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Best Challenge 2015
Winner: SM Redesign: Axeil Edition by Drewseph
Despite being labelled by many as "Redesign: Easy Mode" initially, Axeil Edition is brutal and unforgiving. Grappling with the altered mechanics can throw off even the most experienced players, and Axeil Edition isn't afraid to punish you for your mistakes. Combine this with its open-endedness, and many ways to approach certain challenges, and Redesign: Axeil Edition pushes players to their limits. Make sure you're prepared to face it!
- Miranda Gemini

OG Redesign was too hard; Axeil scales it down to be just right.
- Oi27

Redesign Axeil is quite the challenge, having a rather difficult early game and an especially difficult Tourian section. The middle of the game provides plenty of challenges in the form of puzzles too.
- Sapphron

tourian's tantalising typhoons and tornados gonna torture your spine
- shaktool7

Really more challenging than the other entries, especially with the new physics.
- Tundain

It made me have feelings.
- MetroidMst

Oh wow! Forgot we have the asm masterpiece here that is Axeil. This must be one of the most well made challenge hack, alot of work went into it considering its a rework ontop of the OG Redesign.
I must admit I never got really far, since those physics arent my thing, but I can see how of a monument Axeil is in both size and challenge for the player.
- benox50

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