Intro Graphics Changes
Release Date: Jun 06, 2017
Author: Shockwave_S08
Type: Graphics
Rating: Pending
[download] small tile stuff (.ips) (388 downloads)
[download] x027 fix (.ips) (402 downloads)
[forum] Forum Post
Game: SM
Credit goes to PHOSPHOTiDYL for these two patches for Super Metroid, as he and I were brainstorming a new title screen for the GBA Style hack/overhaul.

These two patches adjust the bottom-center text on the title screen, to resemble what Nintendo might do if they did a refresh/rerelease of SM.

"small tile stuff.ips" - Switches the red 1994 to 2017, and changes "(c)1994 Nintendo" to "1994-2017 NINTENDO", utilizing a smaller font that remains legible. Safe for use on VanillaSM.

"X027 fix.IPS" - if the 2017 text appears as X027 (especially if running something like GBA Style), this hotfix will correct the issue.
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