metalridley6's Ratings and Reviews
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Super Metroid Exertion by Mentlegen [SM Improvement], rated by metalridley6 on May 23, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.

Honestly, the only thing spicy about this hack was the ''2 new suits'' thing, the world is smaller (no tourian or norfair), the map is EXTREMALY buggy (for example, in brinstar there are words on the bottom-left map that are supossed to be the ''red brinstar'' deleted section of the game, except this area DOESN'T EXIST!!!), enemy placement was bad, in contrary of vanillatroid (wich has very few space pirates), the game is INFESTED with space pirates (especially in the final portions of the game) and pretty few normal enemies wich damages the unique fauna that makes metroid great, the bosses are few (only 3 to be exactly, bomb torizo, spospo and phantoon) and only phantoon is a bit challenging (still fairly easy thx to screw attack), the sector z gates idea (clear inspiration from hyper metroid) was quite good, even though most gate locks are poorly hidden, non-beam weapons are almost useless in the game, missile is only useful to unlock white gates and killing some enemies in the beggining, power bomb is useful ONLY on brinstar, and surprise! NO SUPER MISSILES! The good things about the game is morph + bomb and hi jump + spring ball in the same package, and the new suits (wich aren't big thing honestly, iferno suit is only useful on 2 rooms to walk in the lava and in one of them there almost ins't lava! last suit is pretty useful tho but is in the very ending of the game and all the 5 suits have very bland design.). overall the game is meh, not cristener homenag-tier bad but not good either, a pretty solid 3.
Lost World by TROM [SM Exploration], rated by metalridley6 on Feb 07, 2021 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Man, i do the best i can to like this game, i REALLY want to give this game a chance, but i simply can't...

The custom tiles, backgrounds, palettes and sprites are fucking beautiful, gives a new fresh look to the game many other hacks can't give, but unfortunately the only redeeming quality about this hack is the art, enemies are INSANELY strong (strongest flying-swarm-type enemies i've seen in a sm hack, for example), the new mechanics are bad, missiles have a 2/3 second firerate momentum now, which looks like a fucking E T E R N I T Y for metroid standards! Not only that, you only get 2 missiles per pack (but that ins't necessarily bad either ins't it? Eris did it and is a great hack!). New gates are a pain in the ass to find, unlike axeil edition that shows on the map the key items to enter the final zone, this game basically tells you ''fuck you, search the gates everywhere in this sparse, large world without any tip, good luck'', speaking about item hunting, till today i've never found an OFFICIAL way to get the first super missile pack, all of the gameplays i've watched and even in my own gameplay, the player have to do some tricky warping glitch somewhere in the volcano zone to get it. BTW this game do have a thing with puzzles involving those nautilus guys uh?

TL;DR game has exploring, backtracking and mechanic problems

Didn't finish

Do not recommend
Super Metroid: Subversion by TestRunner and AmoebaOfDoom [SM Exploration], rated by metalridley6 on Sep 06, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
100% in 9:26
Man, what a phenomenal work. Could rate twice orbs if i could.

This is pretty much what a super metroid hack should be, everything about it is legendary, use of original AND custom graphs, custom ost, etc. but the highlight i'm gonna give are the mechanic improvements, in specific the log system. Not only clearly took a lot of time and hard work, it is surprisingly useful. Seriously, i'm a 5 years 'troid veteran, and this hack made me look like a toddler, both in enemy quantity and power, but also in backtracking and route choosing, and without the hints from the log, i couldn't barely reach half the game! This is not the only fresh stuff, though, there are completely new items, (like i said) new ost and graphics, new mechanics, new systems, etc. Thing i hate about most metroid hacks is the lack of new mechanics (reason hacks like temple of the winds, hyper, ascent, etc. are my favorites) but this one is just plain revolutionary

Now, if i had a problem with this game is the difficult, i mean, the enemies are kinda of rough (and that considering i collected most powerups lol), but the main obstacle here is the twice-as-large world and choosing which route to take, you WILL be confused and backtrack the entire game if needed. But the shine this hack gives completely obfuscates the bad things.

Super Metroid: Subversion is the kind of hack you should play before dying.

Absolutely recommend.
METROID: CROCOMIRE's LAST STAND by Roebloz [MZM Exploration], rated by metalridley6 on Sep 25, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
First of all, i gotta give to this hack the fact that is the only metroid media (fanmade or official) as for now that let you conceptually play as SA-X (there is multitroid but we don't count this one that much). Seeing SA-X fully payable in the screenshots already induced me to download it, really.

Let's start with Sam... AHEM, SA-X's poses. They're weird, so weird. Don't get me wrong, pixel art and spritework is indeed time-consuming and hard to do, but jesus christ man, the beam shoots doens't even match SA-X arm cannon position! Also, be sure to hold your laughter once you get power grip, really, not only SA-X has no heart she also has no skeleton as well LMFAO.

Another criticism i have is the overabuse of SM assets, this hack honestly should be called: ''super metroid GBA (engine) edition''. Literally everything you know from original ZM is erased by it's predecessor: SFX, music, graphics, etc... with a few areas here and there with fusion graphics, for example.

I tried to complete the hack, but got permastuck at Mar... Ahem, aqua abyss because i didn't got gravity suit. And honestly, my impressions on this hack weren't that high at this point, so i quitted.

The reasons i give 3 orbs is that, first: SA-X, second: even though the level design is quite bland and forgettable, the game at least is 99% fairly deisgned, with few permastucks/softlocks and quite completable, just make sure you collect gravity suit the earliest possible so you can complete the game! ;)

Didn't finish