Reserve Missiles
Release Date: Feb 21, 2023
Author: Tundain
Type: Assembly
Rating: Pending
[download] .zip file (32 downloads)
Game: SM
Long ago, the devs thought about adding reserve missiles to the game, but in the end, they decided not to.
That's why i set out to reimplement reserve missiles and make them a full-fledged feature for hacks to use.

How it works:
The "supply" menu has been slightly redesigned. An extra indicator for your reserve missiles has been added underneath your reserve energy indicator.
When "auto" mode is chosen, selecting the button below allows you to switch between reserve missiles/energy.
When "manual" mode is chosen, selecting the button below allows you to manually drain the selected unit.
Included is also a reserve missile tank plm so you don't need to bother for that.

This patch also implements all the features of Nodever2's "reserve bugfixes.asm" patch, so if you wanna use both, you can just use this one on itself.
(make sure to still credit nodever2 tho, he's responsible for those fixes)

Things to note:
-You will need to add a msg box for the plm yourself.
-Please credit!
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