Stay open-closed gates
Release Date: Oct 27, 2022
Author: Mettyk25jigsaw
Type: Assembly
Rating: Pending
[download] .asm file (64 downloads)
Game: SM
Hi everybody.

I've accomplished making Stay open/closed gates and have also made the gates so they are 100% impossible to lockout Samus on the wrong side of gate and gate cannot possibly retract by Samus being inside the empty gate tiles that were initially closing on her by making the gate be solid throughout the whole motion of gate closing/opening and by making an open gate be uncloseable while inside the empty gate tiles. I have also made a visual effect on the gates since all tiles will be solid while gate is in motion either up or down that creates a blocking effect and in turn makes it feel that the gate isn't meant to be passable while gate is going up or down.

If you are wanting to use this asm patch, keep in mind that you will need to use the SupermapV1.1 Patch by JAM and will also need to use the CRE free up patch by myself.

The gates are not just any weapon, missile, super missile and power bomb gates either, there are these six additional gates as well:

Bomb gates
Charge Beam gates
Ice beam gates
wave beam gates
spazer beam gates
plasma beam gates

The pink gate in video shows Samus being able to open the gate from other side of gate to switch and the blue gate in the other room shows Samus unable to open gate on other side to switch. All gates will be like the blue gates except this pink gate in video, this is because the pink gate is the wave beam gate and one is able to shoot through blocks with the wave beam so I have made it that you are able to open a gate on opposite side of gate to switch for wave beam gates for this purpose.

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