Room Cleared Event PLM
Release Date: Jan 04, 2021
Author: dewhi100
Type: Assembly
Rating: Pending
[download] .asm file (8 downloads)
Game: SM
You can find an even more advanced event PLM here:

To use, put PLM $DB44 in your room, and set the PLM parameter to the event you wish the PLM to set.
Replaces the PLMs which set events when metroids are killed in Tourian.
Originally, there were multiple routines which each set a hardcoded event flag.
The PLM parameter was used to select which hardcoded routine to run (most were just RTS).
The new PLM uses a single routine, which sets the event flag dynamically.
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Ratings and Reviews
By OmegaDragnet9 on Feb 07, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
This, along with Benox50's Event PLM, are very useful tools for breaking from the Vanilla events.

I find this particular use-case helpful for custom mini-bosses.
By MetroidNerd#9001 on Mar 09, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
I had been doing this with Main ASM, but PLMs also work well for it, too. It's good to have options.

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