Zero Challenge
Release date: Mar 09, 2017
Author: Ing-Ing
Download: 1.0 (1198 downloads)
Genre: Challenge [?]
Game: MZM
Difficulty: Expert [?]
Average runtime: 1:15
Average collection: 55%
Read Me: [None]
Forum Thread: [None]
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
For those that think Zero Mission is too easy.

Additions: 1 health. 1 missile/super per tank. No low health alarm.

Admittedly, Capt.GLitch did most of the hard work, I just envisioned it, and put it to use.
Ratings and Reviews
By Cpt.Glitch on Jul 09, 2018 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Only play if you want to hate yourself or think ZM is too easy.
By Sapphron on Jan 02, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
58% in 1:20
Why did I finish this, especially without savestates? 70 deaths. Ended up picking up almost every item basically because I wouldn't have gotten anywhere with like 5 missiles and 1 super. MB was pretty bad because rng, but the rest of it was okay-ish.
Do not recommend.
By kkzero on Feb 27, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
By caauyjdp on Jan 31, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
51% in 1:11
Makes you pay attention.
Stealth section had more than 1 health.

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