rpmac's Ratings and Reviews
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Super Metroid: Subversion by TestRunner and AmoebaOfDoom [SM Exploration], rated by rpmac on Sep 20, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 11:30
Best hack of the decade! This honestly feels as if DeerForce could remake super metroid, this would be it. The level planning, the visuals, the music, the boss fights: 10/10.

I had so much fun exploring, and even though it is a long hack, I was sad when I finished it. This hack appropriately stops you from going too far in the wrong direction, so you don't have to backtrack out of 10 rooms before getting to the right place. However, it doesn't feel linear and replicates the openness of the vanilla game.

I was sceptical when I saw the logbook, but honestly its so well done; comparable to the prime games.

I have not wanted to replay a hack from the beginning, but I'm excited to get a faster time and try some of the challenges. Also need to save the animals next play through!
V I T A L I T Y by Digital_Mantra [SM Exploration], rated by rpmac on Sep 20, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
54% in 4:03
This hack was ok, I understood what it tried to do in story telling, however I didn't felt I got most of it, minus the ending. Wish there was more in terms of lore.

Also wished I could see where I was going. I get that the theme and atmosphere this was trying to create, but it just resulted in some frustration trying to navigate rooms. I liked the last area, just wish it didn't softlock you in the final area.
SM - Cryogenesis by Onnyks [SM Exploration], rated by rpmac on Sep 20, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
93% in 7:15
Pretty good hack, nice design and pacing. Love the transition between the different states of rooms.

Minor issue- there are a lot of tiles that just seem to be there. With the lack of xray, I was bombing everything to see if it was something (a lot of the time it wasn't).
Polarity by Oi27, Moehr [SM Exploration], rated by rpmac on Oct 28, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
I really wanted to like this hack, but unfortunately there were too many flaws in this hack.

The grey scale while interesting at first, makes it hard to see platforms and bombable blocks. The magnet was interesting but I found it hard to use without slowing the pace of the game right down. Unless I had to use it, I was better off wall jumping.

I also take issue with categorising this as vanilla difficulty as some parts were defintely not vanilla; particularly getting out of the cavern where you get ice. I appreciate I'm not the best runner, but that's the reason why I don't play much hacks with the veteran or speedrunner difficulty.

Ultimately I didn't finish this hack, but after watching a video online, I was pretty close, but had no desire to fight the boss and escape for the 4th time.