experience.

Don't recall exactly what changed between 1.2 and 2.0, but I am really more impacted by what changed between GBA Edition and Revamp.

Give both a playthrough, but maybe play this first, approaching GBA Edition as a worthy first draft.
By MrOrangePony on Dec 13, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
83% in 2:35
I loved this. Had a great time and honestly the experience was really good. The only issue I had was just the music not transitioning correctly sometimes. 2.0 download also seems to be down? So I'm playing the older version but it's fine to me. Love this so much thank you everyone who contributed towards this!

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