Fix space pirate frozen hitbox
Release Date: May 30, 2022
Author: P.JBoy
Type: Patches
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
[download] .ips file (164 downloads)
[download] .asm file (145 downloads)
Game: SM
Fix the frozen hitbox of space pirates, which in vanilla is much taller than it should be. This is done by shrinking the enemy height and repositioning all its spritemaps to be a bit higher up.

ASM is patched with asar, e.g.:
asar "space pirate hitbox.asm" SM.smc
Ratings and Reviews
By Tundain on Jan 28, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
Yes, finally. a small issue but so satisfying to have it fixed
By GUZROCK on Feb 26, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
Simple and resolves, but there is a glitch which occurs after applying that patch which makes the space pirate to stand a little bit higher from the ground when you enter in the room.
By H A M on Feb 19, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
It also changes the offset of the drop of the pirate...

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