Energy to Ammo Conversion
Release Date: Dec 10, 2017
Author: Silver Skree
Type: Assembly
Rating: Pending
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Game: SM
With the aid of the two ASM lesson logs so far, I have created my first custom ASM!

Sadi pointed out a few things for me to improve on and helped me add a commented death prevention at <15 En, which is the version I'm submitting, but this is all just as doable with the information provided in the first two logs, if only slightly less efficient.

WHAT IT DOES: While Samus is standing in Air Fool Xray BTS 03 blocks, she will exchange 5 Energy for 1 Selected Ammo in the HUD. If no ammo (grapple, Xray, or nothing) is selected, nothing happens. If you read the first two lesson logs (which you should), you'll know how to change everything in here to act how you want.

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