Release Date: Nov 26, 2021
Author: Mettyk25jigsaw
Type: Assembly
Rating: Pending
[download] .asm file (121 downloads)
Game: SM
Hi Everybody.

I have made an asm file to share that is the same item in Metroid Dread. (Metroid Dread is awesome!!! btw)

It is the item that allows you to gain an energy tank once you have 4 energy parts collected.

It has an unlimited amount of sets, meaning you can have 4 energy parts to 1 energy tank, 8 energy parts to 2 energy tanks etc (updating energy tanks per 4 energy parts). It is still limited to 14 energy tanks in total though.

Note: For each set (1 set = 4 Energy parts) of Energy parts you place in your game, you must place one less individual energy tank in your hack as you still cannot go over 1499 points of energy.

This item replaces reserve tanks, so you will not have reserve tanks should you use this. Almost forgot to mention that. I have used the reserve tank grid in equipment screen too. It keeps the percentage of energy parts currently collected.

Fix: I just fixed an issue where energy parts still give you extra life after running out of energy tanks hence updating the percentage back to 000% when you have already collected an energy part...I'm pretty much certain now everything is working fine as it should...

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