Release Date: Apr 03, 2022
Author: Oi27
Type: Assembly
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
[download] .asm file (174 downloads)
[download] .ips file (165 downloads)
Game: SM
Remove fun and interesting route options with this handy patch!
Fixes Green Gate Glitch on all gate types. PB gates stay vanilla but they can be made directional too by uncommenting a few lines in the ASM.
Uses freespace in $84.
Ratings and Reviews
By benox50 on Jun 18, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
There are hundreds of ways to fix SM, but this is not one of em.
By Oi27 on Jun 18, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
no one asked for this
By Exister on Jun 18, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
It's always been an ambition of mine to make a fun metroidvania but then put one-way gates everywhere such as to constantly choke the player into going where progression is as opposed to "backtracking" for "useful" "items". The experienced and noob player alike must be always ushered forward by one ways at every turn, with MY sequence breaks being the only ones you can do. However, the most prominent and simplistic one way in SM has always been faulty, as "experienced" and "smart" ""people"" can simply negate my beautiful one way!!!! But no more. >:)
Tldr; The asm works and Oi is cool and dread one ways bad
By Noxus on Jun 18, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
NO!!! why make STUPID RESOuRCE that NOT EVEN WORKING!! Don't waste MY TIME with this TRASH!!
By Cosmic on Jun 18, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
YESA now pleas make wave missiles
By nodever2 on Jun 18, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
By Mentlegen on Jun 19, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
(•?_•?)? Me looking for who asked for this fix
nice "bug fix". you're a monster.

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