a nice place visit
Release date: Oct 03, 2022
Author: neen
Download: v1.03, unheadered, bps (185 downloads)
Download: v1.02, unheadered, bps (97 downloads)
Download: v1.01, unheadered, ips (217 downloads)
Download: v1.01, unheadered, bps (128 downloads)
(111 downloads of previous versions)
Genre: Unknown [?]
Game: SM
Difficulty: Expert [?]
Average runtime: 2:24
Average collection: 25%
Read Me: [None]
Forum Thread: [None]
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
esoteric glitch-gated hack

1.03: added save station in obnoxious section, added two new secret items, fixed other minor tiling and graphics issues, fixed one section of rooms not aligning in map, added scyzer's save/load patch, original secret item should now be obtainable
1.02: added late game save room, fixed broken escape timer graphics, and some other minor fixes
1.01: fixed respawning item and potential softlock in escape sequence


hack by me

damage tile by jordan5
bomb torizo fix by pjboy
ceres skip by black falcon
grey door escape timer by oi27
save/load by scyzer

Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Ratings and Reviews
By Sickwood on Oct 30, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
25% in 2:26
This is not going to be everyone's cup of tea, but for a first hack and a challenge hack, I did enjoy it. As the preview pics show, there are some interesting rooms and backgrounds to be seen. Mandatory progression items do require some semi-advanced tech, and there's other built in challenges as well. There was a chokepoint during exploration that was pretty tough to find the path forward that normally I'd grind out, but I had invited the author to watch a playthrough and for the sake of not boring him to death, I did get a hint, but was still the biggest time eater of the playthrough. The rest of the level and map design was pretty solid for a first time effort. The escape is quite beefy and difficult to pull off first try for a few reasons, but was pretty unique and satisfying to finish. Good job Neen, looking forward to future works.
By Sapphron on Jan 01, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
26% in 1:39
Neat hack!
A lot of the level design in this hack is extremely unusual but it goes quite well with the hack. It's something I haven't quite seen before, and has some really interesting things in store. Some decently advanced tech is required but you don't need all of it to beat the game. All in all, a nice place visit.

By ocesse on Oct 25, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
23% in 3:08
A nice challenge hack; for being the author's first hack, the result is quite good. It is appropriate for spend an afternoon trying to find the route to follow. I must admit that the room where you need to do a short charge caused me headaches, either because the path is uphill or because I like to play with an Xbox 360 wireless controller, using the analog stick. I especially liked a multicolor background in a room, it is very well done. Thanks for this game, neen, I hope to be able to play more hacks from you in the near future. I recommend this game to people who like challenge hacks.
By Zincoshine on Jan 08, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Way too rough around the edges, what you see in the screenshots are what you are going to get.

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