CRE Free Up (Colored Door Animation Change)
Release Date: May 03, 2018
Author: Mettyk25jigsaw
Type: Patches
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
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Game: SM
Cre Free Up Patch.

What it does is:

1. Changes the tiles the Missile, S.Missile, PB and grey doors use in relation to animation, though it still leaves the main GFX Door (An unopened door) unchanged. Instead it has a cool gfx effect that makes it look like the doors have been unlocked and thence fore uses the beam door GFX to use as the animation when you shoot a Missile, s.missile (etc.) door open or it closes on the other side...For a video of what I am talking about, look down further...

2. Frees '48' 16 X 16 tiles in the CRE Tiletable, the ones you can change are shown in the image file below and are the ones with a white circle block. However I'm not clearing any tiles for you, you'll have to do that part for yourself, you can just change them (overwrite them) anyway, easy...

3. Frees '18' 8 X 8 tiles in the GFX Set, the ones you can change are also shown in the image file and have a similar look, though is a quarter circle.

Ratings and Reviews
By MetroidNerd#9001 on Sep 05, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
CRE space is extremely valuable, so this patch is very helpful in that regard. Unfortunately, it does make your door caps look a bit weird, mostly when they're closing behind you. If you're okay with that, though, this patch is great.
By benox50 on Sep 05, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
Mentle's seal of approval for maximum CRE, the sacrifice here is expected, but luckily not problematic, even looks cool when opening doors
By Tundain on Jan 28, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
More CRE, everyone needs more CRE
By Oi27 on May 06, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
Great patch, but not all the doors need to turn blue when opening/closing!
The CRE GFX savings are generated from overwriting the special gray door animations.
So, if you want this patch but only for gray doors, see the following ASM:
;Changes gray door inst lists to point to blue door draw instruction
org $84BA5B ;special BT door
dw $0002, $AA13
dw $0002, $AA07
dw $0002, $A9FB
dw $0001, $A6D7

org $84BE59 ;gray door facing left, closing
dw $0002, $A677
dw $0002, $A9D7
dw $8C19 : db $08
dw $0002, $A9CB
dw $0002, $A9BF
dw $0001, $A6A7

org $84BEC2 ;gray door facing right, closing
dw $0002, $A683
dw $0002, $AA13
dw $8C19 : db $08
dw $0002, $AA07
dw $0002, $A9FB
dw $0001, $A6D7

org $84BF2B ;gray door facing up, closing
dw $0002, $A68F
dw $0002, $AA4F
dw $8C19 : db $08
dw $0002, $AA43
dw $0002, $AA4F
dw $0001, $A707

org $84BF94 ;gray door facing down, closing
dw $0002, $A69B
dw $0002, $AA8B
dw $8C19 : db $08
dw $0002, $AA7F
dw $0002, $AA73
dw $0001, $A737

org $84BABF ;special BT door, opening
dw $0004, $A9FB
dw $0004, $AA07
dw $0004, $AA13
dw $0001, $A683

org $84BEB0 ;gray door facing left, opening
dw $0004, $A9BF
dw $0004, $A9CB
dw $0004, $A9D7
dw $0001, $A677

org $84BF19 ;gray door facing right, opening
dw $0004, $A9FB
dw $0004, $AA07
dw $0004, $AA13
dw $0001, $A683

org $84BF82 ;gray door facing up, opening
dw $0004, $AA37
dw $0004, $AA43
dw $0004, $AA4F
dw $0001, $A68F

org $84BFEB ;gray door facing down, opening
dw $0004, $AA73
dw $0004, $AA7F
dw $0004, $AA8B
dw $0001, $A69B

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