MZM Recolor
Release Date: Jul 16, 2020
Author: FelixWright
Type: Patches
Rating: Pending
[download] .ips Patch (v0.4) (185 downloads)
Game: MZM
QOL palette tweaks to get rid of the notorious Zero Mission Blue.

v0.2 August 10, 2020
- Earlier version of this patch repointed tileset D to freespace. That should now be fixed.

v0.3 August 1, 2021
- Replaced the ZM Blue on the falling pillar after Chozo Trial (0x31CB00)

v0.4 September 2, 2021
- Earlier version of this patch arbitrarily changed multiple colors of Tileset 22. This has been undone so that only the filler is changed.
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