Morph lock
Release Date: Dec 10, 2017
Author: squishy_ichigo
Type: Patches
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
[download] .ips (523 downloads)
Game: SM
This patch disables and re-enables Samus' ability to leave morph ball form. To use it, give a solid block a BTS of 20 that Samus must roll over while in morph ball form (such as right at the entrance of a morph ball puzzle). This prevents her from de-morphing. At the end of the puzzle or wherever else you decide, give another solid block a BTS of 10 to turn de-morphing back on.
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Ratings and Reviews
By MetroidNerd#9001 on Jul 24, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
Good if you're using it to add slopes to your morph tunnels without the risk of getting stuck. Bad if you're using them to force players to bomb jump instead of midair-morphing.
By Tundain on Jan 28, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
Opens up sloped tunnels, allowing to make morph passages feel more natural without the risk of ppl clipping into ceilings
By dewhi100 on Apr 15, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
A word of warning. The morph ball is meant to roll OVER these tiles, as they go in the floor at tunnel entrances. HOWEVER, they work simply by contact so if you use them in more "interesting" ways, Samus might brush up against them unintentionally, and find herself unable to unmorph some time later. Don't be a ninny. Keep players away from these blocks' sides and bottoms unless you REALLY know what you're doing.
By OmegaDragnet9 on Apr 15, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
Resource works as advertised. I have nothing more to add that wasn't mentioned by these first 3 reviews, but wanted to leave a good rating for it being a great resource.

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