Morph Lock
Release Date: Mar 29, 2015
Author: Cardweaver
Type: Assembly
Rating: Pending
[download] .asm file (1105 downloads)
Game: SM
I noticed that InsomniaDx's and Squishy's morphlock patches weren't preventing me from pressing jump to unmorph, so I disassembled them in an effort to figure out why. Turns out they were checking for HJ boots instead of springball.

I translated code back into asm, fixed it, and commented it.
Here is that asm file. I have commented it so that changing which item it checks for, which button to disable(jump, shoot, run) and which solid tile BTS values it keys off of are easy to change.

Have fun with it!
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Ratings and Reviews
By squishy_ichigo on Mar 30, 2015 (Star Star Star Star Star )
Thanks for this, people where complaining about Insom's version not working, so I went and made a version, thought that fixed it, but apparently not as well as I'd hoped.

Good work Cardweaver!
By MetroidNerd#9001 on Mar 09, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
Dangerous if overused in hacks, but useful in the right situations, such as letting you use slopes in morph passages without risking Samus getting stuck in the floor.

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