Super Metroid SCM
Release date: Jun 03, 2021
Author: YP
Download: Version 1.05 [UH] (1857 downloads)
Genre: Challenge [?]
Game: SM
Difficulty: Veteran [?]
Average runtime: 6:21
Average collection: 75%
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Forum Thread: [None]
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
Other Links: smethack page
Here's a half-hack I made for practicing short charges.
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Ratings and Reviews
By Sickwood on Dec 28, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
97% in 6:21
For those that like challenge hacks, this is the best one by far for short charge puzzles. No real map changes, but probably 90% of rooms require some kind of speed booster puzzle to advance or collect items. Prior to player this, I could barely get a 15-tile short charge on a good day, but I became obsessed with practicing and solving them, which included tons of 13, 14, and 15 tile charges. The hardest 13 tile ones seemed to always be associated with one particular ammo item. Was able to get all of the puzzles utilizing a stutter 4-tap, except one that required a mandatory 12-tile charge and the creator left an interesting message in that room and must be a dream of his to pull off. That one wasn't going to happen. There was a troll section for a particular beam that didn't really fit the theme of the hack, and seemed like a bad design choice compared to the rest of the hack. Spent way too much time trying to get into that section. Other than the 12 tile challenge, I couldn't remember where I'd missed an e-tank and missile and was tired of running around and backtracking, so just finished 3 items short. Overall, this is one of the best challenge hacks and made me better for playing it.

Edit: Remembered where I left an e-tank, which happens to be in room/area where you can't charge a spark at all. That's where a gimmick that the author built into the hack comes into play, which btw...those floaty blue spikey enemies in the preview pics have something to do with deterring.
By caauyjdp on May 12, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
61% in 7:00
This hack finally made me learn to shortcharge somewhat more properly and for that I am greatful.
Liked that some items had "choose your own difficulty". Liked lack of bullsh*t.
Cheesed 4-5 spots a bit with ice beam. Didn't bother with lot of items because I was tired(and still bad). Used copious amounts of fastforwards to go through door transitions, but otherwise uncheated. 7h is just igt, total rta might have took triple that.
Loved the hud, made it easier to understand samus animations because my eyeballs are too slow. Hopefully I'll be able to use muscle memory from this to not need such crutches anymore.
Neat hack if you want to git guder.
By badatmetroid on Aug 01, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
78% in 3:29
Great map if you want to learn slow charge. I used slow motion to cheese anything that needed a shorter charge than I could 3-tap (there are a few puzzles that need stutter 3-tap).

Interactive map available at Project Maptroid (
By GUCHAKICHI on Jun 17, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
I ran RDPK.
We do not use OoB.

I ran RBMBO.
OoB used.

The perfection of the puzzle using the booster is a must-see.
By h4O9hRveaf on Jun 17, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
64% in 8:36

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