Morph Roll Animation
Release Date: Feb 15, 2011
Author: Black Falcon
Type: Assembly
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
[download] .asm file (1308 downloads)
Game: SM
This asm makes the morph ball animation only play if you're actually moving.
The faster you are, the faster it'll animate.
No Screenshots Provided
Ratings and Reviews
By squishy_ichigo on Apr 11, 2015 (Star Star Star Star Star )
By EpicAndroid on Mar 17, 2017 (Star Star Star Star Star )
Patched this into my ROM with SMILE RF and took it for a spin. This makes the morphball look like how it should have! Very cool! Thanks, Black_Falcon!
By dewhi100 on Apr 17, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )

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