Improved Bomb Chains
Release Date: Sep 17, 2021
Author: kiliwily
Type: Assembly
Rating: Pending
[download] .asm file (140 downloads)
Game: MZM
[ZM_U] Allows Samus to destroy multiple bomb chain blocks of the same type at once.

Especially useful if you use the tweak that makes chain blocks destroyable with speed booster/screw attack:

0x8345ACC: 12 10 -> ?? 10
0x8345ACE: 12 10 -> ?? 10
0x8345AD0: 12 10 -> ?? 10
0x8345AD2: 12 10 -> ?? 10
0x8345AD4: 12 10 -> ?? 10
0x8345AD6: 12 10 -> ?? 10
0x8345AD8: 12 10 -> ?? 10
0x8345ADA: 12 10 -> ?? 10

92: Can also be destroyed with screw attack
B2: Can also be destroyed with screw attack and speed booster

Also prevents power bombs from missing some chain blocks on screen.
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