2 Line TXT
Release Date: Jun 02, 2017
Author: biospark
Type: Assembly
Rating: Pending
[download] .asm file (582 downloads)
Game: MZM
Forces a 2-line text box for screens that generally only have one, such as obtaining new abilities. Useful for adding flavor text!
No Screenshots Provided
Ratings and Reviews
By Cosmic on Jan 22, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
I'm not sure why this was submitted as an ASM, when it's an 8 byte change...

0x801B910: 03 48 90 61 00 20 10 77 -> 00 00 A0 E1 00 00 A0 E1

That being said, when this is combined with CaptGlitch's Faster Item Grabbing patch it is a godsend. For example, you can use it to add descriptions to ability get messages.

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