Reserve Tank Bugfixes
Release Date: Jan 06, 2020
Author: nodever2
Type: Assembly
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
[download] 20220517_OLD.asm (129 downloads)
[download] 20240113_NEW.asm (141 downloads)
Game: SM
This patch does a few things:
* (2020-01-06) Prevents the loss of invincibility frames when auto reserves activate (no more getting hit twice!)
* (2020-01-11) Prevents heat damage when auto reserves activate
* (2020-03-17) Prevents a crash when pausing while auto reserves are active. This code was made by Benox50.
* (2020-05-17) Fills reserve energy when reserves are picked up.
* (2024-01-13) Fills reserve energy when etanks are picked up.
* (2024-01-13) Fills reserve energy when energy stations are used.
* (2024-01-13) Allows energy stations to be used when reserve energy is not full even if energy is full.
* (2022-05-17) Makes reserve tanks not empty if samus is fully healed when they are used in auto or manual mode.
* (2022-05-17) Fix jank where deselecting and reselecting refill button during manual refill causes it to resume.
Can also press A during manual refill at any time to stop refilling.

If you think of other ways reserves can be fixed, let me know! This patch has been updated a few times to tweak some things and continue to make reserves less sucky.

I also have another resource which indicates when reserves are full on your HUD:

No freespace is used. This patch was developed and tested for Metconst ASAR assembler:
Credit to Lioran for inspiration, PJBoy for bank logs and help, and Benox50 for another bugfix (see update log below).

UPDATE 1-13-2024:
Made it so that picking up an E-Tank or using an energy station also fills reserves.
Picking up a reserve tank still does not fill etanks but fills reserve tanks.
You can now use the energy station if your health is full but your reserves are not.
Still no freespace used.
Old version still included in case these balance changes are not desired.
No Screenshots Provided
Ratings and Reviews
By MetroidNerd#9001 on Jan 06, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
Makes Reserves less trash, should be in every hack.
By croissant bug on May 01, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
By Tundain on Jan 28, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
Help those poor hated-on reserve tanks

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