ZM (USA) QOL Improvements Pack
Release Date: Sep 11, 2023
Author: biospark, Cpt.Glitch, FelixWright, raygun, somerando (cauuyjdp), yohann, jasinchen, kiliwily, JumZhu.Diwa
Type: Assembly
Rating: Pending
[download] .zip archive (v5) (23 downloads)
Game: MZM
+ Fixed vanilla bug: Grabbing power bombs before bombs softlocks the game

- Reverted some graphics edits (Bomb gfx, newgame+ power bomb tank gfx)
+ Fixed: Crateria map station message replacement was wrong
+ space pirate drop bug fix
+ samus fullsuit running left oam fix
+ tweak: charge beam jump glows visible while screw attacking

+ Common tweaks for QOL / Hacking freedom
+ Midair Ballsparking (Requires Hi-Jump)
+ R-Shot

+ Any suit upgrade gives Fully Powered Suit
+ Fixed suit acquisition not enabling them.
- Removed fast item grab.

This is it. *The* patch for probably everything you want to start your ZM hack. A template.

- starting room
- unknown items (with Varia = Full Power Suit gfx)
- item toggling
- tractor beam
- scale end percent
- more map station messages
- 4th map color
- starting items
- transparent map fix
- credits to creator(s) of each patch


biospark- unknown items, starting room, scale end percent, 4th map color, r-shot, midair ballsparking

captglitch- faster item grab, tractor beam, start with items

felixwright- more map messages, making this asm

raygun- tractor beam, unknown items, transparent map fix

somerando- more map messages, getting this asm to work

yohann- tractor beam, unknown items, more map messages

o7 thank you friends. you are the reason cool stuff like this exists.
Screenshot Screenshot
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