Super Metroid Planet of Barren
Release date: May 03, 2022
Download: Version 1.0 (215 downloads)
Genre: Vanilla+ [?]
Game: SM
Difficulty: Vanilla [?]
Average runtime: 3:07
Average collection: 89%
Read Me: [None]
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
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A half-hack that changes a few rooms but more importantly reroutes your path through Zebes in interesting new ways. Lots of palettes are changed (some for the worse, but mostly for the rich purple - Nobucky should have called this Planet of Purple) and it is built off of Project Base to tweak your inevitable trip through suitless underwater into nowhere near pain.
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Ratings and Reviews
By Zhs2 on Aug 16, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
84% in 2:32
That feel when you have to be the one to post a hack just to appropriately rate it. *Ahem* Planet of Barren is an interesting little hack that takes you to the right of the world first instead of the left, and doesn't make that difficult in any way. Phantoon has been nerfed to first major boss standards, all of the others are untouched. I thought it particularly fun to soar through the water given Project Base changes enough physics to make navigation unfrustrating. And note Project Base especially: once you get speedbooster, you can pull off all of those fun shinespark tricks basically anywhere. Its only major failing is that it's a halfhack, which means navigation is extremely predictable, and some palettes are crap. Nothing murderous to the senses but definitely irritating.
By Metaquarius on Aug 18, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
-1 orb for being a quintessential half-hack (does not alter room locations nor door transitions at all) making the whole thing predictable, hence boring. Not to mention there are already a dozen of souless hacks like this. There is some much "interesting new ways" you can pull off with so little changes.

-1 orb for dubious palette choices and poor tiling -- a few select rooms have minor level design edits which are often visually offputting, biggest offenders being those large rooms made with the same repeating tiles.

-1 orb for lack of overall polish -- tiling errors are not uncommon, some of them are in plain sight so no excuse. Pickups have been moved out of their original location but map dots have NOT been edited accordingly... Phantoon was nerfed, yeah, but the next room filled with KZAN enemies (and spikes) kill you in one hit, too bad.

The one and only saving grace is that it's using project base 0.7 engine making the whole thing somewhat bearable, otherwise I'd have put that down way earlier. There are some sequence breaking opportunities too.

Did not finish.
Do not recommend.
By ocesse on Aug 19, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
94% in 3:43
I remember playing this game when Nobucky posted it on SMeckHack. Overall I liked the choice of palettes, new variety of colors is always refreshing when replaying Super Metroid. The route you must follow to advance in the game has changed, good for that, but in the end this game is nothing more than a half hack, but I liked the fact of having taken Project Base v0.7.2 as a base. Anyway, thanks for sharing this game here on metconst, as it gave me more than 3 and a half hours of fun.

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