Kraid's Lair Music Collection
Release Date: Mar 08, 2022
Author: albert v.
Type: Music
Rating: Pending
[download] Custom Music (181 downloads)
Game: SM
Hello Everyone! I'm releasing all the songs from kraid's theme I've made so far, i'm not working with music at the moment, but i had these ready from long ago so here you go!

Please ask for password if you want to use the resource files :) and please rate!
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Ratings and Reviews
By Leumeister on Sep 27, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
These are very good. They each have a very unique flavor to them. Literally just nice to listen to, they'd probably go superbly in a SM hack.
By OmegaDragnet9 on Feb 12, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
Beautiful translation to Super Metroid. Thanks Albert V!

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