Metroid Prime Harder Times (Demo)
Release date: Aug 09, 2021
Author: Fantaselion
Download: Version 1.02 (185 downloads)
(3 downloads of previous versions)
Genre: Vanilla+ [?]
Game: MP1
Difficulty: Veteran [?]
Average runtime: 0:00
Average collection: 0%
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Forum Thread: Release Thread
Rating: Pending
Welcome all to the very first NON-gimmick half hack (demo) for Metroid Prime! (Hack name is a work in progress)

Been working on this for about a month and I'm finally able to release the demo which includes a very different Frigate Orpheon

Things to expect in this hack:

• Edited Cutscenes

• New Cutscenes

• New Threats (not new AI, but new scripted threats)

• Much Harder Difficulty (at least in comparison to the vanilla Frigate Orpheon)

• A Ton of More Scripted Events

• New Scans

• Maybe A Couple of Funny Stuff

• And Much More!

I will not be working on this for some time, as what I want to do involves functionality that PWE (the level editor) doesn't support yet (that and IRL is about to get a bit more busy) but I definitely will come back to this mod at some point!

There are a couple small bugs listed in "Known Issues.txt"

To patch, just use the included Delta Patcher on a unmodified Metroid Prime V1.00 ISO.

This mod has been tested on Dolphin, but should work on Nintendont

Big Credit to Aruki - Original Creator of Prime World Editor, thus making this mod possible.
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Ratings and Reviews
By bluepikachu7 on Jul 05, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Double Trouble was great, but I didn't finish this one even with save states as the difficulty seems way too overly forced. Deathtraps are cool as long as they don't set you back much, but putting one right before a save station is just evil. Some of the scans are funny though. It could be fantastic if done right.

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